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Character in Mage: The Awakening: A Civil War, played by Wolfwood2.


  • Civilian Name: Marcus Beaumont
  • Virtue: Temperance ('Stay calm and let's think this through')
  • Vice: Greed ('With such power... I could do anything')
  • Path: Moros
  • Legacy: Callers of Zamani
  • Order: Silver Ladder



  • Intelligence 4 (Analysis)
  • Wits 2
  • Resolve 3


  • Strength 2
  • Dexterity 2
  • Stamina 3


  • Presence 3
  • Manipulation 2
  • Composure 4 (Stay Calm)



  • Academics 5 (s. Law)
  • Crafts 3
  • Investigation 2
  • Occult 3 (s. Ghosts)
  • Politics 1


  • Athletics 2
  • Brawl 2
  • Firearms 1


  • Expression 2 (rote specialty)
  • Persuasion 4 (rote specialty)
  • Socialise 1
  • Subterfuge 2 (rote specialty)


  • Death 3
  • Matter 3
  • Time 1



  • High Speech (From Ladder)
  • Gnosis (6)
  • Sanctum 3 (Own sanctum)
  • Sanctum 1 (toward group)
  • Contacts 2 (local vampires, FBI)
  • Hallow 1 (own sanctum)
  • Mentor 3 (Law Professor at Tulane, Moros Ladder Member and member of the Callers of Zamani legacy)
  • Status (Silver Ladder) 2
  • Rotes 4 (see below)


  • Eidetic Memory 2
  • Striking Looks 2
  • Resources 4 (First son of the Gainesville Beaumonts)
  • Status 1 (licensed lawyer in Florida and Georgia)


  • Perfect Timing (Time 1, p. xxx); (Int + Comp + Time)
  • Momentary Flux (Time 1, p. xxx)(Int + Investigate + Time)
  • Jury Rig (Matter 3, p. xxx) (Int + Crafts + Matter)
  • Transmute Water (Matter 2, p. xxx) (Int + Occult + Matter)
  • Ghost Gate (Death 3, p. xxx) (Resolve + Occult + Death)

Unique Rote

  • Waters of Death: Death 3/Matter 3 - Seemingly pours a normal drink that is actually ectoplasm enspelled by matter. Once drunk, the ectoplasm spreads through the body and allows the drinker to speak and interacts with ghosts for a scene. (Sort of a grim sight cast on multiple targets at once.) Int + Craft + Death; Cost is one mana


  • Dedicated Magical Tool: Small (shot glass) sized cup made of petrified wood and decorated with tiny gems
  • Nimbus: Darkness and pressure, building, until something huge moves by in the night
  • Gnosis: 3
  • Wisdom 6
  • Willpower 7

Legacy: Callers of Zamani

History Certain Eastern and Central African cultures divide the dead into two types, the Sasa and the Zamani. Sasa are spirits of the dead who were personally known by someone still alive. Because they exist in the memories of living, they are not wholly dead. They can still have individual concerns and affect on the world and exist in the now. The memory of the living is their anchor. When the last person who knew them as a living person dies, they go from Sasa to Zamani. As Zamani they are generalized ancestor spirits and no longer revered as individuals. They are unanchored from "now" and sort of spread across the vast expanse of the past.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, African slaves transported to America brought with them these beliefs. Many of them ended up in New Orleans, where they mixed with the beliefs and knowledge of other cultures. In the year 1840, a New Orleans mage by the name of Harold Cheney, known at the time by his Shadow name of Distant Days, created the Legacy. Cheney was a freeman quadroon who was an artist of exceptional skill, using his natural talent in combination with his Moros mastery of Matter to create paintings and sculpture of staggering beauty. When his greatest works and his family were destroyed in a fire, he searched for a way to recover them both.

Distant Days reasoned that if the dead are truly tied to this world by the bonds of memory, then perhaps memory combined with Supernal power of awakened magic could call them back to existance as Ephemera in Twilight. Striking forth to create his own Legacy, he soulcrafted himself with the ability to summon ephemera into existance with nothing but the power of his memory. Eventually he recovered his house, his works, and even his family as ghosts in Twilight. When his time finally came, he joined them as a Ghost Mage who still exists today, supported by the memories of those who have joined his Legacy.

Today The Callers of Zamani are ackowledged as the masters of ephemera within the Awakened world. By will and memory alone can they call ephemera into existance. At higher attainments they can create not merely ghostly objects, but actual ghosts. Mere poltergeists and unthinking actors at first, but eventually ghosts with desires and thoughts so real they could be mistaken for people. Some Mages join this Legacy out of a desire to restore some personal loss, others desire to uphold philosophical beliefs that Death is transition rather than oblivion, others out of a a desire to plumb the true nature of ephemera, and some out of the promise of immortality... of a sort. It's well known that many (though not all) Callers of Zamani become Ghost Mages upon their deaths, frequently with their living students becoming their anchors.

Joining this Legacy requires traveling to New Orleans and stepping into Twilight to meet the ghost of Distant Days and see the ghostly remains of his art. Taking his memory into yourself to help sustain him is one of the prices paid for the secret of his Legacy. The Legacy also holds yearly convocations to meet each other and make memories, for it is believed that this increases the chances of returning as a Ghost Mage. This does mean that the true names of many of the mages of the Legacy are more vulnerable than most, but perhaps this is counterbalanced by the reluctance of their enemies to outright kill them.... for obvious reasons.

Parent Path: Moros


Suggested Oblations: Read the diary/biography of a person long dead and look at their pictures, watch a building or area in the process of destruction and preserve it as it was in your memory, visit someone on the edge of death and commit them to your memory, read the words of someone dead to a crowd to awaken their memory.

Attainment: Call Ephermeral Object

1st Attainment: Call Ephemeral Object Requirements: Gnosis 3, Craft 2, Death 3, Intelligence or Composure 3

By drawing upon memory, the Caller can create an ephemeral object in Twilight. Physical remains of the object are not required. Indeed, it may still exist somewhere in the world undestroyed. When drawing upon his own memories, the Caller rolls Intelligence + Composure + Death to craft the object, subject to the modifiers for remembering information found on page 44 of the core rulebook. A size 5 or smaller ephemeral object can be created with a single success. Additional successes are required for larger objects as per the standard spell factors table. Extra successes may also be required for extreme detail, or to enable the functioning of ephemeral machinery for a scene, or similiar 'extras', at the discretion of the ST.

A Caller can draw upon the memories of someone else to create an ephemeral object, but it is more difficult. An additional participant rolls only Intelligence + Composure and at a -2 dice penalty. Equipment such as a photograph or video or written description of the object can modify memory rolls as normal.

An object present within the scene cannot be ephemerally duplicated, as you cannot remember something you're actively observing.

Optional Arcanum: With Matter 2, a Caller can change the shape ephemeral objects he has created (and only those objects) as though using the Death spell Sculpt Ephemera. This can alter the shape and Durability of these objects (Durability can be enhanced by dots equal to the Caller's Matter Arcanum), but not the nature of their pseudo-substance. An ephemeral aluminum baseball bat could be changed to an aluminum dining set, but it will still appear to be aluminum.


His name would be Marcus "Mark" Beaumont, shadow name being Leviathan. He is a lawyer with a license to practice in Georgia and Florida, though he specializes more in boring real estate and financial law than criminal defense. He is also a member of the Silver Ladder and acts on behalf of the Order and associated Pentacle mages for property acquisitions and such with details too sensitive to leave to Sleepers.

Mark is a Moros, though with a heavy water aspect. His shadow name comes because he awakened during a near-drowning where he actually stopped breathing for over a minute and descended to the depths of the watery grave where all souls sink and huge spirits swim. (He also suspects this was not an accident. I'll flesh this out if you give me the go-ahead and if Phatom Stranger is okay with suspicions about the family.)

Mark is a death-focused Moros, with a fascination, almost obsession, with the veil between life and death. This has the possibility of tempting him to go too far for knowledge. He sees himself as "the responsible one" compared Daniel, largely because their training as mages has been separate and he hasn't had a chance to see his brother grow into power. He thinks Daniel is still his 'little brother'.

Personality-wise, Mark is meticulous to the point of obsessiveness. He has melancholy days and was even somewhat depressive before he started taking medication for it. I was thinking he might have contacts with the local vampires, though they haven't really come up in game other than a few references.



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  • Gained:3
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