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====Some basic Vehicle Examples====
====Some basic Vehicle Examples====
* '''Street Bike'''[]: Cost $8,500, Size 2 -Light, Handling +2, TS 70mph, Toughness 9 (2), Crew 1+1, Mods (1 remaining) -Exposed Crew, Speed 4 (+40mph)
* '''Street Bike'''[]: Cost $8,500, Size 2 -Light, Handling +2, TS 70mph, Toughness 9 (2), Crew 1+1, Mods (1 remaining) -Exposed Crew, Speed 4 (+40mph)
* '''Motorcycle with Sidecar'''[ Cost $9,000, Size 2 -Light, Handl]ing +2, TS 50mph, Toughness 13 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (2 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Side Car (+2), Reinforced Chassis 1 (1), Speed 2 (+20mph) (2)
* '''Motorcycle with Sidecar'''[]: Cost $9,000, Size 2 -Light, Handling +2, TS 50mph, Toughness 13 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (2 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Side Car (+2), Reinforced Chassis 1 (1), Speed 2 (+20mph) (2)
* '''Heavy Dirt Bike'''[]: Cost $15,500, Size 3 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 45mph, Toughness 16 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (4 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis (1), Speed 2 (2)  
* '''Heavy Dirt Bike'''[]: Cost $15,500, Size 3 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 45mph, Toughness 16 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (4 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis (1), Speed 2 (2)  
* '''Dune Buggy'''[]: Cost $15,000, Size 2 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 55mph, Toughness 18 (4), Crew 1+2, Mods (3 remaining)-Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis 2 (Toughness +4) (2), Speed 3 (+30mph) (3)
* '''Dune Buggy'''[]: Cost $15,000, Size 2 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 55mph, Toughness 18 (4), Crew 1+2, Mods (3 remaining)-Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis 2 (Toughness +4) (2), Speed 3 (+30mph) (3)

Revision as of 22:23, 25 October 2021

This game setting is based a bit on weird Gamma World mixed with Pallium's After the Bomb (and Road Hogs) and Mutant Year Zero.

I am still looking for a good map so any suggestion would be great. This is tenative the map BUT Califoria is not flooded and some of the loction where groups and societies are moved or changed[1] (see below)

Heroes of the Wastelands

Character's Name Played by... Species Pace Parry Toughness Theme
Blue @Harlander Android 6 2 8 (2) Pre-fall repair bot
Jimmy Possum @Talisman Mutant Animal 5 5 5 Uplifted Possum
Harry @bleys21 Pure Strain Human 6 4 5 Pre-fall, newly awakened Human
Fox @Elfwine Mutant Animal 6 5 5 Uplifted Fox
Cassie Blackburn @IMGoose Mutant Human 6 6 5 Mutant Vampire
xx @stinkyfool Human 6 4 5

Overall Setting Notes "RUINED EARTH"

Before the Big Death the old US Empire and the rest of the world were competing for the ever dwindling resources such as fossil fuels and fertile lands to grow food for its ever expanding populations. Genetics had advanced beyond anyone’s ability to really control it. Human-animal hybrids, called Uplifts or sometimes Chimera, became all the rage to meet the demands of ever cheaper labour and disposable soldiers. In many third world countries genetics became the cheap answer to weapons of mass destruction and world prestige while many terrorist organizations, racial militias and criminal groups rushed to release their own versions of death onto the world at large. Most first world countries also developed A.I. computers and andriods to further spread their domination in this so-called Resource Wars.

This all came to a head eventually when someone, no one knows who, released a super virus that specifically targeted human’s genus and mutated fast enough that no one could produce a counter to it before it was too late. Society collapsed into madness as mobs went crazy destroying what little hope mankind had of survival. Some countries, including the old US Empire, tried to slow or contain the spread of the virus with limited nuclear strikes on their own land. It instead seems to have had the opposite effect, mutating the virus even faster than before. In the end the only intelligence survivors were the Pure Strain Humans, genetically altered super humans (transhumans), Mutant Humans and Uplifted Animals and Mutant Plants.

It has been at least a hundred years since the Big Death and the end of the Reign of Man. Humanity has been all but wiped out by the virus and nuclear bombs that fell onto the Earth. In fact most non-modified Humans of old are dead, replaced by a somewhat superior and so-called Pure Stain Humans. These Humans are not as of old and had been genetically modified doing the days of the Ancients to be resistance to almost all diseases and poison and who can survive far longer in the harsh wastelands then people of old.

There are also mutant Humans, those gifted (or cursed) by strange powers and abilities. Most of this 'gifts' are subtle or only cause slight outward sights of deformities. Uplifted Mutant Animals also roam the Earth. Most look like the creatures of old but now upright, walking on two legs, with working hands and the ability to speak like a Human. A few also have strange new mutant powers and/or deformaties but most simply look like an upright version of their animal ancestry and breed true with other like genus of their parents. Plants have also been mutanted and as such now intelligence and mobile forms are found throughout the Ruined Earth.

Besides those groups listed below I am using a few ideas from Gamma World in this Ruined Earth setting, including...
1.) "Cryptic Alliances", semi-secret societies whose ideological agendas—usually verging on monomania—often bring them into conflict with the rest of the world. No one really understands or knows what their ultimate plans or goals are (they are spead out in small cells that somehow communicate with each other and very secreative).
2.) Pure Strain Humans of the "Knights of Genetic Purity" seek to exterminate all mutants. They are spread throughout the states of the Old US Empire. They opperate in small cells indepent of each other and are very secrative.
3.) The all-mutant territories of "Iron Society" want to eliminate all unmutated humans (based mostly in and around Texas and Oklahoma). They blame humans for the Big Death and barely tolerate Mutant Humans (and they are treated as second class citizen).
4.) Other rivalries involve attitudes towards Ancient technology, with some alliances such as "The Restorationists", seeking to rebuild Ancient society, while others, such as "The Seekers" (found mostly in southwestern Mexico), want to destroy remaining artifacts and generally hate technology.
5.) The Sentinels: this AI collective of super computres and andoids wish to extermate all non-machine live (not just sentien life) on the the planet. They are based out of Washington DC but have access to many advanced vehicles amd weapons, and have spread throughout the Old US Empire to learn about the situation so that one day they can carry out the genocidal plans. Their lands are refered to as the Created as a front where the keep simple low-tech slave sentients as a cover.


New Vegas[2] (built on the ruins of the old city) has a population of around 30,000 with a mix mutants, pure strain humans and uplifted animals and plants is the core setting where the player's characters start out there adventures at. The city is open to all and has a very cosmopolitan to all sentient beings. All are welcome and free to live and trade as they wish.

The city’s overall technology is probably closer to the old US Empire of the 1970’s and 80's but less reliance on fossil fuels (although there are some coal mining pits to the southwest and natural gas fields to the south and east). They can replace the machine parts of most tech of this present level, including car parts and older aircraft.

The city government is something like a city-state republic, with an elected Lord-Mayor and city council (12 members). All serve six year terms. While these elections are open to any New Vegas citizen, most are part of the city’s oligarchy (local merchants). The city has fairly light laws and people have few restricts put on them by the council. This does not mean anarchy of course and murder, rape, slavery, robbery, assault and even certain drugs use are all outlawed. Punishment for such is generally hard labor and/or exile from the city. Execution are rare but are the penalties reserved for rape and murder and slavery.

The city maintains a local law enforcement force of 500 souls. This police force is fairly well received and respected by the local population but there is of course a strong illegal underground criminal element. These officers are armed mostly with pistols and shotguns along with a few wearing some sort of armor. They maintain a small motor pool with the rest of patrols being conducted on foot or with riding animals or even Uplifted horses and rider teams. There is also a standard city army of 400 professional soldiers who are better equipped and trained for military action. They have a few light armored transports and propeller aircraft and at least one helicopter and conduct patrols outside the city (especially to the north). The city also enlists a local militia of 2,500 members whom train in different groups of 100 at least four days every month. They are provide firearms by the city and keep these weapons at their homes but ammunition is given out sparingly and the militia are excepted to purchase extra on their own with their monthly stipend.

The major villains in the setting is the so-called the Hyborian Empire based out of the old US military base Area 51 and Groom Lake Facility. The Empire is dominated both socially and militarily by an elite cadre of transhumans whom call themselves the Hyborians[3]. These super-soldier make up about 10% of the overall population of the Empire around 2,000 souls. Most of the citizen population is made up of Pure Strain Humans whom make up another 50% of the overall population at around 10,000 souls. Citizens are branded with their civilian ID on their right arms. The remained are slaves made up of capture Mutant Humans, Animals and Planets, and Hyborian or Pure Strain ‘traitor’ former citizens that make up another 8,000 souls.

Most of the Pure Strain Humans of the Empire were workers and techs on the research part of the Area 51 Groom Lake base while Hyborians where created by the Pure Strains to act as guards and security for the base as the old US Empire fell (after most of the normal human soldiers and techs either feld or died). The Hyborians quickly saw themselves as superior to all beings on the Earth. Before the final fall they seized the facility and local military base as their own. Over the last hundred years they have lead slave and supply raids into the outlying lands but never extensive attacks. They never had the number to start conquering the lands beyond the Groom Lake valley. But it is a dream of all of them to one day they will rule over the Earth, first the old US Empire, then the world (for the lesser/inferior beings benefit of course).

The Empire today enjoys a fairly high technology level and standard of living (especially for the Hyborians), such that some furture tech is available to them (including some primitive or early stage cybernetics) They are not large enough to manufacture everything they need but they have managed to produces enough machine parts to maintain the technology of old… or at least parts of it such as vehicles, a local internet hub and limited aircraft. At present they have a couple of dozen of military helicopters, six fighter jets and two bombers. They have maybe a hundred armored fighting vehicles and three main battle tanks. Most of the military is armed with automatic rifles and combat infantry armor.

The Hyborians are generally very warry of mutants within their own populations, and there are very few if any within their own bloodline. This is in part due to the fact that many families will destroy any of their own children who they deem as ‘weak’ and all mutations are seen as a weakness and dilution of their pure, superior bloodline.

Almost the entire adult Hyborian population (90% of the adults who make up about 60% of the overall population) is trained for war and are expected to be competent in as many forms of combat as possible. Of their population, around 10% (200) make up their standing professional full time army (and extremely limited air force) with another 25% (500) trained to act as a part-time militia whom serve in times of emgency. This militia trains at least once a month but otherwise are unarmed as the rest of the civilian populations. There is also a small group of some 500 soldier slaves made up various mutant humans and uplifted animals. These troops are trained and conditioned from birth to be absolutely loyal and obedient to their officers but even so they also tend to have various lethal measures to keep them in line (such as explosive collars, etc.).

While Empire is only 150 miles north of New Vegas they have little direct contact. One of the major factors seperating the two states is that a nuclear bomb was dropped between the two area as the old US Empire was attempting to stop the virus. That radiation is still unhealth creating a Red Zone even today. Hence the Empire needs to take a long detore around this area to reach New Vegas.

There are no other big settlements or lands claimed by any group near New Vegas. Father out there is largest named lands of the Free Plains located to the east claiming parts of the Great Plains region of the Old US Empires heartland. The Free Plains have the greatest overall population and land area, number well over a hundred thousans, but are scattered among various tribes and clans and families that are often hostile towards each other and outsiders. Their loose confederation have few common practices except for their one universal law – that no one ever uses another beings as an unwilling beast of burden. This law applies even to unintelligence non-sentient animals.

Another towards the southwest are the lands of the Bandits Kingdom. These Kingdoms are are mostly mountainous (claiming much of the old central Rockie Moutains). Many, if not most, of the tribes here spend a good portion of their lives stealing and raiding into other territories, hence their nations name (at least by outsiders).

Both groups are fairly primitive, using swords and bows as their main armaments or the occasional firearm salvaged or stolen from someone else. Most lead vary nomadic lifestyles, wandering the length of breath of their landscape.


“It has been over a 100 years since the Big Death, when most of Humankind was wipes off this world. None are alive today really know what the world was like before the Big Death. It was said to be a Golden Age of technology and wonder. But the hubris of the Ancients ended all that. In their attempt to hold off the inevitable the Ancients dropped their Nukes on the soils of their own lands but this only spread the virus faster. We still live with the Red Zones even now, after all this time. But we also are free. And you are a defender of that freedom.
You are a members of the State Troopers. For many of you, your families have served this great institute for generations and we hope your decedents serve us for many generations to come. You reflect the best of the citizens of the Free State of Calli. And as for your newcomers, those who have no family ties with us I except no less dedication and courage to duty and to the Troopers. We must all remain ever vigilant from the gangs and marauders from the so-called Road Hogs. But they are not the only treat to our lands. Invaders and bandits have plagued our highways since we took over for the last Human Troopers. We alone maintained the roads the rule of law. But our laws, not Ancients.
From these traditions I expect the highest levels of respect and courage from each and every one of you. We are all that stands between the peace loving folks of this state and the lawlessness of the north and south, or the invasion dictatorships of the east. That badge you wear reflects these ideals. Good luck out there Troopers!”
Captain Diggerson, north regional Captain of the State Troopers of Free California (Mutant Badger uplift) giving a speak to the newest graducating class of State Troopers

This game is set in the Free State of Calli. The Free State of Calli was formed about 80 years ago by members of the California State Patrol and the Free City-State of Sacramento. Other independent cities and lands joined over the years flocking to the flag of freedom that the Free State promoted. The state now extends from the City-State of Barstow in the far south to the Old Highway 44 and Free City of Redding in the north. The Free State promotes the idea of all sapient have rights and freedoms. They work together to promote good will and trade within its borders and free trade with those of similar ideas outside its boards.

The Cali State Patrol (or just the State Patrol) is the official law enforces on the roads and highways of Calli and their work crews maintain the roads throughout the Free State to better promote trade and travel. They protect these crews and the citizens from bandits and raiders. The have numberous Regional Outposts[4], mostly concentrated in the northern and eastern parts of the state (to protected against the Road Hogs of the north and the Imperium to the east).

Most have a very good reputation throughout the state. They generally don't enforce the laws within any free city's limits unless specifically asked or is one of the cities that have grown up around their outposts. They maintain their own fleet of vehicles, most being ground cars of the Old World. They do have a few helicopters in their service but they are hard to maintain and so are used mostly in emergencies.

The Free State is surrounded by a few allies and more than one set of hostile lands. Of course there are the Road Hogs of the old state of Oregon. These lands are dominated by the powerful Swine Brotherhood a barbaric and large Motorcycle Gang but they are also made up of numerous other animal and mutant tribes and gangs of outlaws.

To the west, out on the Pacific is a chain of islands which serves as the trading area between Calli and both the Seals Republic and the waters of the Dolphin Free Seas. Both are allies and trading partners of the state.

Towards the northeast are the Horselords Lands which are allied with the Free State. There lands include the eastern Rockie Moutains of California and Oragen and southern part of Washington state. They trade and have some shared semi-friendly contact with the lands north of the Road Hogs territories; the so-called Brotherhood of Thought (in this setting they are located in the middle and northern parts Washingon and southwestern Canada).

To the east are the very large and expansionist Prairie Dog Imperium. The Imperium are very xenophobic and wish to rule over all others (they claim for protection of Prairie Dog race). Their technology is about on par with the Free State especially in military matters with a few tanks and armored helicopers and jet fighters in their arsenal. There standing army is also in the thousands (no one really knows for sure and is made up excusively by Pairy Dog). Other Uplifted Animals, Mutant Humans and Plants and Pure Stain Humans within their lands are treated as Second Class citizens wtih few rights, especially the right to bare weapons of any kind except maybe hatchets and daggers.


SETTING RULES (Savage World Adventure Edition, pg. 136-145)
Born a Hero: ignore rank requirement at character creation.
Fanatics: villains henchmen might take the damage for the villain.
High Adventure: with a benny to gain a one-time use of a Combat Edge.
Wound Cap: the maximum number of Wounds a character can suffer is 4 from one hit.


We are not using most of the Arcane Powers (or Arcane Resistance) or any Power Edges in this setting. Characters with Positive Racial Abilities can purchase the edge Arcane Powers (Super Powers) to purchase super powers from the Super Powered Companion. You can only take Super Powers that are not listed under Racial Abilities and not all are power are available (check with the GM first, but something like Undead is going to be hard to justify). Generally you cannot spend more the 5 points on any one Super Power (check with the GM).

Jingoistic (Major): Believes in the superiority of your group or species over all others. You cannot grant bonuses or receive any benefits them from any Leadership Edges and you suffer a -2 to your Persuasion checks against all others as your distain for them spills over. Groups might include Pure Strain Human, Mutants, Only Uplifted Animals or Only Mutant Plants, etc.
Low-Tech (Minor/Major): At a Minor level the character suffers a -2 for all tech based Smarts skills (electronics, hacking, science, etc.) and can only start with primitive armor and the most advanced weapon of muskets. A Major level the character is -4 for such skills and cannot start with more than Stone Age level weapons and equipment.

Alien Form (-2) Somewhat rare but includes the truly stange looking mutants or andoids, This also restrict your used of normal human gear and clothing. Double the price of armor, firearms, etc. where you shape and odd hand struct would not all you to use the item normal usage (GM call, use the Big Negative Racial Feature as a starting point/guide) [as the Super Powered Companion]
Allergy (-1/-2) Your character suffers an aversion to a common condition or substance, such as water, fire, cold, sunlight, etc. [as the Super Powered Companion]
Distinctive Appearance (-1) this include minor mutant looking like glowing eyes or angel wings, etc. [as the Super Powered Companion]
Poor Grip (-1/-2): Witrh the lesser form you suffer -2 to any skill or test that requires the use of your hands, such as most Thievery or Repair skill checks. At the major level you cannot attempt these skills normally and you have a -2 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting and Shooting when using weapons of any kind not ‘attached’ to your body in some way.
Quadruped (-2): This is for four legged creatures (mutant animals or plants) who don’t have arms and cannot wield normal weapons without some special modification if the GM allows it and even then you should suffer at least -1 or -2 penalty to your attack rolls. The GM might allow the character to try some manipulation or Agility based skill with its teeth but this is at an extra -4 to check. To balance this, such the mutant gain +2 bonus to their Pace and +1 steps to their running die. They also gain a +2 bonus to resist being knocked prone or off balance. (you can assume a centure like mutant, with a quadruped lower body and humanoid upper body. This is worth 0 points but is worth Alien Form AND/or Big Negative Racial Qualities. You suffer none of the penalties or gain any of the benefits but can purchase them as other Possitive Racial abilties)
Weakness (-1/-2): you suffer penalties to Toughness and/or extra damage fro certain attack and enviromental conditions [as the Super Powered Companion]


1.) Novice character base (5 Attributes and 12 skill points)
2.) Pick and Ancestry. This can grant a number of abilities or offers you abilities that you can choice from.
3.) Pick a Major and two Minor Hindrances and spent the points on raises.
4.) Gain a Novice Edge; character must qualify for it.
5.) Spend $500 worth of trade/barter good (basically whatever money you have left over after buying your starting gear is trade/barter goods. Coins and paper cash are used by very few committes. Generally every $10 of trade/barter goods weighs about 1lb for simplicy sake).

Beginning Troopers are granted a Star Trooper Jacket (custom fit to the body type; AP +1; Torso, Arms; Str Min d4; Wt. 8lb) and Trooper Badge (to be worn somewhere visable at all times when on duty), a Billy Club/Baton (Damage Str+d4; Parry +1; Str Min d4; Wt. 2lb), one Modern Pistol of choice (from SWADE) and 50 rounds of ammo for it. They are also assigned either a stock Dirt Motorbike (for individual troopers) or a Dune Buggy vehicle (to be shared by two troopers). Depending on the mission the team may also be assigned a large armored bus called the Big Boss (see below under Vehicles).

Androids[5] and [6]
1.) Somewhat rare but based on the Android of the SWADE core pg. 12 but without the Pacifist Hindrince (NOTE your android character can take Pacifist at either level as a Racial Hindrance) (4)
2.) Start with +2 Posivitive Racial Abilities (note that Androids do not require the Arcane Background (Super Powers) edge to take Super Powers from the SPC). (2)
3.) You can also take 2-4 points in additional Negative Racial Qualities to reflect radical non-standard Android/Human/Role builds (Most Androids don't look very human unless they are built for a very specific roll like infiltration, spying, etc.) (no more then 4 but the Pacificism Hindrance above counts towards this 4 points). (0)
4.) Armor Points +2 (1)
5.) Start with languages Machine Code d8 (While non-Androids can learn to partially understand it they cannot normally speak it) and one other Human language (generally English) a a d6. (1)
6.) At character creation (only) you can purchase Modern gear from the SWADE core at their base prices (Modern gear listed below costs 1/2 listed prices) and Futuristic gear at x2 costs (Futurtistic gear listed here is divided by five). (0)
7.) Unless corrupted or programmed to attack other andriods all other robots and androids and robots of the Ancients treat you indifferently at worst or even helpful to you. You can communicate with them in 'Machine Code' as almost all but the 'dumbest' A.I. speak and understand it. (0)

Mutant Humans[7], Animals[8] and Plants[9]
1.) Depending on what you wish to play more or less everyone is created the same way. An Ulifted animal and mutant plant is asssumed to stand upright on two legs, to have two functioning hands/arms, and can speak human languges.
2.) Start with +8 additional points in Positive Racial Abilities. (8)
3.) You can also take up to 4 additional Negative Racial Abilities that can be used for additional Positive abilities. (0)
4.) To cut back a bit on the gonzo feel for this setting; most Human Mutants show only minor changes like maybe for gills or wings or antana or atlers (Distinctive Appearance, see new Negative Racial Abilities), etc. Animals are generally uplifted and can walk on two legs, have functioning hands and can talk. I mutant horse might still be four legged but has human level intelligence and can also talk. Mutant Plants are kind of a wild card and sometimes (but not always) look like walking, talking plants. Note that this is just the more common. Truly freakily looking mutants do exsit though (Alien Form, see New Negative Racial Abilities).

Pure Strain Human[10] and [11]
1.) +4 to resist disease, poisons and toxins (airborn, injected or injested) (1)
2.) +2 to resist all Fatigue checks vs. heat and cold, thrist and starvation, lack of sleep, radiations. (2)
3.) +3 Skill points. (15 total) (3)
4.) Start with an extra $500 in additional trade good/barter gear. (1)
6.) You can choice to have been born before the Big Death and the Fall of Mankinds (you have resently awakened in a secured bunker from a cryotube) or after the Fall. If you choice before you gain +2 on Common Knowledge checks about the Ancient but -2 to Common Knowledge checks about the current era. At character creation (only) you can purchase Modern gear from the SWADE core at base their prices (Modern gear listed below costs 1/2 listed prices) and Futuristic gear at x2 costs (Futurtistic gear listed here is divided by 5). If you are born afterwards you start like other character except they start with Survival d4 skill. (1])
7.) Androids of the Ancients that have not been damaged or reprogrammed do not attack Pure Stain Human and will only attack you with non-lethal means if you threatened them. They can also be helpful towards you, depending on their programming. (0)


Modern Gear can be purchased at twice the standard price (including Ammo, Armor, Weapons, etc.) listed in SWADE core book. Futuristic gear is also available but generally rarely for sale, but can be found by some merchants. Prices are at least five or more times then the standard prices found in SWADE. Listed below are some examples and the minimum price for them.

Note that cellphones reception and the internet are very limited to small high tech area.

Note 2 - Buying goods on the cheap (El Cheapo)

  • Cost: El cheapo gear costs half the normal price, but a survivors only receives a discount on types of gear described below.
    • Breakage: Cheap guns, saddles, and so forth—anything a survivor might use in a skill roll—break if the player rolls a Critical Failure. An el cheapo axe falls apart while you’re trying to whack some nogood rascal, or a secondhand wagon loses a wheel. If your cowpoke has the All Thumbs Hindrance, the breakage is spectacular enough to Stun the user. Powered items explode, the cinch on a saddle snaps like thunder, and so on.
    • Persuasion Penalties: Items that don’t come into play for skill rolls might affect folks’ perception of your hero. It rare in this setting (as everyone wear old cloths, etc.) but items that are especially cheap looking or maybe mildly radiative, etc. might give a penalty. Each of these items inflicts a −1 modifier to your hombre’s Persuasion rolls, but the maximum penalty for el cheapo gear is −2.


  • Skinflint characters who cheap out on horseflesh are in for a whole different addition to their normal statistics, have two Minor Hindrances or a Major Hindrance of the Marshal’s choice. That’s right, partner, you could wind up with an Elderly nag, a Stubborn mare, or a Mean stallion full of piss and vinegar. You pays your money...

Additional Modern Gear (prices already include increased cost)

  • Beer, bottle (2 quarts): Cost $5, wt. 3lb
  • Binoculars: Cost $100, wt. 1lb (allow x2 to x5 vision magnification)
  • Book, survival: Cost $100, wt. 1lb (+1 to Survival checks)
  • Book, technical: Cost $500, wt. 1lb (+1 to appropriate/one Knowledge skill)
  • Canned Goods, per day: Cost $15, wt. 2lb (varity of types)
  • Can Openner: Cost $10, Wt. 1/2lb (without requires a Agility or Smarts check with a knife to open and not use 1/2 of the content)
  • Canteen, plastic (2 quarts): Cost $5, wt. 0 (full weights 3lbs)
  • Compass: Cost $50, Wt. 1/2lb.
  • CBRN Suit: Cost $500, Wt. 10lb (a one-piece military suit that is worn over armor. total immunity to biological and chemical toxins and +4 resistance checks verse radiation. But wearer suffers a -2 to Notice and -1 to Shooting)
  • Duck Tape: Cost $5, wt. 2 lb (60-yard roll)
  • Gas Mask: Cost $75, wt. 1lb (10 replacement filters cost $50 and wt. 1/2lb; adds +4 vs. airborn toxics or poisons for 2 hours of continuous use. But wearer suffers a -2 to sight based Notice checks and -1 to Shooting)
  • Geiger Counter: Cost $150, wt. 2lb
  • Handcuffs, steel: Cost 50, wt. 2lbs
  • Handcuffs, zip ties: Cost $10, wt. 1lb for 100
  • Lantern, battery: Cost $50, wt. 2lb (creates light in with an Large Burst Template, and Dim illuminations within twice that)
  • Map, local: Cost $50, wt. 0
  • Map, atlas: Cost $500, wt. 1lb
  • Matches, Box of 50, waterproof: Cost $10, wt. 0
  • Mini-Tool Kit: Cost $750, Wt. 5lbs (required to make Electronic and Repair checks at -2. Without it suffer a penalty of -2). A Master Mini Kit costs $1,500 and does not suffer a skill penalty.
  • Portable Tool Kit: Cost $500, wt. 20lbs (required to make Electronics and Repair checks Without it suffer a -4 penalty). A Master Kit cost $750 and grants a +1 bonus to Repair checks.
  • Radio, crank: Cost $200, wt. 3lb (Wind up for 2 minutes, radio last 10 minutes. 2 mile range)
  • Radio, CB: Cost $1,000 wt. 5lb (100 mile range)
  • Walkie Talkie, basic: Cost $500 wt. 1lb (2 mile range)
  • Walkie Talkie, professional: Cost $1,500, wt. 2lb (15 mile range)
  • Vodka (2 quarts): Cost $20, Wt. 3lb

Futuristic Gear
Much of the following is found in the Science Fiction companion and from one of the of Gamma World

  • 3D Printer: Cost $5,000, wt. 10lb (a “3D” printer uses raw materials to create devices from predesigned blueprints. The printer can manufacture most common objects for the usual cost of just raw materials in about one minute per pound. Blue print for most common good costs $100-500 each)
  • Adhesive Patches: Cost $100 for 10 patches, wt. 0 (Small squares made of the same material as space and CBRN suits, adhesive patches are a quick puncture repair kit. One patch is required for each breach)
  • Anti-Grav Pods: Cost $150,000, wt. 1lb (these 12” disks are used in pairs by a Hydrogen Cell. When clamped onto an object they can negate gravity and allow the object to be moved easily. The can lift 75 lbs for 1 hour, 150 lbs for half-hour and 300 lbs max for 15 minutes)
  • Anti-Grav Sled: Cost $800,000, wt. 10lb (this 4’x8’ platform is powered by an Atomic Energy Cell and when activated will negate gravity for its load. It can lift 6 tons for 100 hours, 12 tons for 50 hours and loads up to 24 tons for 25 hours)
  • Camouflage Suit: Cost $5,000, wt. 2lb (this is an LED suit, cloak, or poncho that copies and displays the surroundings to hide the user. Viewers beyond 50 feet subtract 4 from their Notice rolls to spot or hit the target as long as he moves no faster than 3” per round. At shorter distances, the sheen of the suit can be seen so the penalty is only –2)
  • Cargo Loader: Cost $500,000, wt. 2,000lb (essentially power armor without the communications gear or protection, this powerful piece of hardware has a Strength of d12+6 and a Pace of 2. It has two arms with crude, blunt pincers to lift, carry, and load heavy cargo. The pincers are awkward if used for combat and act as an Improvised Weapon (–1 Fighting and Parry). They cause Str+d6 damage)
  • Commlink: Cost $5,000, wt. 1/4lb (a voice-activated communications device that can be worn on the ear, throat, or collar, or held in the hand. It has a range of 10 mile on its own and undetectable by non-advanced communication detectors)
  • Cyber Deck: $10,000, wt. 2lb (a high-end, portable computer built for hacking. Characters can’t generally hack a system without one unless they’re able to log into a dedicated station. A fully-loaded deck with the latest security cracks costs three times as much but adds +2 to Hacking skill)
  • Electro Binoculars: Cost $3,000, wt. 2lb (these advanced viewing devices provide magnification up to 500×, including a digital readout of distance and compass direction. A button press also provides Low Light or Infravision (eliminating illumination penalties for Dim and Dark and -3 for total darkness). Electro Binoculars add +2 to vision-based Notice rolls to see things at a distance. For an additional $4,000, the binoculars can see through up to 6” of anything but solid stone, metal, or other dense materials)
  • Energy Sheet: Cost $2,000, wt. 1lb (this 8’×5’ sheet of lightweight energy cells absorbs and releases energy to provide environmental protection from about 150° Fahrenheit down to about –50°. Once charged, it retains enough energy for 72 hours of continuous use. This is the size used for personal bedding)
  • Energy Tent: $5,000, wt. 2lb (an easy-to-assemble 2-man tent using the same material found in the energy sheet (above). The tent and collapsible poles are contained in a small drawstring bag)
  • Exoskeleton: Cost $20,000, wt. 5lb (this device can be worn beneath loose clothing and enhances an individual’s core Strength by +2 steps)
  • Force Field Generator, Personal: $500,000, wt. 30lb (this device creates a force field the size of a Medium Burst Template (in a sphere). It conforms to earth, walls, and other objects so as not to destroy them. The device’s batteries contain one hour’s worth of continuous use and recharge time is five hours for a full charge. The field blocks 20 points of any incoming attack (except mental powers). If an attack breaches the force field (21 points of damage or more in one attack), the sphere collapses and loses half its remaining power. Powering the field on again requires a Repair roll)
  • Glowcube: Cost $500, wt. 0 (this 1” crystal cube is powered by a Hydrogen Cell, they will operate for a year of continuous use. May select Area: illuminate a 15” diameter, or Beam: can be seen for 30 kilometers and is about 2” wide. This causes light illumation and for twice that affect Dim illumation)
  • Hoverboard: Cost $1,500, wt. 2lb (a lightweight skateboard-sized device that allows the user to hover a few inches off the ground using the Piloting skill. This version is powered and gives the user an Handling of +1 and Top Speed of 30mph)
  • Language Translator: $5,000, wt. 1lb (available as software for existing hardware or as a portable device about the size of an electric razor, translators can decode standard audio signals as well as ultra high and ultra low frequencies. Translation is provided in text or audio form, as the user requires. The device’s skill in a known language is d12+2. It cannot translate unknown languages, but advanced models (typically 5× the price) can “learn.” Roll a d6 each full day the device interacts with a target speaker. On a 4+, it gains a d4 in that language. It may continue to “train” itself in this way until its skill is a d12+2)
  • Matter Cutter: Cost $75,000, wt. 15lb (these devices use ultrasonics, lasers and molecular disruption to make narrow cuts through matter. They’re most often used by salvage crews or marines to breach ship hulls or sealed interiors. Each .5” wide, foot long, foot deep cut requires a single round (real world measurements, not gameinches). Double the time required for every full 30 points of Armor the material has. As an improvised melee weapon, it causes 3d6 Damage with AP 10, and subtracts 2 from Fighting rolls and Parry)
  • Matter Remover: $100,000, wt. 10lb (this tool is typically used by miners to tunnel through rock. It removes up to a cubic foot of rock or earth per round. Armored surfaces reduce this by half. As an improvised melee weapon, it causes 3d6 Damage at AP 5, and subtracts 2 from Fighting rolls and Parry)
  • Medi-Gel: Cost $150, Wt. 1/4lb (a tube of advanced healing gel. It adds +2 to Healing rolls made to heal fresh wounds or stabilize someone who’s bleeding out, and contains 10 uses)
  • Medi-Scanner: Cost $3,000, wt. 2lb (this hand-held scanner and screen depicts the internal structure of organic beings. This greatly helps doctors looking for damage, and adds +2 to their Healing rolls. With a tiny blood sample, the medi-scanner can also detect known poisons, diseases, and other conditions)
  • Mineral Detector: Cost $5,000, wt. 4lb (a hand held device that detects minerals up to six feet deep, in an area the size of a Large Burst Template per round. It also eliminates the penalties for detecting mines)
  • Nutri-Bar: Cost $100, wt. 1/4lb (advanced freeze-drying and condensing techniques allow a complete meal (one days worth of rations for a Size 0 creature) to be packed into a 4” by .5” thick bar)
  • Portent: Cost $10,000, wt. 5lbs (this backpack-sized unit is powered by Solar Energy Cells good for 24 hours of constant use. It creates a dome-like force field the size of a Large Burst Template that resists wind, water, bugs and other natural elements. If attacked against the Force Field deals has a 5 point Toughness. Anything that deals more then that causes the field to collaspe)

Vehicle Rules

Vehicle Creation Basics

Chassis Size Speed Handling Toughness Mods Crew Cost Examples
Ultralight 0 35mph +3 5 2 1 $200 Bicycle
Light 1 30mph +2 9 (2) 5 2 $1K Street motorbike
Moderate 2 25mph +1 12 (3) 10 3 $4K Heavy motorbike, off-road rec-ATV
Medium 3 20mph +0 15 (4) 15 5 $10K Motor car
Large 4 15mph +0 20 (5) 20 8 $20K SUV, pickup truck
Heavy 6 15mph -1 25 (6) 25 10 $45K APC, semi cab
Super Heavy 8 10mph -2 30 (7) 30 20 $75K Main battle Tank, Overland Bus
Titan 10 10mph -2 35 (8) 40 40 $200K Train car/engine, semi-trailer truck, fighter aircraft
Colossus 12 10mph -3 40 (9) 50 60 $500K Heavy aircraft transport,jet liner, yacht
Goliath 14 10mph -4 45 (10) 60 150 $1M Cruise liner, light carrier warship
Behemoth 16 10mph -5 52 (12) 80 500 +5M Air craft carries.

Mods (x) is how many times it maybe take 1=Once, U=unlimited (up to all the mods the vehicle has)

Updated Vehicle Mods Mods Cost
Aircraft, Helicoper (1): the vehicle is a helicopter. It can hover or fly with a Speed of 80mph (120kph) but suffers -1 Handling for their Size. Half-Size $10K xSize
Aircraft, Jet Plane (1): Jetplanes have a Speed of 600 and Handling +1 for their Size. They must move at half their speed every round or go Out of Control (they stall). The Speed Mod increase the speed by 100mph (150kph) instead of 10 Half-Size $20K xSize
Aircraft, Propeller (1): A traditional prop plane has a base Speed of 150mph (225kph). Propeller planes must move at least 1/2 their speed every round r go Out of Control (stall). The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 1/3 Size $5K xSize
Aircraft, VTOL (1): VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft have a speed of 100mph (150kph) and a +1 to their Handling based on size. They can hover and fly and have no stall speed. The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 Half-Size $25K xSize
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Driving, Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile attacks. 1 $10K xSize
Amphibious (1): The vehicle can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water. For four times the cost the cost and one addition Mod can be modified to be a submersibles. Movement is 1/4 speed. Includes a waterseal and oxygen supply for 8 hours. 1 $1K xSize
Armor (U): Increases the vehicle's Armor value by +2. To add Heavy to the Armor requires a minimum of AP 8 (can include from base vehicle) and cost is doubled 1 $500 xSize
Armor, Military (U): Advanced metals, reactive, or composite materials are used for military-grade vehicles. Each time it’s taken, it adds +6 to Front Armor, +4 to Sides, and +2 to Rear; or +4 Armor all around (builder’s choice). Only Heavy Weapons may cause damage to vehicles with Heavy Armor, regardless of damage rolls. Bottom armor is equal to a vehicle’s rear. Top armor is equal to its sides (important when getting too close to taller foes such as walkers). 2 $10K xSize
Booster (U): Nitrous oxide or other propellants increase a vehicle's Speed by 50% for a round. Each booster has six uses before it must be replaced. Their effects do not stack. Refills cost $100 per booster. 1 $1K xSize
Crew Reduction (U): Add 1 Mod slot for every four crew/passengers deducted (round up) n/a n/a
Crew Space (U): Space for four additional crew or passengers 1 $1K
Ejection System (1): Should a vehicle suffer a Wrecked result, crew members may make Agility rolls at –4 (or no penalty if an individual was on Hold or hasn’t acted yet that round). Failure results in damage as usual and failure to eject that round. Those who succeed are launched into the air and descend safely via parachute. The system covers all passengers and crew. Half-Size $5K xSize
Environmental Seal (1): The vehicle is sealed verses hazardous chemicals, toxins, radiation, and environmental conditions. It allows the crew to operate safeful in such along with enhanced heater/colder system to operate on most any enviroment so long as they is some time of atmosphere. It can add oxygen tanks to provide breathable air for all passenger and crew for 12 hours for an additional +$1K but this is not vacuum rated. 2 $10K xSize
Exposed Crew (1): Motorcycles and other “ridden” vehicles offer no protection for their passengers. Crew get no Armor bonus should it sustain a Crew critical hit. n/a 50% base($)
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. In the Chase rules, fixed weapons may only fire when the vehicle has Advantage and an Action Card of Jack or higher. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. n/a n/a
Handling (3): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vehicle's Handling score. 1 $10K xSize
Hover Vehicle (1): The vehicle uses hover fans instead of wheels. It ignores difficult terrain modifiers and obstacles less than a yard tall. 5 $10K xSize
Linked (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required. Total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.) n/a n/a
Living Space (Special): Large or greater vehicles only. The vehicle has an extended superstructure with bunk beds, personal storage bins for up to four individuals, and one shared bathroom and kitchenette (regardless of how many times this is taken) for longterm travel. The superstructure decreases overall Toughness by 1 each time it’s taken. The limit is half the vehicle’s base Toughness. 4 $5K
Luxury Features (1): Typically reserved for civilian vehicles, luxury features include music systems, minibars, video screens, and other comforts. The larger the vehicle, the more extravagant the features. 1 $5K xSize
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once. 1 $100K
Off Road (1): Ignore Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, treat each inch of difficult terrain as 1.5” instead of 2”. 1 $1K xSize
Ram (1): Reinforced front armor and plow that allows vehicle to ram obsticals and suffer only 1/2 damage 1 $1K xSize
Reinforced Chassis (3): Increases Toughness of the chassis by +2. 1 $1K xSize
Sensor Suite (1): This functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16). 1 100K
Side Car (2): a Side Car can be addition to a motorcycle (Size 3 or less) and adds +2 Modifier space to the vehicle. n/a $500
Sloped Armor (1): The vehicle’s armor is sloped in such a way that shots are often deflected off its surface. Attackers subtract 2 to hit with Shooting direct-fire, non-energy weapons. 2 $3K xSize
Speed (U): Increases the vehicle’s Speed by 10mph (15kph). (This cannot be taken with Speed Reduction.) 1 $1K xSize
Speed Reduction (3): The vehicle sacrifices power and speed for additional room. Subtract 5mph to Speed each time this is taken to gain half Size in Mod slots. n/a n/a
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the vehicle difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to attack or spot the vehicle subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the vehicle fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable signal such as radio signal, movement, or active sensor search. Size $25K xSize
Targeting System (1): The vehicle’s computer is linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. This does not assist the firing of passenger’s personal weapons. 1 $10K xSize
Tow Rig (1): More then a simple chain these motorized tow rig can pull a vehicle of the same size at 1/2 Top Speed. He could also pull out a vehicle of one Size larger when stationary and 'braced'. 1 $1K x Size
Tracked (1): The vehicle has tracks instead of wheels and can climb over small obstacles. This reduces Speed by 5mph, but adds +1 to Handling and ignores Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, every inch of movement is treated as 1.5”. n/a $1K xSize
Watercraft (1): The vehicle is a boat or ship. It’s base Speed are halved (round up). Speed Modifications increase Speed by 5. For larger vessels such as naval vessels or cruise ships, use the Starship rules for Size, Toughness, and Crew, and add any enhancements that aren’t specifically designed for space such as FTL drives. If a Modification is listed under Vehicles, use that instead. Ships may have Torpedo Tubes. n/a n/a


Updated Vehicle Mods Mods Cost
Aircraft, Anti-Grav (1): Ultra Tech. The vehicle is an aircraft powered by anti-gravitic propulsion. It can hover or fly, and has a Top Speed of 100mph and Handling +2. Size $100,000
Artificial Intelligence (1): The vehicle’s AI can operate all systems—from driving to weapons. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the driver’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. 1 $10K xSize
Deflector Screens (1): The vehicle is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls. 2 $10K xSize
Electromagnetic Shielding (U): Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles (SFC p. 25). 2 $15K xSize
Shields (1): The vehicle is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the vehicle's Size points of damage from each attack its suffers. Apply all damage to the shield first, then any left over to the vehicle (AP counts as usual). It can absorb Sizex10 before the shields are depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A vehicle may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round. Half-Size $50K xSize

Fuel for gas burning costs $10 x Size per hour of operation. Most have an inerior tank that holds enought for the vehicle operate for up to 6 hours. Extra gas tanks use 1 mod and allow operation up to 12 hours (and cost $100 x Size of the vechicle). Portable Gas tanks hold 10 gallons of gas that count as Vehicle Size.
Nuclear (or Fussion) powered engines (Future Tech) run for years (or any organic matter) and Cost $500,000 plus Size x$200,000.

Allowed Vehicle Weapons from SFC for Modern Vehicles – Auto-Cannon, Bombs (SFC pg. 23), Flame Weapons, Grenade Launchers (SFC pg. 24). For Future - EMP Missiles and Rail Guns (SFC pg. 25). Otherwise use vehicle weapons from SWADE (twice price for modern, rare for futuristic minimum x5 or more price)

Some basic Vehicle Examples

  • Street Bike[12]: Cost $8,500, Size 2 -Light, Handling +2, TS 70mph, Toughness 9 (2), Crew 1+1, Mods (1 remaining) -Exposed Crew, Speed 4 (+40mph)
  • Motorcycle with Sidecar[13]: Cost $9,000, Size 2 -Light, Handling +2, TS 50mph, Toughness 13 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (2 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Side Car (+2), Reinforced Chassis 1 (1), Speed 2 (+20mph) (2)
  • Heavy Dirt Bike[14]: Cost $15,500, Size 3 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 45mph, Toughness 16 (5), Crew 1+1, Mods (4 remaining) -Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis (1), Speed 2 (2)
  • Dune Buggy[15]: Cost $15,000, Size 2 -Moderate, Handling +1, TS 55mph, Toughness 18 (4), Crew 1+2, Mods (3 remaining)-Armor +2 (1), Exposed Crew, Off-Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Reinforced Chassis 2 (Toughness +4) (2), Speed 3 (+30mph) (3)
  • Patrol Car[16]: Cost $47,000, Size 3 -Medium, Handling +1, TS 60mph (90mph with booster), Toughness 21 (8), Mods (6 remaining) -Armor +4 (2), Booster (Nitrous oxide or other propellants increase a vehicle's Speed by 50% for a round. Each booster has six uses before it must be replaced. Their effects do not stack. Refills cost $100 per booster) (1), Handling 1 (+1) (1), Reinforced Chassis 1 (Toughness +2) (1), Speed 4 (+40mph) (4)*
  • Armored Light Transport[17]: Cost $49,000, Size 4 -Large, Handling +0, TS 45mph, Toughness 25 (9; Heavy), Crew 1+7, Mods (7 remaining) -Amphibious (1) (the vehicle can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water) (1), Armor +4 (Heavy) (2), Living Space (for four crew/passanges. Can share the space and shift for eight Size 0 beings. Bunk beds, personal storage, shared bathroom and kitchenette) (4), Off Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Ram (reinforced front armor allows vehicle to ram obsticals and suffer only 1/2 damage) (1), Reinforced Chassis (Toughness +2) (1), Speed 3 (+30mph) (3)
  • War Truck[18]: Cost $,000, Size 6 -Heavy, Handling -1, TS 40mph, Toughness 29 (8; Heavy), Crew 1+9, Mods (17 remaining) - Armor +2 (Heavy) (1), Off Road (ignore Drive penalities for difficult terrain. Speed reduction from such conditions is on 1.5 instead of 2) (1), Ram (reinforced front armor allows vehicle to ram obsticals and suffer only 1/2 damage) (1), Reinforced Chassis (Toughness +2) (1), Speed 3 (+30mph) (4), Tow Rig (1)
  • Big Boss[19]: Cost $101,000, Size 8 -Super Heavy, Handling -2, TS 30mph, Toughness 32 (9; Heavy), Crew 2+10, Mods (13 remaining) -Armor +2 (Heavy) (1), Crew Reduction 2 (+2), Living Space (for 8 passengers/crew. Can share the space and shift for 16 Size 0 beings. Bunk beds, personal storage, shared bathroom and kitchenette) (8), Reinforced Chasis (Tough +2) (1), Speed 2 (+20mph) (2)

Some character Examples

Alex X12 [20]
Android male?? (at least Alex's voice sounds male)

  • Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6
  • Parry 6, Parry 4, Toughness 11 (4)
  • Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d4, Fighting d4, Hacking d4, Language (Machine Code d8, English d6), Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Science d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
  • Edges: Brawler (Str+d4, Tough +1), Night Vision (Igrore penalties for Dim and Dark illumanation)
  • Android Traits: Armor +2 [4 total] (1), Alien Form [very distiction robot form that causes nervousness/fear in most people' due to shape armor and firearms cost twice as much] (-2), Construct [Androids add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, and are immune to poison and disease. Constructs cannot heal naturally. Healing one requires the Repair skill, which takes one hour per current Wound level per attempt and is not limited to the “Golden Hour”}, Outsider (Major) [Androids subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls when interacting with anyone besides other androids, and often have no legal rights in most areas, they’re generally considered property), Size +1 (1), Super Attribute [Strength] +1 (2), Vow (Major) [Constructs are designed with a particular purpose. Player character constructs have broad directives such as serving a particular corporation or political faction. This acts as a Major Vow to that particular directive. If this ever causes a conflict of interest, the player and GM must figure out what the construct’s programming requires. For Alex his is Action Heroic to all life and counts as the Heroic Hindrance]
  • Hindrances: Overconfidence (Major), Quirk (Speaks to animals and plants, even those that don't show signs of sentients) (Minor), Ugly (Minor)
  • Gear: Staff (Damage Str+d4, Min Str d4, Wt. 4lbs, Cost $10; Parry +1, Reach 1, two hands), Backpack (Cost $50, Wt. 2lbs), Tool Kit (Cost $200, wt. 20lbs), Binoculars (Cost $100, wt. 1lb; allow x2 to x5 vision magnification)
  • Unspent: $240 in trade goods (24 pounds)
  • Encumbrance: 80lbs, Carried: 51lbs (with trade goods)

Maggie Armstrong[21]
Pure Strain Human Female

  • Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
  • Parry 6, Parry 5, Toughness 7 (*2)
  • Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Electonics d4, Hacking d6, Fighting d6, Investigation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Thievery d6
  • Edges: Dodge (other suffer -2 to hit you with Ranged attacks)
  • Pure Strain Human Traits: +4 to resist disease, poisons and toxins (airborn, injected or injested), +2 to resist all Fatigue checks vs. heat and cold, thrist and starvation, lack of sleep, radiations, +3 Skill points. (15 total), Start with an extra $500 in additional trade good/barter gear ($1,000 base), Born after the Fall base Survival d4
  • Hindrances: Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Major) (Maggie's are members of the Knights of Purity and she was a member in her teenage years and took part in a few raids against mutant villages. She hates that part of her life and trying to make amends), Suspicious (Minor)
  • Gear: Heavy Leather Jacket and Hood (Torso, Arms, Head; AP 2, Min Str d6, Wt. 8lbs+1, Cost $80+20), Leather pants (Legs; DR 1, Min Str d4, Wt. 5lbs, Cost $20), Glock 9mm (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1, Shots 17, Min Str d4, Wt. 3lb, Cost $400), 50 rounds of 9mm ammo (cost $20, Wt. 2lbs), Knife (Damage Str+d4, Min Str d4, wt. 1lb, Cost $25), Backpack (Cost $50, Wt. 2lbs), Bedroll (Cost $50, Wt. 4lbs), Canned Goods, per day (Cost $15, wt. 2lb; 5 days $75, Wt. 10lbs), Can Openner (Cost $10, Wt. 1/2lb), Compass (Cost $50, Wt. 1/2lb), Matches, Box of 50, waterproof (Cost $10, wt. 0), Medic Kit (Colst $100, Wt. 4lbs; Five uses, +1 to Healing skill rolls; $25 to refill and wt. 2lbs each)
  • Unspent: $80 in trade goods (8lbs)
  • Encumbrance: 40lbs, Carried: 48lbs (without pack and trade goods 19lbs)

Walter 'Bugs' Wilson [22]
Human Mutant Male

  • Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
  • Parry 5 (d4) with Flight 12 (d10), Parry 6, Toughness 7 (2*)
  • Skills: Athletics d8+2, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6+2, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival d4
  • Edges: Alertness (+2 to Notice check, Marksmen (with Pace 0 either +1 with Ranged attacks or elimate 2 points worth of penalties)
  • Mutant Traits: Anemic (-1), Distinctive Feature (-1) [Bug Wings], Flight (4) [Pace 12, 'run' Die d12], Infravision (1) [The creature “sees” heat, either through eyes or other sensory organs. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings)], Reduced Pace (-1) [ground Pace drecreased to 5 with a run die of a d4], Skill (3) [Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Stealth +1]; Skill Bonus (2) [Athletics +2], Wall Walker (1) [The species may walk on vertical surfaces normally, or inverted surfaces at half Pace]
  • Hindrances: Curious (Major), Loyal (Minor), Mild Manner (Minor)
  • Gear: Heavy Leather Jacket (Torso, Arms; AP 2, Min Str d6, Wt. 8lbs, Cost $80), Leather pants (Legs; DR 1, Min Str d4, Wt. 5lbs, Cost $20). Short Sword (Damage Str+d6, Min Str d6, Wt. 2lbs, Cost $100), Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP 0, ROF 1, Min Str d6, Wt. 3lbs, Cost $250), Quiver with 20 arrows (Cost $25 +$10, Wt. 2 +4lbs)
  • Unspent $5 in Ttrade grouds (1/2lb)
  • Encumbrance: 40lbs, Carrying 24.5lbs