GWS:Current Mechanics

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Current Mechanical Situation

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Sensorium Kintara TonyLB dunlaing

  dunlaing Sensorium Kintara TonyLB

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Kintara TonyLB dunlaing Sensorium


Doc Achilles is Annihilated
For: 1+1 Against: 6
Claim: Dunlaing Claim:
Debt: 2 (VT: Power) Debt:

The Nazis Flee as leaves before us!

For: 6 Against: 1
Claim: Sensorium Claim:
Debt: Debt:

Another great squiggly Evil is unleashed from the tomb!

And persists: 6 And destroyed: 1
Claim: Kintara Claim: TonyLB
Debt: Debt:
Great Squiggly Evil possesses Lucy
For: 1 Against: 1
Claim: Claim:
Debt: Debt:


dunlaing: VernichtungTräumer

Powers Styles Attitudes
4 - Know hidden nature of the world 4 - (S) Misunderstand humanity 4 - Superior
3 - Unleash artifacts of power 3 - (P) Mythic resonance 3 - Cold
2 - Summon forces and things 2 - (P) Dramatic incantation 2 - Logical
1 - Wards and shields 1 - (S) See the big picture 1 - Confused
Obsession: 3 Pride: 2 Power: 2 Despair: 1 Fear: 1
2 0 0 0 0

Kintara: Lucy Cannon

Powers Styles Attitudes
5 - Cannon Bombardment!
4 - Cannon Bowling! 4 - Appalled
3 - Cannon Pinball! 3 - (P) Oops! 3 - Embarrassed
2 - Cannon Loose! 2 - Miss the Subtext 2 - Empathic
1 - Cannon Slam! 1 - Trust Someone 1 - Cheerful
Justice: 1 Truth: 1 Love: 2 Hope: 3 Duty: 2
0 0 0 1 0

Sensorium: Dain McEwain

Powers Styles Attitudes
  5 - (P) Shadowed terror  
  4 - Psychosis: Pettiness 4 - Duty: The many
3 - Dreamtime Shaping 3 - (P) Command lesser fae 3 - "I'm still Dain"
2 - The Billabog 2 - (P) Roar 2 - Respects ability
1 - Protean beast 1 - Inhuman calm 1 - Callous
Justice: 1 Truth: 1 Love: 4 Hope: 1 Duty: 2
0 0 0 0 0

TonyLB: Rebecca "Doc" Achilles

Powers Styles Attitudes
5 - Mad Science Genius    
4 - Mad Science Clothing 4 - (P) Improvise a Gadget  
3 - Machine Pistol 3 - Reckless Curiosity 3 - Confident
2 - Meters and Gauges 2 - Screw the Rules 2 - Abrasive
1 - Clockwork Tools 1 - (P) Know weak points of any system 1 - Shameless
Justice: 1 Truth: 2 Love: 1 Hope: 3 Duty: 2
0 0 0 0 2

dunlaing: Doc Achilles' Sordid Past

Skills Styles Attitudes
  5 - Legendary Exploits  
4 - Complicate matters 4 - Favors owed  
3 - Simplify matters 3 - Live up to reputation 3 - Doubting
2 - Connect 2 - Trouble with Law 2 - Nostalgic
1 - Remember 1 - Been here before 1 - Friendly

Scene Declaration Order

TonyLB dunlaing Sensorium Mandacaru Kintara

Inspiration and Story Tokens

TonyLB dunlaing Sensorium Mandacaru Kintara
Inspirations: 1 2,1 1 6,4,3,1
Story Tokens: 3 1 3 2