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List the Aspect ability provided to you by your anima.  Also describe the appearance of your anima before and after going iconic.
Fluid streams of fire which at the highest levels of essence expenditure becomes draconic in appearance.


Revision as of 07:39, 12 June 2008

Shattered Kingdom

A character sheet template for Shattered Kingdom PCs. To create your own page, just hit edit, copy everything in the box, then paste it into your own page, filling in your character info. You can, of course, safely delete this bit from your own sheet ;-)

General Info

  • Name: Rinash
  • Player: EpicHero
  • Concept: Narcissistic Duelist
  • Apparent Age: 20
  • Aspect: Fire
  • XP: 0 Unspent / 0 Total

Motivation and Intimacies

  • Motivation: What is your PC's driving Goal?
  • Intimacies: You have intimacies equal to your compassion to start. Please state if your intimacies are only tentative at this point (I'll give you a little while before they have to be made permanent, given the nature of the setting)


Fluid streams of fire which at the highest levels of essence expenditure becomes draconic in appearance.



  • Strength: 2
  • Dexterity: 5
  • Stamina: 2


  • Charisma: 1
  • Manipulation: 1
  • Appearance: 5


  • Perception: 2
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Wits: 5


Aspect Abilities

  • Athletics: 4
  • Dodge: 5 (With Anima Power + 3)
  • Melee: 5 (With Anima Power + 3)
  • Presence: 3
  • Socialize: 3

Favored Abilities

  • Occult: 3
  • Resistance:3
  • Lore: 3

Other Abilities

  • Awareness: 1
  • Integrity: 2
  • Martial Arts: 2
  • Performance: 2
  • Linguistics: 2
  • Ride: 1
  • War: 1


  • Artifact: 5 (Insert Weapon name/type here)
  • Destiny: 4
  • Breeding: 5


  • Charm1 (Ability): Effect and cost (please group charms by ability, even as you spend XP)
  • Charm2 (Ability): Effect and cost


  • Essence: 2
  • Peripheral Essence: 14 (12) (2 Committed)
  • Personal Essence: 0 (0) (0 Committed)

Virtues and Willpower

  • Willpower: 6
  • Conscience: 1
  • Conviction: 3
  • Temperance: 2
  • Valor: 3

Limit Break

Describe your limit break here


Name of your artifact weapon - Brief physical description (I'll add the stat bar, so don't worry about that)


Write a short description of your personality. What traits stand out to others? How do you regard mortals? Celestial Exalted? What is your opinion of being a slave? What might you do about it?


Write a short description of your physical appearance. What stands out most about you physically?

Thoughts on Others

  • Person1: Opinion of character (This section is purely optional, and probably not something you'll have initially)