Aengus Biast Dubh
played by iskallor
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- A Large imposing man, with a plaited red beard and shaved head. He gets his name of Black skin from his otter (Biast Dubh) skin cloak.
- Male 33year old veteran
- Tribe: ....... Clan: ....
- Background: Barbarian. Profession: Fisherman
Characteristics and Attributes
STR 17 CON 16 SIZ 14 INT 13 POW 14 DEX 16 CHA 17
- Combat Actions 3+1(Shield)
- Damage Modifier 1d4
- Improvement Modifier 1
- Movement 8
- Magic Points 14
- Strike Rank15-3=12
- Hero Points: 6
Common (Base + %) background & profession %
- Athletics (Str+Dex 33) 50%
- Brawn (Str+Siz 31) 50%
- Culture(Dal Riata)(Intx2 26) 56%
- Dance (Dex+Cha 33) 33%
- Drive (Dex+Pow 30) 30%
- Evade (Dex2 232) 50%
- Evaluate (Int+Cha 30) 33%
- First Aid (Int+Dex 29) 30%
- Influence (Chax2 234) 50%
- Insight (Int+Pow 27) 40%
- Lore (Dal Riata) (Intx2 26) 70%
- Perception (Int+Pow 27) 50%
- Persistence (Pow x2 28) 40%
- Resilience (Con x2 32) 70%
- Ride (Dex+Pow 30) 35%
- Sing (Cha+Pow 31) 40%
- Sleight (Dex+Cha 33) 33%
- Stealth (Dex+Int 29) 50%
- Swim (Str+Con 33) 60%
- Unarmed (Str+Dex 33) 40%
Advanced Skills (Magical below)
- Speak Gaelic (Int+Cha 30) +50 80%
- Survival (Pow+Con 30) 50%
- boat building (INT+dex 29) 80%
- boating (STR+CON 33) 80%
- ship handling (INT+CON 29) 60%
- distilling (Dex+Int 29) 41%
- fishing (DEX+INT 29) 70%
Combat Styles & Weapons
Combat Styles (Base %) %
- Axe and Shield (str+dex 33) +10 70%
- Spear and shield (str+dex 33) +10 50%
- 2H axe (str+dex 33) +10 43%
Weapon/Shield | Size | Reach | Damage | AP | HP | Combat % | Manoeuvres | Range | Load | ENC |
Axe | M | M | 1d6+1 | 4 | 8 | 70 | Bleed | ... | ... | 1# |
Dagger | S | S | 1D4+1 | 6 | 8 | 33 | Bleed/Impale | ... | ... | ... |
Spear | M | L | 1D8+1 | 4 | 5 | 50 | Impale | ... | ... | 2 |
2h Axe | M | M | 1D8+1 | 4 | 8 | 43 | Bleed/sunder | ... | ... | # |
shield | L | S | 1d4 | 6 | 12 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2 |
- Total weapon ENC: 5
Hit Points and Armour
Location | Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | Max H.P. | Damage |
19-20 | Head | Iron Helmet | 4 | 6 | -0 |
16-18 | Left Arm | soft leather | 1 | 5 | -0 |
13-15 | Right Arm | soft leather | 1 | 5 | -0 |
10-12 | Chest | Hard leather | 2 | 8 | -0 |
07-09 | Abdomen | H+S leather | 3 | 7 | -0 |
04-06 | Left Leg | soft leather | 1 | 6 | -0 |
01-03 | Right Leg | soft leather | 1 | 6 | -0 |
- Total Armour ENC = (Total AP13)/5 = #/5 = 3
- Armour Penalty =3
Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
- Move Rate:
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 11-13 |
Forequarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | damage | sr | atk% |
Kick | damage | sr | atk% |
Rear and plunge | damage | sr | atk% |
- IH axe
- IH Spear
- dagger
- pike trident
Armour: wears soft leather normally, hard leather and helmet in times of trouble.
- Iron Helm (taken in a raid)
- Heavy leather Hauberk
- Soft Leather pants
- Soft leather arm guards
- Old Roman Auxiliary Shield (taken in a raid)
- 7 bench/14 oars, sailed curragh. Built for the village and owned by the community for raiding. crew: 14 rowers and 6 'marines'.
- 2 man curragh for sea fishing
- 1 man coracle
- Nets
- Pots
- still
- Few cows and sheep, geese. All waiting to be stolen by the bloody neighbours.
- General stuff that a crofter/fisherman would have.
- Clothes they wear and a set of spares.
- Some personal mementoes, good-luck charms, talismans or similar.
- 1 week’s worth of food, either fresh or preserved.
- One weapon relevant to their weapon skills and culture.
Money 700 Buy:
Contacts, Friends, Enemies & Rivals
Family & Background
- Wife Aisling. From Ireland. Taken from there in a raid many moons ago.
- Son Niall
- Son Cormac
- daughter dead? taken by the wee folk
- Father Fergus
- Mother (dead) killed in a raid on the village?
- Rival
- Pet Cormorant 'Guzzle'
- Aengus is an accomplished boat builder and fisherman. He tends his small croft with the help of his wife Aisling, twin sons Niall & Cormac and his widowed Father Fergus. A few head of cattle, some sheep and a field of barley compliments the fish that Aengus catches in both the sea and from the many lakes and streams on the island. Salmon, trout, eels and mullet caught in traps, crabs in pots and pike speared in the lakes. Sea weed is collected for both a source of salt and as fertilizer for the fields. Only recently his Father Fergus has been slowly teaching him the secrets of distilling the water of life that makes the cold winters seem far easier that they are.
Life is good, especially since the day many years ago he captured Aisling in a raid on the east coast of Ireland. She has given him two fine sons and a daughter who died taken away by the wee folks one misty winter morning. His mother died not 2 years ago and it has weighed heavy on Fergus since then. The house needs once more the sound of his strong voice singing the sagas of old and Aengus has decided that it is time that his father snaps out of it. To this end he is hoping the up coming whiskey competition will help alleviate his father's pain. 'Guzzle' his pet Cormorant follows him everywhere, waddling on land or perched on his coracle or sea going Curragh.
5 years ago Aengus built a seven bench (14 oarsman) raiding Curragh for the community. Holding 20 men and with a sail made by the women of the area she is his pride and joy. He named her 'Storm Heron', after the many holy birds that are found nesting around the islands lakes.