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Scenario Overview

The player characters were all residents or employees of The New Old Way Home, a well-run orphanage outside of Boston, Massachusetts, around the turn of the century. The Home was always resource-constrained, but always did its best.

They've all been called back now for a ceremony marking the final closing of the Home - it held on as long as it could, but political and social changes have made orphanages largely untenable by this time.

A good, safe time will be had by all.

Helpful Resources

Mechanical Game Information

Player Investigator HP Sanity Luck Magic Points Notes
brahnamin Fletcher John 11 80 47 16
Naphthalim Caesar Williams 8/9 49 55 10
Potted Plant Lars Olsen 13 50 25 10
Elfwine Graves
strange behaviour Cleveland Russell 14 50 50 10
pstjmack Robert Collins 9/6 65 55 13

Important Locations

The New Old Way Home

The New Old Way Home orphanage sits several miles outside of town in one of the still-bucolic areas of eastern Massachusetts, though its questionable how long the area will remain its rural character with the growth of the suburban areas around the city. The sprawling structure was built in the mid-19th Century to help aid the rise in uncared-for children caused by increasing industrialization and deaths from the Civil War. Never religiously-affiliated, the Home relied on the largesse of New England's upper classes and the Massachusetts state government. It's a bit run-down, now - a symptom of the hard times on which it has fallen.

Now, in the modern days of 1924 and in the wake of the Progressive movement, institutions of the sort have fallen out of favor. While the Home had done well in navigating the winds of political change of the last quarter-century, things seem to have taken a precipitous turn in the last year or so. Donations have dried up or fallen through. The Home's endowment suffered some unlucky financial losses. Local and state governmental bodies have become less cooperative. Planning and permitting paperwork has been frequently lost or inexplicably filled with errors. Key staff members have experienced personal issues that have required them to depart suddenly. Everything that could go wrong, has.

Important NPCs

Thomas and Clara Shipley

Thomas is the son of Thomas Shipley, Sr., the owner of a prosperous mercantile concern in Boston and formerly a substantial donor to the Home. Clara is the last in the line of the Strozier family, who have run the home for some time.

Clara would have been a kid/young woman during the relevant time period. You would all definitely have met her; beyond that, you can decide the contours of your relationship.

Thomas you may or may not know - he wouldn't have come onto the scene until about 10 years ago.

Anderson Whitehurst

Advisor to Governor Cox on the matter of child welfare. Kind of a prick.