Knossos:Characters:Tychon: Difference between revisions

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"Tychon? He is a pleasant enough neighbor. Tychon has a distinct gift with words, though sometimes his power with words leaves him hesitant toward action. Recently, however, he has taken hold of a real project, a University! If he plies his wits to this project and acts, it could be a real success."- Ulrich
"Tychon? He is a pleasant enough neighbor. Tychon has a distinct gift with words, though sometimes his power with words leaves him hesitant toward action. Recently, however, he has taken hold of a real project, a University! If he plies his wits to this project and acts, it could be a real success."- Ulrich
Activity Trait Gained Total Level
1238 Winter Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus Magic Theory 2 163 7
1239 Spring Studying Leadership Summa Leadership 17 17 2
Summer Studying Magic Theory Summa Magic Theory 18 181 8
Fall Refining Lab - Palatial Magic Theory 2 183 8
Winter Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus Magic Theory 2 185 8
1240 Spring Studying Artes Liberales Summa Artes Lib 18 48 3
Summer Studying Artes Liberales Summa Artes Lib 18 66 4
Fall Studying Parma Tractatus Parma Magica 14 32 3
Winter Refining Lab - Spacious Magic Theory 2 187 8
1241 Spring Teaching Spells to Timeus Magic Theory 2 189 8
Summer Research
Fall Research
Winter Research
1242 Spring Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus Teaching 2 72 6
Summer Studying Magic Theory Summa Magic Theory 18 207 8
Fall Studying Magic Theory Summa Magic Theory 18 225 9
Winter Teaching Spells to Timeus Magic Theory 2 227 9
1243 Spring
Winter Studying Artes Liberales at University Artes Lib 20 86 5
1244 Spring Teaching Profession: Jester to Timeus Teaching 2 76 7
Summer Creating Sight of the Active Magics (InVi40) Magic Theory 2 227 9
Fall Creating Sight of the Active Magics (InVi40) Magic Theory 2 229 9
Winter Studying Imaginem book Imaginem 23 63 10
1245 Spring Travelling Italian 5 5 1
Summer Travelling Charm 5 5 1
Fall Teaching Parma Magica to Timeus Parma Magica 2 35 3
Winter Studying Magic Lore Summa Magic Lore 15 72 4
1246 Spring Studying Magic Lore Summa Magic Lore 15 87 5
Summer Research Magic Theory 2 231 9
Fall Research Magic Theory 2 233 9
Winter Research Magic Theory 2 235 9

Revision as of 22:12, 13 September 2007


"Tychon? He is a pleasant enough neighbor. Tychon has a distinct gift with words, though sometimes his power with words leaves him hesitant toward action. Recently, however, he has taken hold of a real project, a University! If he plies his wits to this project and acts, it could be a real success."- Ulrich


		Activity					Trait		Gained	Total	Level
1238	Winter	Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus			Magic Theory	2	163	7

1239	Spring	Studying Leadership Summa			Leadership	17	17	2
	Summer	Studying Magic Theory Summa			Magic Theory	18	181	8
	Fall	Refining Lab - Palatial				Magic Theory	2	183	8
	Winter	Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus			Magic Theory	2	185	8

1240	Spring	Studying Artes Liberales Summa			Artes Lib	18	48	3
	Summer	Studying Artes Liberales Summa			Artes Lib	18	66	4
	Fall	Studying Parma Tractatus			Parma Magica	14	32	3
	Winter	Refining Lab - Spacious				Magic Theory	2	187	8

1241	Spring	Teaching Spells to Timeus			Magic Theory	2	189	8
	Summer	Research				
	Fall	Research				
	Winter	Research				

1242	Spring	Teaching Magic Theory to Timeus			Teaching	2	72	6
	Summer	Studying Magic Theory Summa			Magic Theory	18	207	8
	Fall	Studying Magic Theory Summa			Magic Theory	18	225	9
	Winter	Teaching Spells to Timeus			Magic Theory	2	227	9

1243	Spring					
	Winter	Studying Artes Liberales at University		Artes Lib	20	86	5

1244	Spring	Teaching Profession: Jester to Timeus		Teaching	2	76	7
	Summer	Creating Sight of the Active Magics (InVi40)	Magic Theory	2	227	9
	Fall	Creating Sight of the Active Magics (InVi40)	Magic Theory	2	229	9
	Winter	Studying Imaginem book				Imaginem	23	63	10

1245	Spring	Travelling					Italian		5	5	1
	Summer	Travelling					Charm		5	5	1
	Fall	Teaching Parma Magica to Timeus			Parma Magica	2	35	3
	Winter	Studying Magic Lore Summa			Magic Lore	15	72	4

1246	Spring	Studying Magic Lore Summa			Magic Lore	15	87	5
	Summer	Research					Magic Theory	2	231	9
	Fall	Research					Magic Theory	2	233	9
	Winter	Research					Magic Theory	2	235	9