Nevermore:Main Page

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Nevermore Nobilis Campaign Home

Till I scarcely more than muttered, "Other friends have flown before;

On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before."
Then the bird said, "Nevermore."

- "The Raven," Edgar Allen Poe

This is the Wiki home of the RPGnet PbP game Nevermore.

The Hollyhock Gods of this game are DannyK and Aincumis.

Player Characters

Epoch plays Erin Doucet, a self-reliant sailor who is now the Power of Winds.

Sigmars Nightmare plays Jack Hopkins, businessman and Power of Shadows.

Sovem plays Jacob Keller, family man and the Power of Ties-that-Bind.

Firefly Night plays Espejo, a spirit born of an angel's reflection, now Power of Mirrors.


The following characters are named NPC's.

Rebecca "Becky" Keller
Jake's wife and Erin's sister.
Iris Keller
Jake's daughter, age 8.
Isaac "Zach" Keller
Jake's son, age 4.
Henri Doucet
Erin and Rebecca's father, as well as Jack's business rival.
Rachel Doucet
Erin and Rebecca's mother.
Amal Kitchings
A very square African-American vice cop who was blackmailing Jack, and is now his anchor.
Jenny Hershy
Jack's ex-girlfriend. She was a fling that turned into more when she got pregnant.
Ronald Hershy
Son of Jack and Jenny Hershy. 17 years old, Ron is almost an adult. Because of the payments he is making for Ron, Jack cannot wait until his son becomes a legal adult.
Samuel Harris
Truck driver for Jack. Dark hair and black eyes, Samuel drives trucks full of gas and other (not neccessarily legal) commodities for Jack. Jack and Samuel have worked out an agreement by which Samuel never knows what his cargo is beyong the invoice, and Jack never forces the issue.
The Honorable Leila Hansen
Leila has never gotten along with Amal. Whenever somebody would come to Leila for a warrant against Jack's holdings, she would deny it once Jack had paid her enough. Amal forced the issue by going over her head.


The Chancel and the Imperator have yet to be determined.

The game takes place in and around New Orleans, and various places in Mythic Reality.