Dungeons and Dragons PC-NPC template

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This page is a blank template for NPCs and PCs in the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 system. Brackets (not parentheses) indicate optional blocks that are omitted if unnecessary. This format and advice taken from the following page: http://home.gwi.net/~rdorman/frilond/rul/dm/newstatblock.htm, which is copyright 2007 R. Dorman. The stat block itself is derived from Wizards of the Coast published products. I created this for use with the 3-5 Against the Giants Campaign run by Dr. Xaos, but hope that others can use it! An example of a sheet in use (and currently under construction) is that of Kazoth the Rake. --Mr Adventurer 07:39, 2 April 2009 (PDT)-


Gender race class XXlevel
AL Size creaturetype [(subtype)]
Init +XX (+XX Dex, misc. mods); Senses [special senses;] Listen +XX, Spot +XX
[Aura aura (range, DC XX)]
Languages languages

AC XX, touch XX, flat-footed XX (+XX armor, +XX Dex, +XX size, misc. mods)[; defenses][; AC feats]
hp XX (XX HD (+XX Race, +XX Class))[; fast healing XX][; DR XX/XX]
[Immune immunities]
[Resist resistances; SR XX]
Fort +XX, Ref +XX, Will +XX (Race F+XX, R+XX, W+XX; Class F+XX, R+XX, W+XX; Con +XX, Dex +XX, Wis +XX)[; save modifiers]
[Weakness XX]

Spd XX ft.[; speed feats]
Melee weapon +XX (damage) (+XX BAB, +XX Str, +XX size, +XX weapon quality, +XX feat)
Ranged weapon +XX (damage) (+XX BAB, +XX Dex, +XX size, +XX weapon quality, +XX feat)[; ranged atk feats]
[Space XX ft; Reach XX ft]
Base Atk +XX (+XX Race, +XX Class); Grp +XX
[Atk Options options; atk options feats]
[Special Actions special actions; special action feats]
Combat Gear gear
[Spells (CL XX, +XX melee touch, +XX ranged touch)]
[Spell-Like Abilities (CL XX)]

Abilities Str XX, Dex XX, Con XX, Int XX, Wis XX, Cha XX
[SQ special qualities]
Feats Feat XX level, Feat XX level, Feat XX level, Feat XX level
Skills Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX
Possessions money derived from DMG tables for NPC wealth-item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, XX gp remaining wealth in coins
[Spellbook All spells prepared plus XX]

[Hook hook]

[Ability (Type) description]
[Ability (Type) description]

Skills (class): Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), = XX (XX skill points)

NOTE: Number of feats is derived as follows: XX.