Lulaich mac Loarn
played by Mandacaru
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- Male
- Tribe: ....... Clan: ....
- Background: Barbarian. Profession: Thane
Characteristics and Attributes
STR 16 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 8 POW 12 DEX 17 CHA 8
- Combat Actions 3
- Damage Modifier +1D4
- Improvement Modifier 0
- Movement 8
- Magic Points 12
- Strike Rank13
- Hero Points: 6
Common (Base + %) background & profession %
- Athletics (Str+Dex 33) 88%
- Brawn (Str+Siz 31) 86%
- Culture(Dal Riata)(Intx2 16) 46%
- Dance (Dex+Cha 25) 25%
- Drive (Dex+Pow 29) 29%
- Evade (Dex2 34) 54%
- Evaluate (Int+Cha 16) 16%
- First Aid (Int+Dex 25) 25%
- Influence (Chax2 16) 16%
- Insight (Int+Pow 20) 20%
- Lore (Dal Riata) (Intx2 16) 46%
- Perception (Int+Pow 20) 25%
- Persistence (Pow x2 24) 39%
- Resilience (Con x2 24) 79%
- Ride (Dex+Pow 29) 34%
- Sing (Cha+Pow 20) 20%
- Sleight (Dex+Cha 25) 85%
- Stealth (Dex+Int 25) 48%
- Swim (Str+Con 28) 48%
- Unarmed (Str+Dex 33) 83%
Advanced Skills (Magical below)
- Speak Gaelic (Int+Cha 16) +50 66%
- Survival (Pow+Con 26) 46%
- Lore (Tactics) (Intx2 16) 41%
- Track (Int+Con 22) 22%
- boat building (INT+dex ) //%
- boating (STR+CON ) //%
- ship handling (INT+CON ) //%
- farming (DEX+INT ) //%
- distilling (Dex+Int ) //%
- fishing (DEX+INT ) //%
Combat Styles & Weapons
Combat Styles (Base %) %
- Spear & Shield (str+dex2 33) +10 93%
- 1H or 2H Sword (str+dex 33) 93%
- Javelin? (DEXx2 34) 94%
Weapon/Shield | Size | Reach | Damage | AP | HP | Combat % | Manoeuvres | Range | Load | ENC |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
- Total weapon ENC: #
Hit Points and Armour
Location | Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | Max H.P. | Damage |
19-20 | Head | ... | 1 | 6 | -0 |
16-18 | Left Arm | ... | 1 | 5 | -0 |
13-15 | Right Arm | ... | 1 | 5 | -0 |
10-12 | Chest | ... | 1 | 8 | -0 |
07-09 | Abdomen | ... | 1 | 7 | -0 |
04-06 | Left Leg | ... | 1 | 6 | -0 |
01-03 | Right Leg | ... | 1 | 6 | -0 |
- Total Armour ENC = (Total AP)/5 = #/5 = #
- Armour Penalty =
Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
- Move Rate:
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 11-13 |
Forequarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | damage | sr | atk% |
Kick | damage | sr | atk% |
Rear and plunge | damage | sr | atk% |
- War sword 1d8 M/M Enc 2 AP/HP:6/10 Bleed,impale 175s
- Shortspear 1d8+1 M/L Enc 2 AP/HP:4/5 Impale 20s
- +2 short spears 40s
- Heater shield 1D4 L/S Enc 2 AP/HP:6/12 150s
- 2nd shield 150s
- Sling 1D8 Y 200m 1 –/11 L Stun Location — 1/2 5 SP
- Clothes they wear and a set of spares.
- Some personal mementoes, good-luck charms, talismans or similar.
- 1 week’s worth of food, either fresh or preserved.
- One weapon relevant to their weapon skills and culture.
Money Buy:
1600s to start!
Contacts, Friends, Enemies & Rivals
Family & Background
His main love is his four girls. Their mother, Flanna, died in childbirth so he dotes on them. *Malvina at 13 is quite serious and takes after her mother. A bit like Cristina Ricci in the Addams Family films. But she has taken to calling herself Mary after hearing of the madman on Iona and his stories of Jesus the Christ.
- Kennis at 11 is jolly and is destined to make someone a wonderful wife. Very generous, like her father, and not so bright.
- The twins, Sine and Sorcha, are 6 and follow Lulaich everywhere he goes (when they can). They want to be thanes like Da and are the stuff of nightmares for all the little boys.
Lulaich's mother, Fionavar, helps him raises the lasses. Father, Loarn, was a thane but died when Lulaich was a child and was taken with a fever. Loarn offered his life to the gods for Lulaich to live, making his wife vow vengeance on the Diarmuid bastards who had laid the curse down - Ailpein mac Namara, one of the Diarmuid's from Bunnahabhain.
6 Siblings / 1 Uncle/aunt on Father's side / 6 on mother's
Family excellent standing, 1 contact/ally, Reasonable connections within the community
05–06 Attacked or chased by a creature or monster – harbour a deep fear of the creatures as a result.
27–29 Disease or Plague – character suffered disease or grave illness as a child.