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Siren II (Cassandra Vale): Voodoo loa (goddess) of the sea, bonded with a mortal psychologist, and wielding power over the sea and weather. Protector of New Orleans.

M&M1e Stats

PL 13; PP 195 ; HP 6

Abilities: [32 pp] Str 12, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16

Saves: Dmg +4 (+0 Prt), Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3

Combat: [25 pp] Attack: Melee +6, Ranged +8, Mental +8 Defense: 18/15, Mental 18 Init +3; Run 30/60/120; Size Medium

Skills: [13 pp] Bonus: Str +7, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +3 Diplomacy +5 (2), Knowledge (Occult) +4 (2), Knowledge (Oceans) +7 (5), Language +2 (2), Proffession (Psychologist) +8 (0), Riding (Crestacions) +5 (2)

Feats: [12 pp] Amphibious, Attack Finesse, Detect (Magic), Identity Change, Immunity (Aging, disease)

Powers: [90 pp] Element Control (Water) +10 [Extras: Element Blast, Swimming, Weather Control, Weather Control; Stunts: Dazzle (Water Spray), Flight, Mind Control (Extras: Area; Flaws: Limited - Marine Creatures), Suffocate, Super-Swimming, Super-Swimming; Cost 5 pp; Total 60 pp]

Super Strength +6 [Extras: Protection; Cost 5 pp; Total 30 pp]

Devices: [23 pp] Comm Link +1 [Effect: Radio Hearing; Cost 1 pp; Total 1 pp]

Silver Net +11 [Effect: Snare; Extras: Ghost Touch; Source: Mystical; Cost 2 pp; Total 22 pp]