Once more with feeling/CharGenHouse

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Game: Once More, With Feeling!.

Character Generation:


All attributes start with two dots automatically. Otherwise, as per normal. (Lunars receive a total of 2 Favored Attributes.)


  • Solars: 42 Dots, with a total of 7 Favored Abilities outside of Caste Abilities.
  • Lunars: 39 Dots, with a total of 2 Favored Abilities outside of the automatic Favored Survival.

Advantages - Backgrounds:

  • 10 Dots of Backgrounds.
  • Automatic Background: Solar Bond 5 (Lunars), Lunar Bond 5 (Solars). An automatic and modified version of the merit Eternal Vow from the 1E Players Guide is also in effect. Said modification allows for the communication of thoughts, emotions and sensations over extended distances. At the player's option, the True Love merit can be defined as automatically included in the above backgrounds; such is not required and may or may not be reciprocated. The majority of NPCs will have this option enabled by default. The requirements for True Love are waived for, and only for, the purposes of inclusion in the bond.
  • Lunars: Heart's Blood background is disregarded. Any reasonable forms may be used with or without a flashback scene, as appropriate.

Advantages - Charms:

  • Any excellencies that your character qualifies for are considered to be known; any excellencies that your character eventually qualifies for are considered to be automatically known with no required training time. It is the nature of the Exalted to be excellent within their purview.
  • The selection of a Sorcery Charm includes two spell selections of the appropriate circle. Additional charm selections used for spells enables three spell selections instead of the default.
  • Solars: 15 Charms, at least 5 must be from Caste or Favored Abilities.
  • Lunars: 12 Charms and 6 Knacks. A minimum of 4 Charms must be selected from Caste or Favored Attributes. Charm selections may be used to purchase Knacks as per normal.

Advantages - Virtues:

  • 7 Dots to assign.

Finishing Touches:

  • Starting Essence of 3
  • Solars may not start play with an Essence any higher than 5.

Bonus Points:

  • 30, +15 for non-magical traits.

Character Generation: First Age Lunars


  • Note that all attributes start with two dots.
  • Attribute Assignment: Primary (8 Dots), Secondary (6 Dots), Tertiary (4 Dots)
  • Record Caste Attributes (3)
  • Record Favored Attributes (2)
  • Gain three free Attribute dots that may be assigned to Caste or Favored Attributes.


  • Select Favored Abilities (Survival, and 4 others)
  • Assign Celestial Training Ability Dots in Bureaucracy, Presence or Socialize; Lore 2; Occult 2; Ride or Sail 1; and two dots allocated among Archery, Martial Arts, Melee or Thrown.
  • Assign Caste Training Ability dots
    • Full Moon: One dot in either Archery, Martial Arts, Melee or Thrown; Resistance 1; Survival 1; War 1
    • Waxing Moon: Performance 1; Presence 1; Socialize 1; Survival 1
    • Half Moon: Investigation 1; Presence 1; Survival 1; War 1
    • Waning Moon: Larceny 2; Stealth 1; Survival 1
    • No Moon: Craft 1; Lore 1; Occult 1; Survival 1
  • Choose Ability dots (30 - at least one in each Favored Ability.)


  • Backgrounds (10)
    • Automatic Background: Solar Bond 5. An automatic and modified version of the merit Eternal Vow from the 1E Players Guide is also in effect. Said modification allows for the communication of thoughts, emotions and sensations over extended distances. At the player's option, the True Love merit can be defined as automatically included in the above backgrounds; such is not required and may or may not be reciprocated. The majority of NPCs will have this option enabled by default. The requirements for True Love are waived for, and only for, the purposes of inclusion in the bond.
    • Heart's Blood background is disregarded. Any reasonable forms may be used with or without a flashback scene, as appropriate.
  • Charms and Knacks (15)
  • Virtues (7)

Finishing Touches

  • Permanent Essence 3

Bonus Points

  • 30 Bonus Points, plus 15 non-magical Bonus Points

Infernal Exalt Generation

  • Free 2 Dots in each Attribute.
  • 7 Favored Abilities. 42 Ability Dots, at least 10 in Caste or Favored.
  • 10 Background Dots.
  • 15 Charms.
  • 7 Virtue Dots.
  • 30 Bonus Points, +15 Bonus Points for non-magical traits only.

Ally Generation: Dragonblooded

Dragon-Blooded, Dynastic:

  • Free 2 Dots in each Attribute.
  • 5 Favored Abilities. 52 Ability Dots, at least 19 from Aspected or Favored. Standard minimum requirements for a Dynastic Dragon-Blooded.
  • 18 Background Dots.
  • 10 Charms, at least 6 from Aspected or Favored OR 7 Immaculate Charms
  • 7 Virtue Dots.
  • 30 Bonus Points, +15 Bonus Points for non-magical traits only.

Dragon-Blooded, Lookshy:

  • Free 2 Dots in each Attribute.
  • 5 Favored Abilities. 52 Ability Dots, at least 19 from Aspected or Favored. Standard minimum requirements for a Lookshy Dragon-Blooded.
  • 19 Background Dots.
  • 9 Charms, at least 6 from Aspected or Favored. Wind-Carried Word Technique and Elemental Bolt Attack are treated as bonus charms.
  • 7 Virtue Dots.
  • 30 Bonus Points, +15 Bonus Points for non-magical traits only.

Dragon-Blooded, Outcaste:

  • Free 2 Dots in each Attribute.
  • 5 Favored Abilities. 37 Ability Dots, at least 19 from Aspected or Favored.
  • 10 Background Dots.
  • 10 Charms, at least 6 from Aspected or Favored.
  • 7 Virtue Dots.
  • 30 Bonus Points, +15 Bonus Points for non-magical traits only.