SHoD PC06A: Difference between revisions

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:'''Fearless''': Homunculi are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
:'''Fearless''': Homunculi are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
:'''Extradimensional Saddle''': Pocket dimension roughly equivalent to a normal-sized person's backpack.
:'''Extradimensional Saddle''': Pocket dimension roughly equivalent to a normal-sized person's backpack.
:'''Magic Item Creation''': Magic Item Creation: FUMP can craft magic items on behalf of its master. The master provides all other resources, including the known power and Power Points. The master must spend one hour channeling the power or powers into the dedicated wright. Afterward, she may leave the dedicated wright to perform the task of creating the item. The dedicated wright still invests the time needed for crafting the magic item and uses the master's Occult skill for rolls to determine progress.


Revision as of 14:27, 30 June 2024

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F.U.M.P. (Flying Universal Mystical Pet)​

Ancestry | Homunculus | Seasoned

Traits: Construct, Very Small, Darkvision, Claws, Fearless, Extradimensional Saddle


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor

Derived Stats

Walking Pace || Flying Pace || Running || Parry || Size - || Toughness () || Scale Modifier -


Athletics || Notice || Fighting


Sylvan (Native) | Common | Elven | Draconic

Note: FUMP is mute (to anyone except Brook), but can understand several languages.


Very Small - Very Small races (Size −3) have a maximum Strength of d6. They subtract 3 from their Toughness and damage rolls (melee, ranged, magic, etc.) Gear made for Very Small characters weighs and costs a quarter the listed value. Reduce the Min Str for Very Small Armor three die types (minimum d4).
Construct - Constructs are artificial beings made of inorganic material. They add +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don’t breathe, and are immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill. Each attempt takes one hour per current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour.”
Darkvision: The species can see in the dark a short distance, ignoring all illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers within 10" (20 yards) distant.
Bite/Claws: Natural Weapon, d4+Str damage
Fearless: Homunculi are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Extradimensional Saddle: Pocket dimension roughly equivalent to a normal-sized person's backpack.
Magic Item Creation: Magic Item Creation: FUMP can craft magic items on behalf of its master. The master provides all other resources, including the known power and Power Points. The master must spend one hour channeling the power or powers into the dedicated wright. Afterward, she may leave the dedicated wright to perform the task of creating the item. The dedicated wright still invests the time needed for crafting the magic item and uses the master's Occult skill for rolls to determine progress.


Dodge: −2 to be hit by ranged attacks.
Improved Extraction: Three adjacent foes don’t get free attacks when you withdraw from combat.
Heroic Defiance: You struggle on when others would fall. Once per encounter, the valiant hero may automatically remove the Bound, Entangled, Distracted, or Vulnerable condition. The character may spend a Benny to remove these conditions in the same encounter afterwards.
Duck and Cover: You and an ally can use each other's rolls when Evading.

Note: Two edges are gained from Brook achieving Novice and Seasoned ranks.


Tack, Harness, Saddle


Chain Barding (+3)


Claws: d4+Str-3; Natural Weapon; Add +4 damage at the end of one Fighting action in which it Runs, moves at least 5″(10 yards), and successfully hits with its horn.

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