Scions of Heaven/Rules

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Back to the Scions of Heaven

Starting Generation

You are Heroic Mortals, you may use the Scroll of Heroes for Archtypes, No Merits/Flaws. You will Exalt at the end of the first Act (At a minimum of 5 Sessions max of 10). You may chose what you will exalt as, so plan accordingly with your fellow players. However the cavet is at the max of 6 players there will be two of each type. You are also orphans no older than 16-18. If you are 18 you have 2 years of possible knowledge of where you were before. You can be from any direction. Please be sure to have characters with a language common to each other.

Exalt Types Allowed

These Exalt types are allowed

  • Solars
  • Lunars
  • Sidereal
    • Sidereal start as Ronin with this exception you will have 5 College dots.
  • Infernal
    • Infernals will have no Unwoven Coanjutor, due to fact that no demons can leave without being noticed and thus severely punished, and Any Urge workings are implanted in the shard.

Sorcery/Necromancy Initiation Charms

It is possibly obviously after several sessions of XP to acquire the Essence Necessary for the TCS and SLN. If you have the prerequisites you may upon taking the charms have 1 Spell for free. The upper level Initiation charms will require game/downtime to acquire