Telkarion Locations
Feywilds - The wild, untamed wilderness that lays to the north of the Empire. Its name is derived from the many fey creatures that populate the forests. Primary amongst the fey are the elves.
Gena Wastes - The lands that once formed the centre of the Magocracy of Gena. A century ago, mysterious elemental magical forces ravaged the lands in a great disaster. Elemental energies ebb and flow throughout the wastes, warping arcane magic in strange ways. The Empire maintains constant vigilance against the elemental aberrations that wander forth from the wild heart of the Wastes.
Great Highway - major road constructed during the days of the ancient Eastern Emberek Empire. At one time, it circumnavigated the borders of that empire, serving to move armies and trade goods. Today, large portions lay well beyond the borders of the Telkarion Empire, and much of the highway has fallen into disrepair, with bridges long washed away and paving stones often buried beneath centuries of overgrowth.
Vizparti - capital city of the Telkarion Empire.
Wasteward Keep - primary stronghold of the Wasteward Marches.