Christa Emily Clark
Basic Information
Portrayed by Stormraven
First Appearence Creation
Age 20
Known Ability Mindfire Control
Gender Female
Occupation College student
Significant Others
Christa is in college studying Linguistics. She's always had a gift for languages, and speaks quite a few. She's got a scholarship and everything, and if she can keep her grades up she might just get a fellowship. Recently, a bad experience with a frat boy resulted in a frat boy who now believes he went on a really bad trip - and Christa discovering that, when she's stressed, her head bursts into an eerie blue flame. How does one keep from stressing during finals week?
Evolved Human Ability
Christa is a Pyrokinetic, essentially. Currently, her power manifests as a blue flame (alternately dark or light) that surrounds her head and neck. She has yet to gain much control, if any - it manifests when she's stressed. She can also send a blast of that fire from her eyes, and the fire itself protects her from harm - mostly against other fire, but also in general - but only where it manifests.
Character Sheet
Str:10 Dex: 12 Con:15 Int: 18 Wis: 16 Cha: 16 (27) Toughness: +2 Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +9 (13) Attack: +2 Defense: +2 (8)
Skills (12) (Values include characteristics) Bluff +9 Computer +6 Knowledge (Linguist) +15 Knowledge (Current Events) +12 Knowledge (Pop Culture) +12 Languages 9 (English (Native); Latin; Greek; Farsi; Arabic; Mandarin; Japanese; Finnish; Swedish; Tagalog) Notice +5 Swim +2
Feats (11) Attractive 2 Equipment 2 Connected Eidetic Memory Luck 3 Contacts 1 Well Informed 1
Powers (21) 'Mindfire' Control (As Hellfire Control) Rank 6, Cost 12 Force Field Rank 6 (Force Field Duration is increased to Continuous, but is limited to Head and Neck; Force Field is Impervious against Fire only) Cost / Rk 1.5 Cost 9
Drawbacks: Her power can only be used at Full Power -1 Power manifests, whether she wants it to or not, when she's stressed -1
Recurring Complications Responsibilities (College Student) Secret
Equipment Cell Phone (iPhone) 2 Laptop Computer 1 Baseball Bat 4 Scooter 3