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* ''You know, on any other day this would make me happy.''  -- '''Arthur''' (on seeing Brian run over by a bus)
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* ''You want to know what we are Dr. Booth?  I'll tell you. We're your experiment, that you just lost control of.''  -- '''Arthur'''
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* ''Of course I have money, I'm a Kennedy. I think it's against the law for us not to.''  -- '''Jack'''
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* ''Jesus Arthur!! Just how fast are you?!''  -- '''Jack'''
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* ''Give me a few seconds and my image should catch up with me.'' -- '''Arthur'''
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* ''I'm sorry he's going to have to call you back. [hangs up the vid phone]''  -- '''Arthur'''  (to President Bush)
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* ''Arthur?  It's OK, all the bad guys are dead.  You can stop now.  Remember me? You're going to cater my party?''  -- '''Brian'''  (on Arthur's "securing" of Flight 283)

* ''Know, American dog, that I am Ahmed al-Shehhi.''  -- '''Ahmed al-Shehhi''' <br> ''Ahmed?  Why do you have a woman's name?''  -- '''Brian''' <br> ''DIE!!!!!''  -- '''Ahmed al-Shehhi'''
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* ''You sound like a fax machine.''  -- '''Mandy''' (to Jack at the Survivor Press Conference)
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* ''You guys mentioned Coke and Nike?  I'd just like to say, if anyone from Coke or Nike is watching right now?  I'm looking for ad contracts?''  -- '''Julia Lee'''  (at the Survivor Press Conference) <br> ''Like I said, we're still very, very human.'' [with a sigh] -- '''Brian'''
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* ''Why don't we go inside and have a Guiness and you can tell me what the HELL is going on?''  -- '''Harold'''  (Arthur's father after witnessing Arthur's power)
* ''You need to take pride in your abilities, son.'' -- '''Hardold Redford''' <br> ''I'd like to know what they are first.'' -- '''Arthur'''
* ''Steven Hawking? Where's he at?'' -- '''Brian''' <br> ''[Jack POINTS toward the Earth.]''  (as Brian and Jack consider how Brian could find a way to return to Earth)
* ''First we're going to keep you alive Jack.'' -- '''Brian''' <br> ''...Good'' -- '''Jack'''
* ''I'm going to find Steven Hawking's brain...'' -- '''Brian'''
* ''We're not in Jersey anymore Dad'' -- '''Arthur''' <br> ''God help us.'' -- '''Harold'''
* ''What's the matter officer... Was I speeding'' -- '''Arthur'''
* ''Alright, I gotta get to Arthur'' -- '''Jason''' <br> ''Well, you're only a hop, skip and a jump away.'' -- '''Sammy'''
* ''Aww!  I promised him a tune-up...'' -- '''Cat''' (concerning the old jeep truck in Athens, GA)
* ''You're ears, they're off center'' -- '''Beth'''  <br> ''It's okay that'll go away'' -- '''Brian''' <br> ''No... no it won't'' -- '''Beth'''

Revision as of 10:29, 8 August 2005