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- Main Page; The Valley of Cradles


Ornin was born in Pavis 21 years ago, cousin to the local nobility by virtue of the marriage of one of his kin. He still kept to the ways of Orlanth, but picked a less-orthodox view of the immortal hero than most of his kin. Namely, he joined the cult of the Night’s breeze*, swearing to only steal from enemies or to protect his kin. (And of course, violence always remained an option, too! No Orlanthi would think otherwise…) The next few years, he was acquiring the necessary skills for heroic thefts, relying on his wits and the favour of the gods first, and speed a close second. Not being a huge guy, he had an easier time to hide – or to dodge, when hiding failed and he had to revert to the other aspects of Orlanth’s personality. But then, the Lunars came. It was both an opportunity – so many enemies to steal from! – and the worst luck Pavis has had. And then the invaders closed the temple of Orlanth, automatically becoming sworn enemies of the young Ornin. Probably he’s been even overzealous, stealing from too many invaders, since an elder relative and a senior cult member advised him to pack his weapons and whatever else he wished to have on that trip, and to leave the city for a while. Ornin decided to follow the good advice and spent a few months contemplating the wild animals and trying to sneak next to them without the silence spell… It was good. It was peaceful. It was a hell of a boring time! He returned to Pavis-outside-the-walls at the first signs things had settled somewhat. After all, one can avoid Lunars – boredom is worse!

  • I tell you, whoever wrote Scroll of the Monk for Exalted was a Glorantha fan! Night breeze is a Terrestrial martial art, specializing in stealth…

Character Details

  • Name: Ornin
  • Race: human
  • Cults:-

o Rune Level: Not YET! o Initiate: full initiate of The Night’s Breeze and Orlanth. o Lay Member: I should get Pavis here, or not?

  • Social Condition: Poor noble
  • Sex: Male /in alternative reading, ‘Everyday’/
  • Previous Experience: City thief

Str13 Con 13 Siz 12 Int 16 Pow 16 Dex 15 Cha 13

  • Darkness powers have cursed you...you are poorly skilled -20% with all blunt weapons.
  • However, you are resistant to poisons, +4 to con rolls when resisting/shrugging off poison effects.

Agility: +15% Parry/Dodge included

Aim/missile att: +15% Communication: +15% Knowledge: +10% Manipulation-Body: +20% Melee Weapon attacks included! Manipulation-Fine: +15% Perception: +10% Stealth: +5% Damage: +1D4 Enc. Cap is 13 Experience bonus +12%

* Agility: +15%

o Dance (30%/5%):- (45%/20%?) + Style: n% o Dodge (15%): +10% (40%)+35=75%%(1-7) o Climb (25%): (40%) (75%, 2-7) o Jump (25%): (40%_(75%, 3-7) o Tumbling (25%): (40%) ((75%, 4-7) Parry Dagger (25+15 bonus=40%) Parry Shortsword

* Aim: +15%

o Catch (25%): n% o Throw (25%): +10% (50%, I guess that's for rocks)

* Knowledge: +10%

o Evaluate (10%)(+10 background) + Treasure: (20%) + Trade Goods: (25%%) + Art: 5 (25%) Evaluate loot* 20% o Read/Write Language (10/0%):-: r/w (Pavic) +20 (+Basic=30?) o Animal Lore (5%):- + Find cattle food: n% + Hunting: 15% + Tending/Herding: 15% + Training: 15% o Folk Lore (30%) By culture/race.: n% Folklore [Valley of Cradles, Human.]+20 (60%?) o Mineral Lore (5%):- + Mining: n% + Caving: n% + Assess Mineral: n% o Plant Lore (5%):- + Find healing plants: n% + Identify plants: n% + Farming: n% o World lore (5%):- World lore+15 + Find Water: n% (30%) + Survival: n% (15%) + Weatherlore: n% (15%) o Healing lore: (10%):- + Identify disease: n%(20%?) + Indentify poison: n% (20%?) + Doctoring: n% (20%?) o Martial arts (0%): n% (10%) o River Lore (20%): n% (30%) o Spirit Lore (5%): n% (15) o Star lore (Navigation)(10%):- + Trailblazing: n% (20%) + Seaborne: n% (20%)

* Manipulation[Body]: +20%

o Boating (10%): n% (30%) o Sailing (5%): n% (25%) o Craft, Physical (30%/10%) Sp:- + Armour/weapon/shield making: n% + Masonry/architect: n% + Peaceful Cut/butchery: n% + Shiphandling: n% + Teamster/packhandler: n% o Swimming (15%): n% (35) o Riding (5%): n% (25%) o Running (25%): n% (45%) o Drive Cart/wagon (15%): n% (35%) Unarmed cbt +5 (25%+Basic=50?) Dagger+10 (30+Basic=55%?) (+15%, 2-8) IH Sword +15% (35+Basic=50%?)(+15%, 1-8)

* Manipulation[Fine]: +15%

o First aid (10%): 25% o Treat disease/poison (5): 20% o Sleight of hand (15%):- + Hide item: n% (30%?) + Pick pockets: n% (30%?) + Palm object: n% (30%?) o Craft, Fine (30%/10)% Sp:- + Map making: n% + Netmaking: n% + Gemsmith/Jewelcraft: n% + Brewing: n% + Trapsmith: n% + Locksmith: n% +10 (Background) o Devices (5):- + Lock pick: n% + Trap set/disarm: n% o Feign Death (10): 25% o Foil Restraints (0): 15% o Play Instrument (Var): n%

* Perception: +10%

o Listen (25)%: 35% (50%, 3-8) o Scan (25)%: 35% (50%, 4-8) o Sense (5%):- (+15%?, 5-8) + Ambush: 15% + Chaos: 15% + Assassin: 15% o Spot (5):- (+15%?, 6-8) + Hidden items: 15% + Trap: 15% o Taste analysis (5%): 15% o Tracking (10%): 15%

* Stealth: +5%

o Camouflage (10%): 15% (50%, 6-7) o Hide (15%): 20% (55%, 5-7) o Move quietly (15%): 20% (70%, Main Skill) o Ambush (5)%: 10% o Shadowing (10%): 15% o Swim Quietly (Sp.): n%

* Communication: +15%

o Bargain (10%): n% o Orate (10%): n% o Sing (5%): n% o Speak Language:- + Native (Int x 5): 80 + Tradetalk+15 Stormspeech [Speak]*15+15(30%, 7-8) o Understand beast speech (10%): n% o Voice Mimicry (5%): n%

* Social: +20%

o Acting (10%): 30% o Bribery (20%): 40% o Fast talk (20%): 40% (+15=55%, 8-8) o Disguise (10%): 30% o Wise (30%/10%/5%):- + Streetwise: n% (+35%, 7-7, so 20 Social bonus+30/10/5?% bonus, +35%=60-85%) + Courtliness:+15 (background, so 20 Social bonus+30/10/5?% bonus, +15% background=40-65%) + Nomad ways: n% Ok, 5 years training as a cult thief for a civilised, Pavis poor noble.

Spells: I choose Mobility, Silence and Befuddle.