Naomi Bishop

Former pit-fighter and bodyguard to Lady Blackbird
A character in the Lady Blackbird : And a star to steer her by PBP game.
XP : 1
Dice Pool : 5
Combat Tested, Brutal, Living Weapon, Fast, Hard, [Strong], [Bone-breaking], [Scary Look]
Awareness, Threats, Defend, Disarm, Restrain, Carry, Delay, [Security], [First Aid]
Sneak, Hide, Run, Tough, Endure, Scrounge, Nobles, [Hatred], [Iron Will]
Insightful, Aware, Coiled, Liars, Traps, [Danger], [Sense Motives]
Key of the Guardian
You are Lady Blackbird’s loyal defender. Hit your key when you make a decision influenced by Lady Blackbird or protect her from harm.
Buyoff: Sever your relationship with the Lady.
Key of Vengeance
The Empire enslaved you and made you kill for sport. You will have your revenge on them and watch their cities burn. Hit your key when you strike a blow against the Empire (especially by killing an Imperial).
Buyoff: Forgive them for what they did to you.
Key of the Warrior
You crave the crash and roar of battle, the tougher the better. Hit your key when you do battle with worthy or superior foes.
Buyoff: Pass up an opportunity for a good fight.
Secret of Destruction
You can break things with your bare hands as if you were swinging a sledgehammer. It’s scary.
Secret of the Bodyguard
Once per session, you can re-roll a failure when protecting someone.