Exalted The End of an Age

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  • Premise: This Exalted game plays in the worlds of nWoD. So Exalted with a Modern feel! ST'd by Ax_
  • Setting: Information coming.



Those interesting others who thorn us in the side or help us on our merry way.

  • John - Fiend Infernal (He's got agenda's and money! XD)
  • The Children- Lawrence's little bunch of mischief makers.


  • Exalted Character Template- Click, edit, copy then paste to notepad or something, and transfer character. (Though if you all have a better one I'll be up to stealing it XD)

XP Tracking

The Game's Current lvl of XP (With 4 per week + 2 per page starting at pg 5 of IC#1 up to pg 10)

  • 10 pages: 20xp, 3 weeks: 8 XP | Total as of 6/15/2010: 28 XP

House Rules

  • Lore and Occult have been rolled together into the single skill of Academics. Computers replaces that slot in the Twilight Caste abilities.
  • John Chung's Experience Sink Removal Hack is in effect. Alchemical Caste characters use the Lunar template. Green Sun Princes instead gain the Excellencies of their Caste and Favored Yozi.