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| Physical Qualities
| |
| Dwarves average about 4½ feet in height and are very
| |
| broad, weighing as much as an adult human. Dwarves
| |
| have the same variety of skin, eye, and hair colors as
| |
| humans, although dwarf skin is sometimes gray or
| |
| sandstone red and red hair is more common among
| |
| them. Male dwarves are often bald and braid their
| |
| long beards into elaborate patterns. Female dwarves
| |
| braid their hair to show clan and ancestry. Dwarven
| |
| attire and equipment, including weapons and shields,
| |
| are decorated with bold geometric shapes, natural
| |
| gems, and ancestral faces.
| |
| Although they reach physical maturity at roughly
| |
| the same age as humans, dwarves age more slowly and
| |
| remain vigorous well past 150 years of age, often living
| |
| to see 200.
| |
| |
| Playing a Dwarf
| |
| Proudly proclaiming they were made from the earth
| |
| itself, dwarves share many qualities with the rock they
| |
| love. They are strong, hardy, and dependable. They
| |
| value their ancestral traditions, which they preserve
| |
| through the ages as fiercely as they defend the carved
| |
| structures of their mountain homes.
| |
| Dwarves believe in the importance of clan ties and
| |
| ancestry. They deeply respect their elders, and they
| |
| honor long-dead clan founders and ancestral heroes.
| |
| They place great value on wisdom and the experience
| |
| of years, and most are polite to elders of any race.
| |
| More so than most other races, dwarves seek guidance
| |
| and protection from the gods. They look to the
| |
| divine for strength, hope, and inspiration, or they
| |
| seek to propitiate cruel or destructive gods. Individual
| |
| dwarves might be impious or openly heretical, but
| |
| temples and shrines of some sort are found in almost
| |
| every dwarven community. Dwarves revere Moradin
| |
| as their creator, but individual dwarves honor those
| |
| deities who hold sway over their vocations; warriors
| |
| pray to Bahamut or Kord, architects to Erathis, and
| |
| merchants to Avandra—or even to Tiamat, if a dwarf is
| |
| consumed by the dwarven taste for wealth.
| |
| Dwarves never forget their enemies, either individuals
| |
| who have wronged them or entire races of
| |
| monsters who have done ill to their kind. Dwarves
| |
| harbor a fierce hatred for orcs, which often inhabit
| |
| the same mountainous areas that dwarves favor and
| |
| which wreak periodic devastation on dwarf communities.
| |
| Dwarves also despise giants and titans, because
| |
| the dwarf race once labored as the giants’ slaves. They
| |
| feel a mixture of pity and disgust toward those corrupted
| |
| dwarves who still have not freed themselves
| |
| from the giants’ yoke—azers and galeb duhrs among
| |
| them.
| |
| To a dwarf, it is a gift and a mark of deep respect
| |
| to stand beside an ally in battle, and a sign of deepest
| |
| loyalty to shield that ally from enemy attack. Dwarven
| |
| legends honor many heroes who gave their lives to save
| |
| their clans or their friends.
| |
| Dwarf Characteristics: Acquisitive, brave, hardworking,
| |
| loyal, organized, stern, stubborn, tenacious,
| |
| vengeful
| |
| Male Names: Adrik, Baern, Berend, Darrak, Eberk,
| |
| Fargrim, Gardain, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik,
| |
| Rangrim, Thoradin, Thorfin, Tordek, Travok, Vondal
| |
| Female Names: Artin, Bardryn, Diesa, Eldeth,
| |
| Falkrunn, Gurdis, Helja, Kathra, Kristryd, Mardred,
| |
| Riswynn, Torbera, Vistra
| |
| |
| Dwarf Adventurers
| |
| Three sample dwarf adventurers are described below.
| |
| Travok is a dwarf paladin committed to the service
| |
| of Kord. Wearing shining plate armor crafted and
| |
| proudly worn by his great-grandfather, Travok presents
| |
| an impenetrable line of defense, defying his enemies
| |
| to get past him to reach his allies. True to his god and
| |
| the honor of his ancestors, Travok relishes his physical
| |
| strength and endurance, vowing that nothing will
| |
| move him from his place. He is fiercely loyal to his
| |
| friends, and if the need arises, he will lay down his life
| |
| to ensure that they live.
| |
| Kathra is a dwarf cleric devoted to Moradin, the
| |
| Great Carver who formed the dwarves out of stone
| |
| and liberated them from their servitude to the giants.
| |
| Swinging a warhammer engraved with the hammerand-
| |
| anvil symbol of her god, Kathra stands next to
| |
| her fighter companion, trusting in divine power, the
| |
| chainmail she made herself, and her own natural
| |
| resilience to protect her from her enemies. Her dearest
| |
| hope is to craft a legacy that will last through the
| |
| ages, as beautiful and enduring as the finest dwarven
| |
| jewelry—a legacy of peace and justice in this troubled
| |
| world.
| |
| Tordek is a dwarf fighter, last in a long line of noble
| |
| warriors. Three generations ago, his family’s ancestral
| |
| fortress was overrun by orcs and laid to waste, leaving
| |
| Tordek with nothing but a signet ring and tales of
| |
| ancient glory as his birthright. He has sworn that he
| |
| will rebuild the fortress one day, and that oath drives
| |
| his every action. In the meantime, his adventuring
| |
| companions know they can rely on him completely,
| |
| and someday he will rely on them to help him reclaim
| |
| his kingdom.
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