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| | =Introduction= |
| | After the terrible events of 9/11 and the madness of the next few years, a select few individuals decided to take action in a way no one had thought of before—actually “hacking” reality itself, or something close to it. These “reality hackers”—mostly young people, often idealistic, comfortable with technology, and with access to information unheard of in history—managed to affect subtle changes to the world for many years. |
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| | We can, with typical 20/20 hindsight, see the results of their efforts, both subtle and gross, in our modern world. This volume will attempt to record some of the details of those first faltering steps, specifically the period starting with their first efforts in the 00's (sometimes called “the Apocalypse-Wow Years”, though not due to their work) and ending with the Silver Runaways Incident. |
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| | In addition to the history and people of the movement, we believe that enough time has passed that some instruments, techniques and procedures can be recorded and made public; those are also included in this volume. We have tried to limit these entries to working and effective hacks, enabling this volume to function as a guide for future would-be Reality Hackers.<br> |
| | (Note from ###: ARE YOU NUTS?!) |
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| | ==OOC Information== |
| | Reality Hacking 101 is a Lexicon Game to be played on the RPG.net Wiki. The players will be scholars looking back on the first years of “reality hacking”—which happen to be now—from a perspective some years in the future. |
| | |
| | [[Original_Lexicon_post|A copy of the article that introduced the Lexicon Game concept to the world is here.]] This particular game, however, will include a few changes to those rules, primarily as experiments with the game form. In particular, where prior games went through the alphabet in order, this game will go through the letters semi-randomly. (Details below.) We will also be trying some additions and changes suggested by the group that ran [http://paranoia.allenvarney.com The Toothpaste Disaster] for their next game, as a trial run of sorts. |
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| | For now, the schedule is TBD. Here is a preliminary turn schedule: |
| | |
| | *'''Turn 0''' |
| | **Create descriptions for your scholars |
| | **Optionally: reserve up to 2 future entries, with optional ''short'' descriptions. |
| | |
| | *'''Turns 1-3''' |
| | **Reasonably common single letters—commonality to be determined by comparison with existing finished Lexica and other factors. |
| | |
| | *'''Remaining turns''' |
| | **Remaining letters—less common letters will be put into groups, similarly to telephone-pad grouped games. |
| | **Optional: Later in the game, we may have ''subject''-specific turns, where entries can be anywhere in the alphabet, but the subject is constrained. As examples: |
| | ***Personae turn—anywhere in the alphabet, but People only. |
| | ***Technique turn—for How-To-Reality-Hack entries only |
| | ***Event turn—for historical events only. |
| | **Optional: Editing turn—allows you to edit, update or expand prior entries. Again, this will be later in the game (possibly even the ''last'' turn), and will enable you to “tweak” prior entries to bring them more in line with what later entries have revealed. |
| | |
| | *'''Overall:''' |
| | **Reminder: First letter's entries reference 2 entries not yet created; second and subsequent letters reference one existing entry and two future entries. |
| | **The Silver Runaways Incident will ''not'' be detailed (similarly to the Toothpaste Disaster in its eponymous Lexicon). It may be indirectly referenced. |
| | **Entries may reference relevant real-world articles—say, from Wikipedia—but please mark those references with an asterisk or similar sign. |
| | **Each entry will be on its own separate page, with the title “RH101:(entry)” to preclude clashing with existing pages. |
| | **Please IC-Sign (i.e., “sign” with your scholar-character's name) each entry, and include <nowiki>[[Category:RH101]]</nowiki> at the end to help keep things straight. |
| | **Players may leave IC comments on prior entries at any time. Note that while the entries themselves are considered to be incontestable (by Lexicon rules), comments are not—they are considered to be opinions. |
| | **For OOC questions/comments/et cetera, send a PM to Knockwood. |
| | |
| | Good luck! --[[User:Knockwood|Lord Knockwood the Mad]] 01:46, 26 March 2007 (PDT) |
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| | ==Pages== |
| | |
| | First, the [[RH101:OOC_Page|OOC Page]], which includes the scholars' names. |
| | |
| | Then, the actual letter pages: |
| | |
| | ===C=== |
| | |
| | [[RH101:Communicable Diseases|Communicable Diseases]] |
| | |
| | [[RH101:Copenhagen University|Copenhagen University]] |
| | |
| | ===M=== |
| | |
| | [[RH101:Majesty|Majesty]] |
| | |
| | [[RH101:Mercury Anomalies|Mercury Anomalies]] |
| | |
| | [[RH101:Mount Ararat Children Hospital|Mount Ararat Children Hospital]] |
| | |
| | [[Category:RH101|Introduction]] |
After the terrible events of 9/11 and the madness of the next few years, a select few individuals decided to take action in a way no one had thought of before—actually “hacking” reality itself, or something close to it. These “reality hackers”—mostly young people, often idealistic, comfortable with technology, and with access to information unheard of in history—managed to affect subtle changes to the world for many years.
We can, with typical 20/20 hindsight, see the results of their efforts, both subtle and gross, in our modern world. This volume will attempt to record some of the details of those first faltering steps, specifically the period starting with their first efforts in the 00's (sometimes called “the Apocalypse-Wow Years”, though not due to their work) and ending with the Silver Runaways Incident.
In addition to the history and people of the movement, we believe that enough time has passed that some instruments, techniques and procedures can be recorded and made public; those are also included in this volume. We have tried to limit these entries to working and effective hacks, enabling this volume to function as a guide for future would-be Reality Hackers.
(Note from ###: ARE YOU NUTS?!)
OOC Information
Reality Hacking 101 is a Lexicon Game to be played on the RPG.net Wiki. The players will be scholars looking back on the first years of “reality hacking”—which happen to be now—from a perspective some years in the future.
A copy of the article that introduced the Lexicon Game concept to the world is here. This particular game, however, will include a few changes to those rules, primarily as experiments with the game form. In particular, where prior games went through the alphabet in order, this game will go through the letters semi-randomly. (Details below.) We will also be trying some additions and changes suggested by the group that ran The Toothpaste Disaster for their next game, as a trial run of sorts.
For now, the schedule is TBD. Here is a preliminary turn schedule:
- Turn 0
- Create descriptions for your scholars
- Optionally: reserve up to 2 future entries, with optional short descriptions.
- Turns 1-3
- Reasonably common single letters—commonality to be determined by comparison with existing finished Lexica and other factors.
- Remaining turns
- Remaining letters—less common letters will be put into groups, similarly to telephone-pad grouped games.
- Optional: Later in the game, we may have subject-specific turns, where entries can be anywhere in the alphabet, but the subject is constrained. As examples:
- Personae turn—anywhere in the alphabet, but People only.
- Technique turn—for How-To-Reality-Hack entries only
- Event turn—for historical events only.
- Optional: Editing turn—allows you to edit, update or expand prior entries. Again, this will be later in the game (possibly even the last turn), and will enable you to “tweak” prior entries to bring them more in line with what later entries have revealed.
- Overall:
- Reminder: First letter's entries reference 2 entries not yet created; second and subsequent letters reference one existing entry and two future entries.
- The Silver Runaways Incident will not be detailed (similarly to the Toothpaste Disaster in its eponymous Lexicon). It may be indirectly referenced.
- Entries may reference relevant real-world articles—say, from Wikipedia—but please mark those references with an asterisk or similar sign.
- Each entry will be on its own separate page, with the title “RH101:(entry)” to preclude clashing with existing pages.
- Please IC-Sign (i.e., “sign” with your scholar-character's name) each entry, and include [[Category:RH101]] at the end to help keep things straight.
- Players may leave IC comments on prior entries at any time. Note that while the entries themselves are considered to be incontestable (by Lexicon rules), comments are not—they are considered to be opinions.
- For OOC questions/comments/et cetera, send a PM to Knockwood.
Good luck! --Lord Knockwood the Mad 01:46, 26 March 2007 (PDT)
First, the OOC Page, which includes the scholars' names.
Then, the actual letter pages:
Communicable Diseases
Copenhagen University
Mercury Anomalies
Mount Ararat Children Hospital