Once more with feeling/Denandsor Council/Cabinet/Ministry/Defense & Logistics/Army

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Once more, with feeling!
Ministry of Defense & Logistics

Solitary Talon's Regulars

The Regulars' Regimental Colors

Solitary Talon's personal troops, they have been partially integrated into the unified Denandsor military command structure.

Special Forces

Commanded by Dragonlord Asidisi Phame.


Commanded by Dragonlord Heisen Lilaze.

Heavy Infantry

Commanded by Dragonloard Isar Malach.


Commanded by Dragonlord Larna Eyaso.

Artillery & Warstriders

Commanded by Dragonlord Valish Carna.

Anshu's Auxiliaries

The Auxiliaries' Regimental Colors

Comprised mainly of the refugees trained by Anshu during the March to Denandsor, the Auxiliaries are not as powerful a force as the Regulars, but their drills every Marsday morning keep their skills sharp and their sense of comradeship high. With proper leadership, they can be a force to be reckoned with. Built primarily of former Nexans, the unit song is Nexus Men.