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== Sa'vor "two hits" Brokenblade ==
== Sa'vor "two hits" Brokenblade ==
''"I've seen things that would burn the eyes from your sockets...."''
''"I've seen things that would burn the eyes from your sockets...."''

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The Enlightened: In this mind frame Sa'vor sits and meditates all day long, he contemplates life and practising his martial art skills, in this mind frame he is at peace and just talks calmly and serenly with Jhon about the meaning of life (42). this mind frame was gained while on Syrania and Daavi, he takes on this mind frame three days a month
The Enlightened: In this mind frame Sa'vor sits and meditates all day long, he contemplates life and practising his martial art skills, in this mind frame he is at peace and just talks calmly and serenly with Jhon about the meaning of life (42). this mind frame was gained while on Syrania and Daavi, he takes on this mind frame three days a month

Current State: Dead. Will not be returning in any physical form, currently his soul is in the possession of Terrek.

=='''Some Random Facts'''==
=='''Some Random Facts'''==

Revision as of 19:50, 1 March 2007

Sa'vor "two hits" Brokenblade

"I've seen things that would burn the eyes from your sockets...."

Half-fiend-Half-Dragon (Deep)/ Valenar elf ( uses Wood Elf statistics)

Classification: UBER, Heir of Sibryes

10th level Warlock, 6th level Fighter

Sa'vor has spent most of his one hundred and fifty year life in Khorvaire. he emegrated to Cyre with his parents at the age of twenty, once there they prepated for the eventual coup. Sa'vor's mother a deep dragon named Azgath was appointed as the gardian of the Rajah Naz'roth for her crimes in creating a half-breed child, Sa'vor was also forced to gaurd this Being as punishment for his existence. for about sixty years they gaurded the Rajah, all the while Sa'vor became stronger and stronger, drawing on the Natural background of fiendish magic in the area.

Azgath was slain by adventuerers that year, thease adventurers after pillaging the dragons horde, stripping the corpse of all valuable materials and anything of use, left Sa'vor to die. This is where Naz'roth made his move, he offered Sa'vor the power to seek revenge and immortality if he would be Naz'roth's vessel. Sa'vor exepted, Naz'roth granted Sa'vor power and strength beyond his normal limits and Sa'vor offered Naz'roth the chance of freedom to pillage and destroy again.

Sa'vor kept his movements secret covering up all traces of his random destruction and murder as he tracked down his mothers killers, eventualy Sa'vor was sucked into the last war; in which he fought for Cyre. Sa'vor rained destruction on the battle fields in pure pyromanic glee, as the last war neared an end even his and Naz'roths power did not seem to be enough to turn the tide of war. eventualy the mourning struck and Sa'vor lay criticaly wounded, he lay for days on the old battle fields never dying despite his wounds. the bordom and lonyness took its toll and drove Sa'vor ( and Naz'roth) insane, then one year after the war had ended a Healer was travelling the waste lands. he came across Sa'vor and patched him up, Sa'vors madness seemed to lessen in the days he traveled with the healer. but in fact it was all a clever ruse, the madness had indeed lessend, but it had taken a new form, the strange desire to devour magic and a bizzar kleptomania. this urge took its toll on Sa'vor as he travled with the healer, eventualy once they left the dread grey mists Sa'vor slayed him with his wartime weapons (a pair of magical Kamas, and a Scythe). for over a year Sa'vor wandered Khorvaire.

Eventualy he heard tell of the forgotten freedom and its trail of corpses and crimes, he was intranced by the pure villany of this capatain and his crew. eventualy he caught up with them and joined them, using it as a base of opperations for his crimes.

Sa'vor got the name "Two hits" from the fact that in battle there where generaly only two hits, Sa'vor hitting them and them hitting the floor.

Sa'vor gets on well with most of the crew, though he generaly avoids any Lawful good memebers exept the keel ( whom Naz'roth seems to enjoy argueing with, questioning Jhons supposed " enligtenment). Sa'vor obeys the captain when ever there seems to be a chance for a violent or Pyromanic solution, him and Naz'roth opeinly mock the perfetic Pholly and Devon finding their expliots amusing. Naz'roth "encourages" stupid to break the rules simply to watch him as he's keel hauled. Naz'roth enjoys "spikeing" Phollys attempts at alchemist fire to cause a larger and more devistating explosion. Sa'vor is a generaly Subtle criminal, using disguise and forgery to get him most items, though he has been known to for no apparent reason slaughter all around him in fits of Rage and Bloodshed.

The Main crimes Sa'vor is wanted for are the following:

Arson, Arson, Mass murder, Murder of a Official of State, Theft, Grand Theft, Arson, Impresonating a Clergyman, impersonating a State Official, Stealing the deed to a small Township ( this was promtly smoked by a unsuspecting civillian) and Arson. his current bounty is: Wanted Dead or alive ( more money if dead) 900,000gp the title of Earl, a small township and a parden for all crimes that have been currently commited by the Caputuring party.

Character Profile, Sa'vor the Shadow Scarred Race: Half-fiend, Half-Dragon, Half-Vampire, Shadow Creature, Valenar Elf Class: Warlock (20), Fighter (10), Heir of Siberys 3

after twenty years trevelling the planes Sa'vor has been changed greatly, from what has been constrcuted from his journel Sa'vor has spent two years wandering the Plane of shadows, one in the astral, One in the Etherreal and One on everyother plane. He gained his scar from a fight with a Dealkyr named Xer. over these years he has expanded his magical knowledge futher than concivable, he seems to have had arcane, Divine and Psioninc energy placed into his very essence by some power. It seems from Journel extracts that he spent a year on Dal Qour being interigated and mentaly scanned for some plan, this is suggested how he gained psionic power, On Xorait he was grafted and trained to perfection as a killing machien for his masters. his mind has been shattered by what he has experienced, it seems to be in five major parts:

Sa'vor: this part of his mind is when he pulls all of his characteristics into one, this is his most dangerous stage, it allows him to think, wield all his powers and magics, fight, and use the components placed within him, this is also the form that allows him to use the latent abillities of his Dragon marks of Death gained from realsieation that he is the last heir of Vol, he retains this mind frame for most of the time, unless he takes on one of the others

The Beast: this side of his mind was gained while stuck in the demonic wars on Shavarath, he somehow managed to tap into his vampiric and Shifter Nature (left behind by Naz'roth whom assimilated all the powers of Humaniod races), this form makes him violent and unpredictable, he thrists form blood and the hunt tracking foes through all types of terrain and fighting feroucously, but he doesnt use his intelligence, he uses a more feral and savage intelligence. this mind frame takes controle fourdays every month

The Killing Machine: Cold and heartless, this form kills everyhting in sight, uses trickery and magic to overcome its foes. it hunts down everything without remorce of even care, it doesnt care what harms him or if he dies he just fights to the death; this form is far more lethal than anyother, its only tirggered once a month. this mind frame was gained during his stay at Xoriat

The Conduit: This Mind frame is his least dangerous, he just talks drivel in many languages and seems to listen to spirits, the land, the gods, and absorbe and sence magical power. in this mind frame he is passive and just sits or wanders spurting drivel. he takes on this mind frame three days a month. This mind frame allows him to see the thoughts and feelings of others, he sees through illusions and tricks and somehow likes to listen to peoples heartbeats....

The Enlightened: In this mind frame Sa'vor sits and meditates all day long, he contemplates life and practising his martial art skills, in this mind frame he is at peace and just talks calmly and serenly with Jhon about the meaning of life (42). this mind frame was gained while on Syrania and Daavi, he takes on this mind frame three days a month

Current State: Dead. Will not be returning in any physical form, currently his soul is in the possession of Terrek.

Some Random Facts

  • Sa'vor's the last heir of Vol, the last living/unliving bearer of the mark of death.
  • Sa'vor's familiy escaped from the massacre of their house.
  • Sa'vors mother (a deep dragon) was banished from argonesson and forced to gaurd the Imprisoned Arch-Deamon Naz'roth.
  • Sa'vors half fiend nature is from exposure to fiendish energyies most of his life.
  • Sa'vors warlock powers are derived from this fiendish energy.
  • Was tourtured and looked down apon by society as a child.
  • In a fit of bloody murderous rage he slew his Cousin and devoured his heart, then hid in his mother's lair.
  • Sa'vors mother was slain by adventurers. In this fight Sa'vor was knocked uncosious and awoke in a pool of his mothers draconic blood.
  • Sa'vor then accepted Naz'roth's promise of vengance and was joined with him body and soul.
  • Sa'vor faught in the last war as an Assassin and warrior, cutting bloody swarves of the enemies of Cyre.
  • Lying nearly dead after the day of mourning, Sa'vor was driven into psycosis. Rescued he slew his rescuer and found his love of fire and elemental powers.
  • Sa'vor joined the Forgotten Freedom for a chance to spread some serious evil. Created a plot to gain the Gauntlet of Undying legions during a bank raid, this would restore Naz'roth to his full power. Jarlot and the crew defeated them and Sa'vor discovered the Sarlonans had the guantlet.
  • Some time later he was caputred by Xull one of Naz'roths fellow arch Deamons.
  • A large battle ensued with Xull's minions. Eventualy they and Sa'vor where destroyed.
  • Sa'vor then appeared in the planes and spent almost three years on each plane being tortured, experimented on or chased down by shadowy powers.
  • Sa'vors time on mabar gave him his Living/undead status.
  • Sa'vor is the "Guide" to create the Illithid empire with Kithle as leader.
  • Sa'vor does not seem to have feelings for any of the crew members though seems to spend a lot of time with Slip. [that has changed]
  • Sa'vors mind was once shattered and split into multiple personalities. These where then gathered together to form the Sa'vor known today.
  • Naz'roth no longer dwells within Sa'vors mind.
  • Sa'vor despises Pholly, though the reasons for this are unknown.
  • Created by Lord Kale Fangblade

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