Character:Ta'an Aesin

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Game: Once more, with feeling.

Character Name: Ta'an Aesin
Caste: Zenith Caste, Solar Exalt
Concept: Redeemed Servant of Oblivion.


  • To drive the forces of Oblivion from Creation.


  • Familiar (Love) (Loyalty) (+)
  • Unconquered Sun (Loyalty) (Service) (+)


  • A gentle warmth radiating from her being, even as a spiritual bird of prey surrounds and surmounts her body. Its' eyes express great sadness even as they promise annihilation to those who would harm those under her protection. The raptor's wings are expressive, defaulting to a protective stance as they interpose themselves between Aesin and every attack coming her way.



  • Strength 4
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 4


  • Charisma 4
  • Manipulation 3
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 5


Dawn Caste Abilities

  • (F) Archery 5 (Immaculate Golden Bow, +3)
  • Martial Arts
  • (F) Melee 5 (Glorious Solar Saber, +3)
  • Thrown
  • (F) War 5

Zenith Caste Abilities

  • (C) Integrity 4
  • (C) Performance 3
  • (C) Presence 3
  • (C) Resistance 5
  • (C) Survival 3

Twilight Caste Abilities

  • Craft
  • Investigation
  • Lore 2
  • Medicine
  • Occult 4

Night Caste Abilities

  • (F) Athletics 4
  • (F) Awareness 5 (Join Battle!, +3) (Unexpected Attacks, +3)
  • (F) Dodge (Armored, +3)
  • Larceny
  • Stealth

Eclipse Caste Abilities

  • Bureaucracy 3
  • Linguistics 1 (River Speak (Native), Old Realm)
  • (F) Ride 5 (Familiar, +3)
  • Sail
  • Socialize 3


Familiar 5, "Ashke"

  • Large Black Tiger, Solar Half-Caste (was Ghost-Blooded)

Lunar Bond 5


Archery Charms

  • Essence Arrow Attack
    • Fiery Arrow Attack
    • Dazzling Flare
    • Righteous Judgment Arrow
  • Phantom Arrow Technique
  • Immaculate Golden Bow
    • Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +3L, Rate 3, Range 300 yards

Melee Charms

  • Call the Blade
  • Glorious Solar Saber
    • Speed 3, Accuracy +11, Damage +0L, Defense +0, Rate (Infinite)
    • Speed 3, Accuracy +0, Damage +0L, Defense +11, Rate (Infinite)
  • Piercing Rays of Dawn Meditation (pg 6, Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment
  • Dipping Swallow Defense
  • Bulwark Stance
  • Heavenly Guardian Defense

Integrity Charms

  • Integrity-Protecting Prana
  • Temptation-Resisting Stance
  • Elusive Dream Defense

Resistance Charms

  • Whirldwind Armor-Donning Prana
  • Hauberk-Lightening Gesture
  • Glorious Solar Plate
  • Golden Purity Bulwark (pg 13, Hundred Facets of Enlightenment)
  • Armored Scout's Invigoration

Survival Charms

  • Friendship with Animals Approach
  • Spirit-Tied Pet

Dodge Charms

  • Shadow Over Water
  • Seven Shadow Evasion
  • Reflex Sidestep Technique


Essence: 3
Personal: 19 of Nineteen
Peripheral: 46 of Forty-Six
Committed: None.


10 of Ten


Compassion: 2
Conviction: 5
Temperance: 3
Valor: 5

Limit Break


"Heart of Flint"

Combat Values

Parry DV: 11
Dodge DV: 7 (Unarmored)
Dodge DV: 8 (Armored)

Parry MDV: 4 (Charisma)
Parry MDV: 3 (Manipulation)
Dodge MDV: 9

Soak, Natural: 4 Bashing, 2 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Soak, Armored: 14 Bashing, 12 Lethal, 10 Aggravated (Glorious Solar Plate)

Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Hardness, Armored: 5 Bashing, 5 Lethal, 5 Aggravated (Glorious Solar Plate)

Health Levels

-0 [L]
-1 [L], -1 [L]
-2 [L], -2 [L]
-4 [L]
Incapacitated []


Glorious Solar Saber (Attack)

  • Speed 3, Accuracy 21, Damage 4L, Defense +0, Rate (Infinite)

Glorious Solar Saber (Defense)

  • Speed 3, Accuracy 13, Damage 4L, Defense +8, Rate (Infinite)

Glorious Solar Sabers (Both)

  • Speed 3, Accuracy 21, Damage 4L, Defense +8, Rate (Infinite)

Immaculate Golden Bow

  • Speed 6, Accuracy 21, Damage 7L, Rate 3, Range 300 yards


Glorious Solar Plate

  • Soak 15B / 15L / 15A, Hardness 7B / 7B / 7A, Mobility -1, Fatigue 0

Merits and Flaws

  • Ambidextrous, 1-point Merit
  • Tactical Instincts, 3-point Merit
  • Priest (Ancestor Cults), 1-point Merit
  • Priest (Unconquered Sun), Automatic Merit