Savage Prax

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Do The Funky Gibbon

  • Okay this is my little view of a small part of Glorantha, as people like to say your game may vary. No quoting canon please. But with regards to your cult and view of who your pc's how ever you want it. You've not had much contact with other peoples/cults so far.....

The Goodies

  • Snikka Flikka Alpha male of the Goodies Troop. His claws can physicaly damage ghosts.Exsisting in both worlds,they flicker constantly with a pale light. Brother of Boo Waa.
  • Boo Waa The troops main hunter. Mistress of the Sneak and winner of last years Great Hunt. Owner of the 'Shade'.Sister of Snikka.
  • Zsa Zsa Gaboon Played by NexusI the troops newly appointed shamaness and Troop leader. Owner of the Funky Gibbon drums. Aunt to Snikka And Boo
    • Aye Aye Npc ally, apprentice shaman , female

And starting off slightly separate to begin with ..

  • 'Ot Po'tato Oakfed male shaman from Singefur troop, custodial troop of the Oakfed temple at monkey shrine. Permanently singed, crackles when he talks and blows smoke rings. Master of all things fire...well almost.
    • T'Sssss Npc ally, male apprentice shaman,missing rather a lot of fur.
  • Npc allies , young males, Litter carriers and foragers.
    • Rakka Dak
    • Rikka Snikka
    • Boo DakChoo
    • Gnash Gnash


  • KONG, elder brother to Snikka and Boo. Zorak Zoran Runelord
    • His gang of bad ass baboons
    • VooDoo Bob his Shaman
    • And a Cave Troll

  • You have all come a cropper from Kong at some stage in your life. He's a bully and a braggart and loves to cause trouble. He's been pinching troop members to expand his gang in the Northern reaches of the ruins.

Monkey Ruins

  • A Large ruined city in the deserts of Prax. Home to many troops of baboons each guarding their own totem area.
  • The largest known and possibly only temple to Oakfed. This is where the Spirit itself entered Prax. The SingeFur troop are the custodians of this special fiery area.
  • Plenty of buildings, water tanks, statues and old temples....think the monkey ruins of the jungle book without the jungle. Sand dunes shift and change constantly.
  • The Goodie troop is based around the large eight armed statue of their ancestor the Funky Gibbon.

The Goodies

  • An interesting group of rythmic Baboons,renown for their dancing and drumming prowess. Creaters of revelry where ever they go.
  • You follow the great spirit "Funky Gibbon".
  • Your troop has the special ability of Party all night. +1 Cha when dealing with all other Baboons who make their Monkey business roll.

Your Gods/spirits

  • Funky Gibbon. Ancesteral Tribal spirit and totem of the Goodies Troop. Eight armed Cosmic dancer, lover and fighter. Worshipped by the Goodies.

  • Grandfather Baboon.
  • Hykim
  • Oakfed. Wild fire Spirit.
  • Foundbrother. Baboon hunting spirit.
  • The Monkey King. War God of the Monkey ruins.
  • The Evening Star
  • The Dew Maiden
  • Raven

Divine Intervention

  • You can try it and good luck ;) Your spirits don't have much clout.


Power and casting spells


  • Spirits are bound into objects.
  • each character needs to decide on one trade good to carry. EG mule leg, bag of feathers...