'Asso's Character Sheet for EPT_Jakallan_Nights_and_Days
Biographical Info
- Name 'Asso
- Sex Male
- Age 21
- Height 5'10" (quite tall for his ethnicity)
- Weight 110 (i.e. very very thin)
- History and Personality Here's the background that popped into my head after thinking over the stats: 'Asso born to the clan chieftan and reared as a warrior. In his youth he took part in slaving raids against neighboring islands and was a proud and fearsome fighter for one so young. He did not learn that arts the water, for that is the responsibility of the low castes, who must toil in the water while the nobility rules the land and prepares the ceremonial offerings. He even held out hopes of becoming the next chief that is, until he came down with a wasting disease. He believes he was saved by the foreigner priest from death's door, but was left wasted and skeletally thin and his mind turned bitter and cruel. His father believes him well rid of his weakling son. He is not a happy man and delights in the suffering of others, but loyal to those who behave towards him with the respect he thinks he deserves. However, the horrible suffering of his disease have left him stoical and taciturn rather than whiny, but he is very sensitive about his weak and spindly arms.
- Description
Tall and skeletally thin, he lost a lot of his hair from the wasting disease that he suffered from and keeps the rest shaved down to a low stubble. Fairly dark skin, more brown than bronze with a long thin face, deep-set dull eyes and prominent cheekbones.
- Profession Warrior
- Level 1
- XP 0
- XP required for next level 2,000
- Alignment ???
- Patron Deity Belkhánu
- Strength 9
- Intelligence 46
- Constitution 78
- Psychic Ability 75
- Dexterity 73
- Comeliness 52
- Guile 30
Combat Stats
- AC
- HP
- Move
- Saving Throws
- Poison
- Spells
- Paralysis and Hypnosis
- "Eyes"
- % Chance of Revivification
Skills & Special Abilities
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Armor
- Weapons
- Gear
- Money
- Káitar
- Hlásh (1/20 Káitar)
- Qirgál 1/400 Káitar)
- Treasure