Rina's AP: Season One

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Revision as of 23:08, 1 June 2010 by Taimdala (talk | contribs)
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Season One
Episode Points Subtotal Points Spent Points Spent On Points Earned Point Balance
118.0 17 0 0 +3 20
119.0 20 -2 d2 Melee Weapon 0 18
18 -8 d8 Brawling 0 10
10 -8 d8 Create/Alter Equipment 0 02
02 0 0 +3 05
120.0 05 0 0 +3 08
121.0 08 -2 d2 Animal Handling 0 06
06 0 0 +3 09
122.0 09 -4 d4 Melee Weapon 0 05
05 -4 d4 Animal Handling 0 01
01 0 0 +3 04
123.0 04 0 0 +3 07
124.0 07 0 0 +3 10
125.0 10 -6 d6 Melee Weapon 0 04
04 -4 d4 Discipline 0 0
126.0 0 0 0 +3 03
127.0 03 0 0 +3 06
Season One Hiatus 06 0 GM Bonus: d2 Ranged Weapon 0 06

NOTE: The GM has a separate record of Rina's AP points up to Game 18.0 in a different format. Plugging them into the table here didn't seem necessary.

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