Exalted The End of an Age
- Premise: On a world called Earth, a World of Darkness, various supernatural powers have thrived upon the Mortals of Earth. Vampires, Fae, Werewolf, Awakened, and Created, each have made their mark on Earth, each have established power. Yet the designs of these shadow rulers have found a snare, a snare that may not be removed. The Exalted have come to Earth to write their names in the Destiny of Earth, and where the Exalted go no one can deny them. ST: AX_
- Setting: Welcome to Earth, the year is 2012 and the fall season has come, an ancient and dead civilization claimed that on December 21st 2012 that the world would end in destruction. As the last months of the year turns, the forces of darkness work to bring that destiny to pass, but some of them didn't count on the Exalted, their power once lost to the vestiges of time has returned to a world so alien to their last. They are the Exalted though and nothing can deny them, they will force, coerce, or guide the world beyond its forsaken doom. For it is so with a small rag tag group of varying powers, their patrons watch from the shadows, what will they do with this world, will it become a wretched shadow of ages long gone, or will it be a grand new Era?
- Azure Shadow Sapphire- Adamant Alchemical by Illyceria
- Martin Appleby- Dawn Solar by Yaijinden
- Mike Turing- Twilight Solar by CowboyEnergy
- Sir Lawrence Sparrow- Zenith Solar by Phonzy
- The Lady of Verdigris Virtue- Malefactor Infernal (Cecelyne) by Zarthrax
Those interesting others who thorn us in the side or help us on our merry way.
- John - Fiend Infernal (He's got agenda's and money! XD)
- The Children- Lawrence's little bunch of mischief makers.
- Martin's gang, a bunch of ex-street hoods who've seen the light.
- Azure's Vat and Vat Protection team
- Mike's strange Leetspeaking Ally (Don't even tell me to spell that name of his... I -hate- Leetspeak! :p)
- Bruce (aka, the Big Guy): doesn't seem to like Garou very much... and has friends who share that burning anger.
- Angel, a 'cat-sith' vampire who serves as the Lady's translator and obedient lackey.
- Terminal City - The sprawling metropolis hosting the beginning of our series: half Detroit, half Chicago, half Las Vegas, and all rotten to the core.
- Exalted Character Template- Click, edit, copy then paste to notepad or something, and transfer character.
- Character Biography Template - Click, edit, copy/paste, and fill in any data you please; any fields left unfilled will be left blank.
XP Tracking
The Game's Current lvl of XP 4xp per week.
- 168xp from 6/15/10 to August 30 (Compressed to make the clutter less, I shall do this every 3 months)
- 03 Pages 10xp (09/01/10)
- 4xp (09/08/2010)
- 4xp (09/15/2010)
- 4xp (09/22/2010)
- 4xp (09/29/2010)
- 5xp (10/06/2010)
House Rules
- Lore and Occult have been rolled together into the single skill of Academics. Computers replaces that slot in the Twilight Caste abilities. Firearms replaces Archery. Ride is used for all vehicles that operate chiefly in two dimensions, and Sail is used for all vehicles that operate chiefly in three.
- John Chung's Experience Sink Removal Hack is in effect. Alchemical Caste characters use the Lunar template. Green Sun Princes instead gain the Excellencies of their Caste and Favored Yozi.