Morturi: Tricks Reference Sheet
Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Tricks Reference Sheet
The Core List
This list covers all the Tricks that Gladiators from the core sets possess.
- Agility +2 to TN of ranged attacks against you.
- Aggression +1 damage if you are adjacent to 2 or more opponents.
- Accurate Throw On a thrown attack roll of exactly "3" deal 3 damage instead of missing.
- Assault Stance Stance. Your attacks push.
- Charging Spear Replaces your whole turn. Move 6 in straight line and melee attack.
- Circle Sweep Melee. D6 damage to each adjacent gladiator (indiscriminate).
- Combat Control +1 move cost out of your adjacents.
- Come here! Ranged (4+, 3 squares). No damage. Pulls in and turns to face you.
- Confidence +1 damage if you are unwounded.
- Coup De Grace +2 damage vs. targets who are prone AND entangled.
- Courage Immune to fear effects.
- Defence Stance Stance. 3 or less to hit against you auto-misses. Turn to Face even if front square locked.
- Determination If reduced to exactly 0 Life Points, regain 1 Life Point on a 4+.
- Duellist Stance Stance. Roll two dice to attack and use higher.
- Eagle Eye Ranged attack ignores Armour DR.
- Endurance At start of turn, if odd Life Points, regain 1 Life Point.
- Escape Entanglement Free action, 3+ cancels entanglement for this turn.
- Execute On a "6", +3 damage.
- Everyone loves...! +1 Crowd's Favour at start of battle.
- Fight From High -2 to TN for melee attacks made with height advantage.
- Fling Dart Ranged (4+, 3 squares). 1 damage.
- Humiliating Strike Melee (6+). No damage. +1 Crowd's Favour.
- In Memoriam Replaces your whole turn. Use when ally killed this battle turn. 3+ gain 1 Crowd's Favor.
- Juggernaught Your attacks push. You cannot be entangled.
- Killer Instinct +1 damage vs. wounded targets
- Last Stand +1 damage if you are the last gladiator from your school active.
- Last Words +1 Crowd's Favour when you are taken out of action.
- Light Mobility Move 1 square after attacking.
- Military Training 4 MP. +1 damage for rest of turn.
- Mockery On attack roll of "1" against you, +1 Crowd's Favour.
- Mobility Stance Stance. +1 MP.
- No Escape Entangles your front square.
- No Mercy for the Weak +1 damage vs. Light gladiators
- Opportunist On your non-frontal attacks, change "1" to "6".
- Performance 4 MP. Roll 6+ to gain +1 Crowds Favour.
- Point Blank Shot Use ranegd attack in melee.
- Power Throw On thrown attack, +1 damage on a "5", +2 damage on a "6".
- Range Increase +2 Range.
- Relentless Ignore movement cost increases.
- Relentless Pursuit You can move into a front square just vacated by enemy, and turn to face that enemy.
- Retarius Enmity 2 dice take highest attacking retarii. 2 dice take lowest defending from retarii. Cancelled by Secutor enmity.
- Sacrifice Replaces your whole turn. Use when this gladiator killed someone in previous turn. Gain 1 Crowd's Favor.
- Sand Toss Melee (4+). No damage. Blinds.
- Secutor Enmity 2 dice take highest attacking secutors. 2 dice take lowest defending from secutors. Cancelled by Retarius enmity.
- Shield Slam Melee (4+). 1 damage. Knocks prone.
- Slayer +1 damage vs. non-humans.
- Snarling Beast +1 move cost into your adjacents. Fear effect.
- Stand firm Ignore forced movement.
- Superb Hearing Reduce blinded penalty from +2 TN to +1 TN.
- Survivor's Wits Turn to Face even if front square locked.
- Takedown On a roll of 6 on any melee attack, knock enemy prone.
- Target weak spot Ignore Toughness DR.
- Throat Tear On even attack roll, +1 damage.
- Toe to Toe 3 MP. Make a melee attack.
- Tribute 3 MP. Roll 6+ to gain +1 Crowds Favour.
- Trip Melee (4+). No damage. Knocks prone.
- Tumble When knocked prone, free immediate recover and move 1 square.
- Versatile Stances Use two stances at once.
- Very Tough Hide Increase Toughness DR by 1.
- Warrior Discipline Stance. 2 or less to hit against you auto-misses.
- Will to Live +1 on Survival Checks.
This page created by Asklepios.