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The Prime Traits [pp47] for this game are Approaches, Roles. and Distinctions. In any test or contest requiring dice, you get to roll one die from each of your 3 primary traits as well as applicable assets, knacks, etc.
The Prime Traits [pp47] for this game are Attributes, Roles. and Distinctions. In any test or contest requiring dice, you get to roll one die from each of your 3 primary traits as well as applicable assets, knacks, etc.


Revision as of 21:12, 7 September 2021


The Prime Traits [pp47] for this game are Attributes, Roles. and Distinctions. In any test or contest requiring dice, you get to roll one die from each of your 3 primary traits as well as applicable assets, knacks, etc.


Attributes [pp47] for this game are | Cleverness | Tenacity | Finesse | Empathy | Attributes are the first of your three Prime Traits to be included in each roll along with, Roles, and Distinctions.

Your Attributes each start at d8 but you can step an Attribute up if you step another back to a max of d12 and a minimum of d4 If you have done your maths right your total should add up to 32 either way.

Cleverness - is wits and facility of reason.
Tenacity - is courage and the will to keep going whatever the odds.
Finesse - is form and agility.
Empathy - is the ability to see from another's perspective.

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Roles are the second Prime Trait, along with Attributes and Distinctions that should be included in every roll you make. Roles are | Diplomat | Leader | Hero | Helper | Investigator | Scamp |

Assign your primary Role the value of d10 || Assign your secondary Role the value of d8

Assign your lowest Role the value of d4 || Assign your remaining Roles the value of d6

Diplomat: Diplomats use tact and social tools to get what they need.
Leader: Leaders are tacticians and strategists, controlling outcomes from the background and front lines alike.
Hero: Heroes like to jump straight into the action and get things done when they see a problem.
Helper: Helpers have just the needed thing at the right moment, be it knowledge or a helping hand.
Investigator: Investigators are geniuses at research, be it from a book or their environment or piecing together bits of odd conversation.
Scamp: Scamps have big hearts and a catlike affinity with curiosity. They are almost always in some form of trouble.

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Knacks are specific specialties [pp59] under a given role that the character is just a natural at. Starting knacks are worth an extra to the roll it applies to but can be stepped up as outlined below.

Each player gets to assign one free knack and one free knack to their Character's Primary Role.

Each player gets to assign one free knack to their Character's Secondary Role.

Each player gets to assign three additional knacks at to any role rated or higher or step up an existing knack at a one-for-one exchange rate not to exceed the rating of the Role the rank is attached to.

Knacks cannot be assigned to a character's role.

No knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the role it is assigned to.

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Distinctions [pp50] are unique personal traits or tropes that set characters apart from one another beyond the pure mechanics, and are the third of the prime traits that should be added to every roll along with Attributes and Roles.

There are three categories of distinctions for this game | Hearth | Background | Free |

All distinctions default to a rating of except when engaging the Hinder SFX.

Hearth Distinction

Each student is sorted into one of four hearths upon being accepted to the Wildwood school

| Bear/Earth | Wolf/Cloud | Hart/Bone | Bee/Fire |

Bear Hearth is especially adept at Conjurative magics and are called Harvesters.
Wolf Hearth is especially adept at magics of Illusion and Misdirection and are called Mistweavers.
Hart Hearth is especially adept at Defensive magics and are called Shieldthanes.
Bee Hearth is especially adept at Divination magics and are called Harbingers.

Wizarding World Distinction

Your characters will be starting as fifth years. What is the most significant thing to affect your character so far since you began learning magic?

Free Distinction

A free distinction is exactly that. You are free to come up with any distinction that makes sense for the character and the setting.

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Distinction SFX

SFX [pp61] give distinctions [and certain other traits] a bit of extra oomph. Each of your three distinctions comes with the Hinder SFX active:

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

After that, each Urchin starts play with two more active SFX related to their distinctions. You decide how you want to arrange those. [pp61]

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Relationships [pp55] represent an optional trait set. Relationships won't always apply to a roll, but when they do there is good reason. Urchins don't have much, and very often in their lives it is that one other soul who really matters to them or motivates them. Add a relationship die when the person or group it is attached to is affected by or affects the action in question.

Each character will start the game with a relationship to another student [GMC, not PC], one person outside the school, and one Loremaster [professor]. Pick this last from the listed GMC loremasters or make up one of your own, but make sure the ones you make up don't take up a premade loremaster's role in the Wildwood.

Rate all relationships at OR one relationship at one at and one at

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Signature Assets

Each character starts with one signature asset [pp64]. Signature assets are yet another optional trait set that can be added to a roll if the asset makes sense in the situation.

Each character starts play with either a wand or a dragonscale. As fifth years, your wand or scale is a d8 asset. Both act as a magic focus, but only one can be mastered at a time.

Heirlooms start with one active SFX. It cannot be the Hinder SFX.
Bear Hearth typically uses oak or blackthorn wand. Any core.
Wolf Hearth typically uses willow or ash wand. Any core.
Hart Hearth almost invariably uses bone or ivory wand. Any core.
Bee Hearth use the widest variety of woods, but almost always use dragon heartstring or phoenix feather cores.
Dragonscales are all highly polished and blinding silver in color. Dragonscales were brought to the americas by Nimue in honor of her lost love Maerlwyn and his chosen magical focus. Students of any hearth may choose to learn scale over wand.

The Scrimshaw Wand: Wildwood's Headmistress, S'jaania Smith bears a famous artifact known as the Scrimshaw Wand. Smith came out of Hart Hearth and is said to be mistress of Wand, Scale, and the Durmstrang Battle Staff, but has never been seen by a student using any focus other than the wand.

Customization Points