The One, The Only: Tex A. Callahan

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Tex A. Callahan is a character played by Ferrus Animus in Megazver's Gamma World Campaign Megazver's_Gamma_World_Game


XP: 0 (Level 1)

HP/Bloodied: 28/14

Initiative: +4

Speed: 6-1


AC: 19+2

Fortitute: 16

Reflex: 16+2

Will: 16


Shapeshifter: Charisma; Bio;

  • +2 to BIO overcharge.
  • +4 bonus to Interaction checks
  • +2 bonus to Reflex
  • Can shift 1 square as a minor action

Engineered Human: Intelligence; None;

  • +2 to all overcharge
  • +4 bonus to Interaction and Science checks
  • +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will
  • +2 to checks to see if Omega Tech burns out.


Novice Primary: Shapeshifter's Feint (At-Will; Assume any medium humanoid form (optional), get +5 to interaction for disguise; +5 vs. Ref, 1d10+5 physical damage and if assuming the target's form +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of my next turn, while the target is within 2 (optional))

Novice Secondary: Bold Attack (At-Will; +7 vs AC, 1d10+1 physical damage and choose an ally within 5 to make a free BA)

(+9 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage with gun)


Str 14 (+2)

Con 16 (+3)

Dex 16 (+3)

Int 16 (+3)

Wis 10 (+0)

Cha 18 (+4)


Acrobatics +4

Athletics +3

Conspiracy +4+2

Insight +1

Interaction* +17

Mechanics +4+2

Nature +1

Perception +1

Science +8+2

Stealth +4


Armor: Heavy Armor+Shield

Melee: Heavy 1-Handed Melee (+2, 1d10)

Ranged: Light 1-Handed Gun (Range 10, +4, 1d8)

Other: Explorer's Kit, Canoe, Matches, Local Map, Generator

Omega Tech:

Inertial Armor (O; C; Area 52)

This grey bodysuit protects you from harm. When an attack strikes you, the suit transforms the energy of the attack into potential extra movement.

Armor: Light; Property: You gain a +3 armor bonus to AC and a +1 armor bonus to Reflex.; Power: Encounter; Immediate Interrupt, Personal; Trigger: You take damage from an attack; Effect: You instead take no damage from the triggering attack, and you can shift 1 square.;

Salvage 2: A 2nd-level charter can salvage the inertial armor. It becomes light armor: +3 armor bonus to AC; +1 armor bonus to Reflex.

Alpha Mutations:

Selected from Deck

Super Genius (Psi) Go ahead and say it: "SOOOPER GENIUS!";

Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to AC, Reflex, attack rolls that use Intelligence, Conspiracy, Mechanics, and Science checks. You also instantly discern the stupid ideas of others (ask the GM if you're not sure). This doesn't include your own stupid ideas.;

Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The power bonus increases to +4 while this card is readied.; 9 or less: You are stunned by the stupidity of others until the end of your turn.