Yellow Emperor Noodles
Yellow Emperor Noodles
Zaijian Baby:
A noodle shop, reputedly with the best takeaway noodles in Zhen Zhou City - if such a thing can be believed! The silent war between noodle chefs is never over, and in the end... there can be only one.
It is operated by the single-minded noodle warrior Iron Brow Ren of the Bei Clan.
Silver Fox Lin lives and works here. Recently, Dallying Dreadnaught Bei arrived to the place.
Zaijian Honey Blues UPDATE:
Yellow Emperor Noodles was destroyed by a vicious attack from enemies of Iron Brow Ren and the mysterious Silver Fox, both of whom tried to fight the menace together with the pint-sized juggernaut known as Dallying Dreadnaught Bei (happened at the end of Zaijian Baby, Chapter 1).
The future of the restaurant is uncertain - and what will happen to its´ inhabitants?
Update 2
Currently, the gang´s housed in the Black Crane High, where Ren is the new chef.
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