Morturi: School Resources
Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: School Resources
This page lists School Resources that may be purchased. School Resources can only be bought once each by each school, and have fixed prices.
For ease of reference, the Resources below are divided into Categories.
People are non-Gladiator servants or retainers of the school. For book-keeping simplicity its assumed that these workers are bought slaves rather than employed tradesmen, though at the Imperators discretion these resources might be hired month by month instead of bought outright, at a cost equal to 20% of their buy-cost.
"Aye, Chironius certainly saved Quintus' life that day... but the day after that he cut off Quintus' leg to keep gangrene away. Now I've had to retire Quintus... what use is a one legged Gladiator?"
- Cost: 2000 Denarii.
- Effect: You may choose to reroll the Survival check for your Gladiators. If you do so, you must accept the new result, even if it is worse than before. You cannot re-roll a result more than once.
"Found one for you, lanista. Orphan of a soldier... he's scrawny, but I reckon he's got some fight in him."
- Cost: 1500 Denarii.
- Effect: At the end of each campaign month, roll a D6. If that D6 rolls an even number, then gain that many Servus Gladiators for your school. If you roll a 1, then you lose the Kidnapper resource permanently.
"Skilled hands are not always best employed with a sword in them."
- Cost: 500 Denarii.
- Effect: You receive a -20% discount on any Auctoritatii you hire. Bid as normal in the auction, but when it comes to paying the cost of the contract, you may apply this discount.
Retired Legend
"You've got talent, boy, and if you do as I say, you might live to become as great as I was. Now, fetch your sword and we'll see if this old dog can't teach you a few new tricks..."
- Cost: 1500 Denarii.
- Effect: At the end of the month, all Palus (but not Servus, Novicius or Primus Palus) gladiators in your school gain 1 new Trick.
Improved Facilities
These resources represent changes to your school's owned buildings or materials. Note that wise Gladiators should consider acquiring Hygenic Stables as quickly as possible.
Fine Armoury
"Set aside that rusty Gallic blade, Murmillo. We have new steel, fresh from the forges of Rome."
- Cost: 2000 Denarii.
- Effect: At the start of each battle, select one Gladiator you control. That Gladiator deals +1 damage on all attacks for this battle.
Hygenic Stables
"Clean rushes, clear running water and fresh bandages reduce risk of wounds turning septic."
- Cost: 1000 Denarii.
- Effect: Add +1 to Survival checks for all your Gladiators.
Quality Kitchens
"Barley, boiled beans, oatmeal, dried fruit and a spoonful of wood ash."
- Cost: 2500 Denarii.
- Effect: All your Gladiators have +2 Life Points.
Training Facilities
"We got wooden weapons, practice posts, slaves to test your blade and a mock arena. We'll have you up to scratch in no time."
- Cost: 1000 Denarii.
- Effect: At the end of the month, all Novicius (but not Servus, Palus or Primus Palus) gladiators in your school gain 1 new Trick.
External Factors
External factors reprsent the Lanista spending money to establish contacts and allies outside of the school, so as to give him advantage with it. Imperators and Lanistae who are keen on roleplaying and out-of-arena action might want to ignore the listed effects and instead roleplay out the consequences of each External factor, with varying game effects according to how events play out each month. This approach allows Lanistae to use these factors more flexibly (for example sending his Peregrine thugs on an arson mission instead of an assassination), allow the Imperator to create scenarios on the fly (for example, as the gang of thugs runs into a trio of Gladiators in the Stables and must fight through them), but is balanced by the possibility that the Resource might not achieve anything that month (for example, if the gang are cut down by the Gladiators, they'll never get a chance to burn anything...)
Unlike other Resources, External Factors may only be bought on a month by month basis, with their effects only lasting for the month they are bought.
Contract with the Peregrine Collegia
"Perhaps we could arrange for a little 'training accident' for the young man..."
- Cost: 200 Denarii per month.
- Effect: Each campaign month, at the time this resource is bought (before the battles), name one Gladiator belonging to an opposing School. That Gladiator must make an immediate Survival check, as if he had been taken Out-of-Action.
Ludi Contacts
"Word on the street is that they've been bringing in creatures of all sorts from all over Africa and Asia. If I were you, I'd get hold of a good Bestiarius for the month's games."
- Cost: 200 Denarii per month.
- Effect: At the start of one battle this month, you may force the opposition to choose and reveal their gladiators for the battle before you select yours. If the opposition also uses Ludi Contacts, the effect is cancelled. You can buy this resource multiple times in a month, each time affecting a separate match.
Stirring the Mob
"Do you hear that? The crowd cries your name, Gladiator! Now get out there and fight!"
- Cost: 200 Denarii.
- Effect: At the start of a battle, add +1 to your school's Crowd's Favour score for each Primus Palus Gladiator from your School participating in the battle.
Stud and Mare Arrangements
"The games are over for the month, but your works not done yet, Primus Palus. There's a certain lady who has been keeping her eye on you..."
- Cost: 0 Denarii.
- Effect: If you select this Resource, at the end of the current Campaign month, gain +100 Denarii for each Primus Palus Gladiator you have. However, you must then roll a D6 for each of these gladiators - on a roll of "6" you are forced to sell that gladiator, gaining 2000 Denarii but permanently losing the gladiator.
This page created by Asklepios.