Dawn of the Third Age/Intel

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Dawn of the Third Age

On the Reclamation

The Fiend

The DBs know very little about the Purist movement as a whole, or its infiltration by Infernal interests; it's set up as a cell organization, usually with 1 sworn brotherhood per cell. All of them insist that the Empress has returned, and that her return is the reason for their propaganda's new effectiveness - that Her Redness has passed along potent magics learned from her long contemplation with the Elemental Dragons.

The Fiend insists that she is the only one of her kind working directly with the Purists. She confirms that she met with the Empress while posing as an Air Aspect, and learned some basic Dragon-Blooded Linguistics Charms from her - "but the more advanced techniques she could offer were useless to me". She pinpoints the location where she met with the Empress - a known Purist monastery in the Borderlands of the northeastern Threshold - but has no idea about her current location. When asked about the purpose of her infiltration of the Purists, her only response is, "I like to cause trouble for you people."

On Ma-Ha-Suchi

11:31] <~Anshu> No more Empress sightings, for one, and the Purists seem to have quieted down greatly. That's a good thing, because Ma-Ha-Suchi has finally decided to make his move on the East and is moving steadily toward the Blessed Isle, using twisted Lunar fertility magics to swell his armies with monstrous beast-children with each new conquered village and town.

[11:34] <~Anshu> The Deliberative is deploying legions to confront him, but Ma-Ha-Suchi's horde are masters of guerrilla war and difficult to pin down, and the Grand Circle is reluctant to use the Sword of Creation as a large-scale solution to the problem, mindful of the number of prisoners he's taken.

[11:35] <dakkareth> Going by that map, if he sets out from his Nameless Lair (which would now be somewhere in the Wyld), he should pass through Denandsor territory on the way.

[11:35] <~Anshu> Yeah.

[11:35] <~Anshu> He's making his way up toward Denandsor's general area.

[11:42] <~Anshu> There was some diplomatic contact prior to this, but it wasn't very productive. He stubbornly refused to join the Deliberative, as Raksi has been doing, and made threatening noises about destroying civilization, but nobody thought he'd actually be foolish enough to try and make good on it.

[11:44] <~Anshu> The Silver Pact's public reaction has been horrified as news of the rape camps and forced breeding programs has leaked out with the scant few refugees to escape the wave of conquest.

[11:45] <~Anshu> In private, reactions range from shocked and horrified to horrified but not, on reflection, that surprised.