B X Wilderlands Campaign
- This page is for the B/X D&D Wilderlands Campaign being run by Julius Sleazer.
- Hexes are 15 miles wide
Forum Threads
Current Characters
Alphabetical order of first names:
- Dagmaer Silver-Tongue - Played by Koren n'Rhys
- Damayanti - Played by Pariahic
- Gorbo Sandhiller - Played by MonsterMash
- Lysippe - Played by t@nya
- Raghild Spearbreaker - played by Mandacaru/Sam
- Vigdís Alfkin - Played by Andrensath
- Zossi - Played by DeeCee
Current Retainers and NPCs
Dagmaer's Retainers
- Aelflaf, human torchbearer/porter
- Odo Many-Arrows, Skandik archer.
- Loki, Ill-tempered Mule w/ 2 sets of saddlebags
Damayanti's Retainers
- Altan, Karakhan fighter.
- Klytaimēstra, Cleric of Poseidon
- Dorjpalam (Deceased)
Gorbo's Retainers
- Sigurd, human torchbearer/porter
Zossi of the Krag's
- Bjorn, Hrolf Fairhair and Njal the Northerner, Skandik fighters.
- Leif (deceased)
- Lysippe's mule. Has a set of saddlebags.
- Acamas, Ghinoran muleteer.
Marching Order
- Front - rough suggestion
- Gorbo
- Girnag Zossi
- Hrolf Raghild
- Lysippe Sigurd
- Vigdis Damayanti
- Altan Klytaimēstra
- Aelflaf Dagmaer
- Bjorn Njal
Past Characters
These are the fallen heroes from the campaign.
- Thorvald Leifson - Skandik fighter from Bondpart. Killed by a giant bee sting 11th Thawmist 4433 BCCC
Fallen NPC - retainers and hirelings
- Djorpalam - retainer of Damayanti
- Hrodgar Helmssen - Skandic archer
- Leif - retainer of Zossi
Campaign Location
Dragonscar Isle to the southeast of Sindelarian Bay. This is in the southeast corner of the map.
There are three villages on the isle:
-Birchall, population 680, which is populated by elves and half-elves. The elven population here is dwindling due to a shortage of females and the elves have taken to marrying human women. Half-elves are the new majority in Birchall, and there is tension between pure-bloods and half-elves. The elves of this village make a living from the timber of the silver birch tees that give their home its name.
-Dragonscar, population 1240, which is mainly populated by humans (mostly Skandik, some Ghinoran) with a small minority of dwarves and halflings. The Skandiks arrive here centuries ago and have become more peaceful and settled since. However, upon their arrival they brought a fever which they inadvertently spread to the elves. The elven community was devastated, and the survivors fled to Birchall. Vengeful elven ghosts roam the hillsides at night. Dragonscar is populated by "amicably feuding merchant factions" and trades with the great and mysterious Kingdom of Karak to the east (off the map). Dragonscar and Birchall feud fiercely; Dragonscar has a fortress called The Krag to defend against incursions from Birchall. Sunray Citadel, out in the sea on a cay to the northwest, is affiliated with Dragonscar.
-Bondpart, population 960, is northeast of Birchall and southeast of Dragonscar. Bondpart's racial makeup is largely the same as Dragonscar's save for the fact that halflings are slightly more common. Bondpart is largely aloof from the fighting with the elves, and is newly prosperous from trade. This new-found wealth has brought the unwanted attention of pirates and organized thieves. Near Bondpart there is a monastery devoted to Odin.
There are rumors that a dragon sleeps on the isle, and there are some ruins in between the villages here and there. The Closewind Caves in the southwest of the Isle are inhabited by primitive cavemen who are said to worship the idol of an elephant-headed man with five eyes, each made of a different magical gemstone. Merchants from Karak and the Ebony Coast come to the Sindelarian bay. To the southeast, the dwarves who dwell on (and underneath, of course) K'Bani Kay evaporate salt from seawater. Thus, salt is far less expensive on Dragonscar Isle than it would be on the typical isolated island. Overall, the island is about 37.5 miles north to south and 27.5 miles east to west at the widest point. - I think those need to be trebled due to change of hex size to 112.5 miles n to s and 82.5 miles e to w - MM.
Campaign Maps

Campaign Calendar
For the sake of convenience, we'll use Balozkinar's Corrected Commoners' Calendar. This calendar is mostly used in the north near the CSIO, but since it was devised by a council led by Ralibarn the Wise, Patriarch of Odin, it makes sense to me that the heavily-Skandik Dragonscar Isle would use it, especially since there's a monastery devoted to Odin south of Bondpart. The default starting year for Wilderlands campaigns is 4433 BCCC; we'll go with that.
The BCCC is a progressive calendar and has a 365-day year (with 366-day leap years at the same frequency as our own calendar). It is divided into 18 months of 20 days each followed by a five-day intercalary period of celebration at year's end. The BCCC also uses five-day weeks: Airday, Waterday, Earthday, Fireday, and Spiritday. Again for the sake of convenience, we'll start on the 1st day of the 1st month and say that it is coincidentally the 1st day of the week.
Here is the calendar:
- Thawmist (Days 1-20)
- Dewsnap (Days 21-40)
- Flowerbloom (Days 41-60)
- Sweetrain (Days 61-80)
- Meadowlark (Days 81-100)
- Longrass (Days 101-120)
- Warmshade (Days 121-140)
- Sunstrong (Days 141-160)
- Thistleburn (Days 161-180)
- Harvestime (Days 181-200)
- Goodgrove (Days 201-220)
- Blackmoon (Days 221-240)
- Willowind (Days 241-260)
- Redleaves (Days 261-280)
- Maggotfeast (Days 281-300)
- Coldrain (Days 301-320)
- Shadowrath (Days 321-340)
- Gloomfrost (Days 341-360)
- Year's End (Days 361-465/366)
So, the campaign will start on Airday, 1st of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC. This is roughly equivalent to the 1st of January in terms of weather, but this close to the equator there's not going to be snow on the ground or anything.
Campaign Journal
Airday, 1st of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
The party explore deep into the dungeon (accessed via a stone door) and, having gone done a very long, steep staircase, and past strange glyphs and a stone mouth that speaks in a language none of the party understand, finally come to the bottom of the staircase and the beginning of a passageway.
Following the passageway east and then north, where it ends in a set of double doors, but also two sets of doors before it, two to the left and to the right. Having opened these four doors, the party finds in the four rooms a total of 2400 sp and 1900 gp, as well as a transparent container containing four ounces of red fluid.
The party decides to head back to Bondpart with much of this treasure (leaving 1200 silver pieces still in the dungeon), pausing on the way so Lysippe can copy the glyphs and the speech of the stone mouth. In the evening, they camp away from the dungeon's entrance.
Waterday, 2nd of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
The party travels towards Bondpart. The journal is much more exhausting than the trip out was, with the party being heavily laden with treasure.
Earthday, 3rd of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
The party continues their backbreaking journal, relieved that they encounter no hostile creatures.
Fireday, 4th of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
The party continues on; this day a giant spider approaches the party, but backs away when it sees how badly outnumbered it is. The party, sensibly, leaves it alone.
Spiritday, 5th of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
As evening approaches on this day, the party finally arrive in Bondpart.
They speak to Urbanus, a dwarven money-lender, who exchanges some of their funds for small coins. He advises them to seek out the Temple of Nephtlys (goddess of wealth and merchants) if they wish to keep their funds safe. The only disadvantage is that the letter of credit so gained can only be redeemed at the goddess' temple.
Damayanti goes to the forge of the dwarven weaponsmith, Rusticus where said dwarf shows him his selection of weapons and armour. She buys two sets of armour and two swords. She retires to the Parched Perch for the night.
Dagmaer goes to the market square and equips himself with dungeoneering gear and several weeks worth of food, before buying a mule from the livestock pens. He then decides to find himself an inn. He stays for the night at the Golden Brazier, more expensive than the Parched Perch, but is charged very little out of respect for him as a worshipper of Wotan. At the inn he meets Aelflaf, whose farm was burnt by elves from Birchall and is looking for work to support his family. He readily agrees to be hired as a porter.
Lysippe goes to a tavern called the Emur's rest and, striking up a conversation, finds out that land is free but if she wishes to create a temple to Helios in the city she will need to speak to the Town Constable. She later deposits 230 gold pieces (and pays a 10% fee) in the Temple of Nephtlys (and is a little nonplussed by the priest, An's, enthusiasm). She then heads to the Parched Perch where she rents a room for the night and buys a meal and a mug of ale.
Thorvald goes to the general store, where he is well known, and buys various items of equipment. He then heads to the Landsman's Last Hope, a rather battered inn, and hires Gorbo Sandhiller a halfling 'scout'. He then hires Sigurd as a porter, after which he goes to the local temple of Thor. Here he donates 10 gold pieces to the temple and buys a holy symbol. He then proceeds to Rusticus, the dwarven weaponsmith where he buys a set of light-weight dwarven mail and a long bow. He retires to the Parched perch for the night.
Vidgís gets directions from the money-lender to an inn called the Parched Perch where the only rowdy element is the owner, the hard-drinking halfling Silvy Buckleburr. After making sure she knows where the inn is, she goes (after Lysippe) to the Temple of Nephtyls where she undergoes the initiation and then deposits 100 gold pieces (including the 1% fee charged to initiates) at the temple. She then returns to the inn, where she gets directions down to the waterfront and goes there in search of retainers, hiring two Paldorians and a Skandik archer named Hrodgar Helmssen. After that, she retires for the night to the Parched Perch.
Zossi persuades his retainers to pool their money in order to purchase a cart, horses, and leather armour and shields for each of them. He then visits a merchant and buys waterskins and sacks for the men, and also Rusticus, the dwarven weaponsmith where he buys each of them a warhammer. They appreciate all of these purchases very much, especially the warhammers. Finally, he buys some tattered peasant clothing from a ragpicker as well as some not-so-good rations (a weeks' worth from a seedy trader named Jarvik). After all this, Zossi and his retainers camp outside of town, Zossi having drained his monetary supply.
Airday, 6th of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
Lysippe buys rations (2 weeks worth) and a mule and saddlebags in the morning. She then meets with Alexandros, a local alchemist, who offers to identify the crimson potion for 34 gold pieces. She goes back to the Temple in order to withdraw 40 gold pieces of the money she deposited the previous day. Having taken the money out, and being given the potion by Damayanti she proceeds back to the alchemist. After paying the 34 gold pieces to him, she discovers that potion is one of Healing. She then hands the potion back to Damayanti.
Thorvald buys a dozen torches and a tinderbox for Sigurd, giving them to the new hireling. He tells both his new recruits to be ready to go soon.
Vigdís buys a mule and two sets of saddlebags in the morning and then meets with two muleteers: one, who charges one gold piece per 30 days refuses to go beneath the earth, whilst the other, who charges one gold piece and six silver pieces per 30 days, will only go beneath the earth for an additional one gold piece and six silver pieces per 30 days. Vigdís decides to hire the second muleteer.
After all this, the entire party set out again for the dungeon, the travel for the rest of the day being uneventful.
Waterday, 7th of Thawmist, 4433 BCCC
In the morning the party meets up with a local noble, Digenes Akritas who, knowing that the party previous passed through this area and now are returning with more men and equipment is very interested in knowing why the party are back. In fact, he almost demands to know why. Dagmaer lies, claiming that the party are returning after being almost all killed by the giant spider they encountered earlier (and, in reality, saw from a distance). Digenes then offers to send along with squire Nestor with the party. The party argues that they have no need of such help. Digenes, noticing that there are members of other faiths in the group, seems amused and unconvinced by the party's story but eventually leaves them alone, letting them know that there is a reward for the spider's death: the chelicerae of the spider will net them a thousand pieces of gold. The party think that he is planning on having one or more of his men follow the group to the treasure he (rightly) thinks they have uncovered and they think about heading to another town after they've gathered more of it.
The rest of the day's travel is uneventful.
Earthday, 8th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
Today's travel was uneventful.
Fireday, 9th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
Today the party begins scaling the hills, in a pleasant country which little of interest is to be seen except for the occasional crumbling obelisk and flock of sheep. The going is slow and laborious.
Shortly before noon five huge beetles, over a yard in length and with vibrant carapaces, are encountered. Both the party and the beetles are surprised by this turn of events and the beetles soon withdraw. As the sun is beginning to set, the party see two giant hawks, with bodies the size of mastiffs or small ponies, and with correspondingly large wingspans. The party remain still until they are gone, for the birds collect no treasure and are fierce foes. They speculate they might be a few of the odd beasts reputed to dwell near the Closewind caves.
Spiritday, 10th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
The next day's travel is also uneventful, though back-breaking.
Airday, 11th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
In the morning, a flight of ravens interrupt breakfast. Several of the retainers claim this is an evil omen. Perhaps they are right for, around mid morning, giant killer bees appear out of nowhere and spread out among the party. Despite the party remaining as still as possible, the bees attack, stinging several members of the party with their poison stingers. Humar and Atar, the Paldorian servants of Vigdís, Leif, one of Zossi's retainers and, sadly, Thorvald Leifson are all killed by the poison. The mages, fortunately, manage to send the rest of the bees to sleep before they can take even more lives.
After the dead are laid to rest as best the party can, with Thorvald and Leif being cremated in the manner of the Skandiks and Lysippe performing Heliotic rites for the dead Paldorians, the group moves on. With the group being one member down, Gorbo the halfling scout (and Thorvald's former hireling) is promoted to a full member of it.
Towards evening the group comes towards a much better equipped party. Girnag, the leader, tries to extort money from the group. Several members hand over 5 gold pieces each, but Zossi refuses to hand over anything. With things looking ugly, Vigdis casts a spell on Girnag, causing him to become her best friend. He immediately hands back the money to earlier took from the group and agrees to let them go. He even agrees to hand over all the money that he earlier stole from other travellers. His compatriots are immediately suspicious, thinking (rightly) that he was enchanted to the elf woman.
As the rest of the bandits are getting ready to attack, Damayanti casts her own charm spell on the Altanian bandit (later discovered to be named Kaddar), who immediately switches sides. After a bit of argument, the non-charmed bandits attack the group, now also defended by the two charmed men.
In this battle Hrodgar Helmssen, the Skandik archer hired by Vigdis is killed, as is Dorjpalam, one of Damayanti's retainers. However, due to the presence of Kaddar and Girnag on their side of the battle, all of the rest of the bandits are slain, save for one of the archers, and they hand over all the loot dishonestly obtained, including a helm that transformed a lawful fighter into an evil fighter of chaos.
After having divided up the loot, the group says goodbye to Kaddar who takes the archer to be handed over to the authorities, and they continue on with Girnag, worrying about what would happen when the charm wore off.
Waterday, 12th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
In the morning the group march the last mile to the dungeon, only to discover that there is a woman standing outside the entrance. She is Raghild, the cousin of Hrolf, and she found out about the dungeon after paying a tidy sum to a man in town. After some discussion, it is agreed that she will join the group to take an equal share with the others.
The party retraces their steps and, after having loaded the remaining silver pieces that they had left behind onto the cart, Zossi opens the double doors at the end of the passage. It leads into a massive room, on the floor of which the party saw a skeleton, a little over 5' tall, that was clad in armour and helm rusted into worthlessness.
Gorbo, the halfling, scouts ahead. He finds a sealed room within the main area, with a stone door leading into it. In the left and right walls of the massive room are doors. He cannot see the northern extent of the room, as his infravision doesn't extend that far. He then returns and tells the reset of the party what he saw.
The party then explores the massive room further, finding another door on the left wall (further up). They also discover that there is another door into the sealed room, corresponding to the southern door into the same room.
Coming at last to the northern end of the massive room, they discover two enchanted stone mouths speaking unknown words. The mouths have glyphs around them, similar to the ones around the mouth encountered earlier. A foul odour comes from the north-east. Skirting further around the massive room, they discover another door on the right wall, further north of the one Gorbo saw earlier; the stench gets greater the further the party go. They also find an opening in the north-eastern corner of the massive room: a dozen skeletons lie around this opening, dead for many months, half of which seem to be human or demihuman, others being taller and having denser bones. Passing through the opening, they find a rough hewn sloping passageway, unlike the aesthetically-pleasing stonework in the other parts of the dungeon, and hear shouting in an unknown language up ahead, different to the language of the magical mouths.
At the bottom of the passageway, the party comes across an underground dungeon (literally), with various creatures in cells, including a harpy (whose throat has been damaged), a goblin-like creature, and carrion crawler. At the northern end of the hall is a crude stone double door, and there is a wooden door in the north-eastern corner. Raghild picks the locks on the double door and Girnag opens it. Beyond is a passageway where the stench is truly hellish; it leads to a four way intersection, the northern end leading to a dead end, the right-hand way (the smell getting worse in that direction) heading further than the party's light reach, and the left-hand way curving gradually to the north. Gorbo scouts to the right and discovers a large hairy goblin-like creature on guard duty at an intersection, with branches north and south. Scouting to the left, he just finds that the passageway goes north-east for some distance.
Deciding to make sure there are no enemies behind them, the party heads back to the main dungeon and Raghild picks the lock on the wooden door. Beyond is a treasure room with 2000 silver pieces, 1000 electrum pieces, 1000 gold pieces, a potion (?) of unknown properties, and a ring of some sort. After some discussion, the group decide to take the money and run, and they start heading back to Bondport (having had one of the mages cast a Sleep spell on the shouting goblin-like creature in the cell). With a few hours of light left, they move as far as possible away from the dungeon entrance before setting camp.
Earthday, 13th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
Shortly after noon, the party encounters three ogres, one of which demands to know where they are going and what is in the cart. The party stand up to them, and demand they continue on their travels, whilst letting the party continue onto theirs. After a bit of bravado, the ogres back off. They, however, continue to follow the group and the cart. Njal, who knows the language of ogres, shouts at them, finally driving them off, spitting and making obscene gestures at the party.
Fireday, 14th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
This day passes without incident, as the party enters the flat, clear terrain closer to the coast.
Spiritday, 15th of Thawmist, 4433 BCC
This day also passes without incident, as the group arrives in town in the evening, having first divided up the treasure (with Girnag getting an equal share as a 'friend' of one of the party).
XP and Loot Tracking
Taken from the dungeon
2400 sp and 700 gp (divided up among the party and retainers); 1200 silver pieces remain in the dungeon
A Potion of Healing: a transparent container; a few ounces of red liquid lie within
Taken from the bandits
Three suits of plate armour (given to Zossi's men) Two swords One sword +1 (non-intelligent) (held by Gorbo) One crystal ball (held by Vigdis) One potion of clairvoyance One potion of giant strength One helm of alignment changing Two gems worth 100 gp each One gem worth 50 gp One gem worth 1000 gp