Marvel Smallville

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About The Town

We move the original Smallville schtick with Marvel Charcters to a greatly fictionalized version of Glens Fall, NY.

Slightly out of the way small population town, Glens Fall is near enough to NYC for clubbing on the weekend or an internship. (Like Metropolis though my geography is probably a little fudged)

There's a government installation nearby, the Pegasus Facility and a recent addition to the town (last 5 years) is Aegis Arms, a gated community primarily for contractors and government employees that work at the P-Fac. (Modeled after the Luthor Mansion and Luthorcorp)

Glens Fall HS mascot is the Bulldog, there's a lot of local pride for the time (just like Smallville and their Woodchucks)

Aegis Arms has its own exclusive little private school K-12, complete with an Associates program, called Pegasus Academy. (The teams for the Academy are called the Wings)

By default the Academy's students tend to see the locals as townies, and the locals view the Academy's students as arrogant pricks and there's a huge rivalry between sports teams (players should feel free to turn all of these assumptions on their ass. A local on scholarship to Pegasus, a former Academy brat kicked into public school for bad behavior, a Gifted public school kid doubling up on classes at the Academy's junior college or an Academy student part of a remedial program at the public shool to hide his shame.