Terms Used Within The Campaign

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Abbreviation Key -
(CE) - originated by Carl Ellis
(EN) - originally used by members of the Enclave
(FR) - originally used by Pierre Farquell's group
(NS) - originally used within Nightsider Society
(SP) - orignially used by Gottard Islie's group
(UN) - original source of word unknown



Aware, Awareness

An ability of the Blessed that allows them to open up their psychic senses to the surrounding area, in order to perceive the non-physical. (See also: Passive Scan) (SP)



A degenerate form of Nightsider, created when a human is drained of blood through Communion, without an appropriate amount of the Necrophage already present. Beasts are little more than savage animals controlled by the will of their creator. Considered tools or expendable. Last known instance of such was in 1927. It is currently unknown whether or not the Seelie or Un-Seelie can create Beasts. (EN)


Individuals who have sworn the Oath to The Master Of The Tower. Such individuals are physically and spiritually transformed, gaining new awarenesses and abilities. (See also: Soldiers) (SP)


(Nightsider) A promise that does not create a Debt. Old Nightsider term - no longer in current use as of 1930.(NS)


(Mystical) Any event, ritual or act of will that connects two persons together on a spiritual level. May be permanent or temporary. (UN)


To give up one's freedom in any or all areas (such as speech, action, thought, etc.) to another willingly. Thought to be derived from or based on the term Bondsman. Used mostly in a derogatory context. (SP)


A ritual between one of the Blessed or Soldiers and any other person, in which pieces of the Self or Power Structure are exchanged on a permanent basis. Such an exchange forges a link between the participants and allows them access to each other's memories, thoughts and on occassion, abilities. Done often amognst the French Soldiers, rarely amongst the Blessed of the Keep. (UN)



Nightsider derogatory term for human beings. No longer used since 1930.(NS)


The closest, most intimate blood exchange between Nightsider and a Companion. Old Nightsider term - no longer in current use as of 1930. (NS)


The form of blood exchange between the Fae and their Companion, in which a spiritual as well as a physical bond is formed. Originally an Enclave term, now in common usage as of 1930.(EN)


A human of any gender who is tied to the Seelie (or Un-Seelie) through bonds of emotion and the sharing of Communion. Originally an Enclave term to designate the chosen heir to the family line - as of 1930 in common usage to mean anyone who occupies that role. (EN)



Nightsider form of currency, used amongst one another to purchase favors, aid, property, etc. The Debt system effectively ended as a means of social currency in 1931 - sometimes still evoked by older Seelie and Un-Seelie who lived during that time. (NS)



Fever, The

An emotional state brought on by blood-starvation, in which the Nightsider is reduced to an enraged, bestial state. Old Nightsider term - no longer in current use as of 1930, last known documented appearance was in 1929.(NS)

Fight, The

Designation used to describe the struggle against those forces or entities that would seek to invade the Earth from the Outside. (i.e. creatures from the Lovecraftian Mythos) (PF)



Any permanent grouping of two or more Nightsiders, wherein there is one dominate and the rest subordinate to the will of the leader. Nests are formed for mutual protections, benefit or status. The nature of the rules that govern a nest are highly individualistic and dependent on the dominate Nightsider's desires. A Nest may or may not be left or joined at will, depending on the rules governing it. As of 1930 an archaic social form that has largely been replaced by the less restrictive Family amongst the Seelie and Un-Seelie. (NS)


Original term for a person who had become a vampire through contracting the Necrophage. No longer used since October of 1930 when the Nightsiders became the Fae. (NS)

Nightsider Condition

The disease vector that causes vampirism. See also Necrophage. (CE)


Outsider, Outsiders

Any of the non-earthly creatures whose presence within our reality/earth cause destruction and death. (i.e. Lovecraftian Mythos Monsters)(UN)


Treaty, The

An agreement struck in December 1929 between certain members of the Nightsider Community and Carl Ellis' people, to mutually help one another in The Fight. (CE)