Hunter's Guild: Fall of the Feywild: Difference between revisions

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Click [[Hunters:_Chargen|'''HERE''']] to build your character.
: [[Hunters:_Chargen|'''Step by Step Chargen''']]
: [[Hunters:_Template|'''Blank Character Template''']]
: [[Hunters:_Template|'''Blank Character Template''']]
: [[Hunters:_Character_Advancement|'''Character Advancement''']]
: [[Hunters:_Character_Advancement|'''Character Advancement''']]

Revision as of 16:52, 21 January 2024

Character Files/Meta Currencies

I will update the Character Table on the wiki each time I update the IC thread. Please do not update the table yourselves. I don't want anyone losing Plot Points or Hero Dice from double subtraction.

If you feel I have forgotten to update the table or that my math is wrong, let me know OOC or DM me and I will fix it. Likewise, if I make a mistake on the Complications/Assets lists, let me know and I'll fix it. These also get updated when I update the IC thread.

Character Player MS SS XP d6 d8 d10 d12 PP
Character Kittlefish 1
Character Dersen Lowery 1
Character Talisman 1
Character Insertname 1
Character 1
GM 5

MS: Magical Stress || SS: Social Stress || XP: Experience || PP: Plot Points

Complications and Assets

d6 d8 d10 d12

Complication [C] // Scene Asset [S] / Episode Asset [E]




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Current Character Objectives

Setting Details

Setting Map and Locations

Neverwhen and the Feywild

Notable GMCs

Our Story So Far

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Step by Step Chargen
Blank Character Template
Character Advancement

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Action Resolution

We will be using a single opposed roll to determine the success or failure of a given action. I will put together an opposing pool to the player's roll if they are initiating the action. If I am initiating the action, I will roll before the player or assign a static difficulty. Ties go to the Player.

Mundane Actions: Mundane actions don't need a roll. If your character could reasonably be said to do a thing, they just do it. However, if a mundane action is opposed by magic, the magic effect will be resolved first.

Asset Generation

Players can generate scene assets via pp spend or by using an action to roll for them. Purchased assets are d6 assets unless an SFX converts them. Rolled asset ratings equal the effect die for that roll with d6 being the minimum result.

Note: Rolled assets must be justifiable in the fiction as something the character can produce through their own agency, Purchased assets just appear as something that was always there but is just now showing up 'on screen' as it were.
Note: Any scene asset can be converted to an episode asset if the player spends a pp to do so before the end of the scene.


Complications model environmental obstacles. Complications accrue when a character rolls a Hitch.

Complications never start lower than d6 and drop off when stepped below d6

Effect Dice

Effect dice determine the value of rolled assets, complications, and stress.

Hero Dice

If a player beats the GM's roll or static difficulty by 5 or more, the Character earns a Hero Die equal to the highest die type in the GM's pool (or a d8 vs a static difficulty).

Plot Points

Players start each episode with 1 pp and may earn pp via SFX and GM purchased hitches. All plot point spend options from p28-29 apply except Join a Contest since we are not using contests.

GM Plot Points: GM starts each episode with 1 pp per player and may earn subsequent pp with GMC SFX.


Players may purchase GM rolled opportunities to step back complications or to step up an asset for the scene.

Stress Tracks

Stress tracks model a character's personal stress in the form of magical and social reserves. Stress is accrued when a character fails a high stakes action. The amount accrued is determined by the effect die from the opposed pool - static difficulty will never be used for high stakes rolls. Effect die rated at d4 cannot produce or step up stress.

Stress never starts lower than d6 and drops off when stepped below d6

Pushing Stress: Players may push stress (use it as an asset for one roll) but that track is then stepped up following the action.
Reducing Stress: Players can reduce stress by buying opportunities in play or by engaging in relaxing activity during downtime scenes. At the GM's discretion, a full night's sleep may be counted as downtime. Downtime steps back one track, either magical or social (player's choice).

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Player Expectations

Post Frequency

  • I am asking for a daily posting commitment for this game as a general rule, with the understanding that posting might be less frequent on weekends and holidays. Meatworld being what it is, this generally averages to 3-4 GM updates per week.
Note: if 24-36 hours have gone by since my last GM update, I may post a new update, even if all players have not posted, to maintain momentum.

Post Absences

  • If you will not be able to post, for whatever reason, please ping us in OOC if you can so we know what is going on or post to the Absences Thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up).

Post Formatting

  • Please bold your character's name at the top of each IC post or bold the first instance of your character's name in the body of the post. We all game with lots of folk, sometimes with the same players in different games; this just makes it easier to keep track of which character we're addressing.
  • If you are addressing another PC in your post it is helpful to bold their character name as well so it stands out for them.
  • OOC blocks are fine for showing dice rolls and brief OOC comments directly related to a particular post. Please sblock if you need to include large blocks of text related to your IC post. All other OOC content should go in the OOC thread itself.
  • Do not place action statements (incl pp spends/asset generation) or dice rolls in the OOC Thread. I will never keep up with those. All action statements and dice rolls should go in the IC Thread [with dice rolls OOC Blocked].
  • Please link all dice rolls back to your dice roller.

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Resource Bidding

PBP format doesn't work well for Player/GM back and forth, so I do my best to avoid it. This means the bidding aspect of spending PP on a roll kinda drops off. Instead, I find it helpful for players to indicate (if you are able) how many PP/HD you are willing to spend (if any) to succeed on the roll. I will do my best to make sure those PP are spent as economically as possible to achieve your desired outcome.

If my GMC is willing (presuming I have the PP to burn) to spend enough GM PP that you cannot succeed, I will let you know that so you don't have to burn PP if you don't want to on a failed action (though you always have the option to spend your PP to force me to spend mine in those situations).

If I am requiring an action of you (defending vs an attack, random notice check, etc) I will roll stakes so you know what you are rolling against, and I will tell you what PP I am willing to spend. I don't generally pre-roll for actions I think you might take no matter how obvious it may seem, because I don't want to influence how you choose to act in a scene.

If you would earn a pp for using an SFX (including Hinder), you may spend that pp on the roll that earned it. Likewise if the GM buys a rolled hitch.

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While there is the potential for a fairly significant amount of player vs player conflict in a game like this one, I prefer not to run games that lean heavily to that assumption. Games like that simply do not need a GM, and I would much rather spend my time running games that do need a GM.

For reference, what I consider PVP basically amounts to this:

If an action would require dice to affect a GMC, then it counts as PVP if used against a PC

So disagreements, trash talking, indirect actions that might affect another character but aren't made directly against that character are all potentially on the table with the caveat that if something just makes the game not fun for someone that we respect that and steer clear.

If you want to do something that directly acts against another player's character, proceed based on the following criteria:

Unilateral Permission: The other player agrees to your action. No rolls are needed. Just RP it out.

Limited Permission: The other player doesn't agree that it is an automatic thing, but does agree to let the math rocks decide. Roll it out.

Declined Permission: The other player does not agree to PVP. Move on with something else.

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Development and Play Threads

Recruitment Thread

OOC Thread

IC Thread

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Other Resources

Orokos Online Dice Roller.

Absences Thread If you can't post for whatever reason let us know here or in OOC.

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Alternate Players

  • -
  • -

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