Battlefleet Gothic Endless Catgirl Odyssey
This is the page for Delacroix's RT game.
Silent Wayfarer: Arch-Militant Aisha-nya~
Scarik: Missionary Rin
Faustus21; Seneschal Cho-un Sei
Bovinemadness: Navigator Sagara Somethingorother
Shawn_Hagen: Voidmistress without a name
Cyphr: Explorator Sophie Caligari
Rogue Trader Sample Character Sheet
The Warrant
Age of Rebirth: The Harlock family's Warrant is ancient, perhaps as old as the Empire itself. SP 12 PF 10, 1 Archaeotech component
Fallen from Grace: The current Harlock has sadly inherited a dynasty on the brink of disaster; currently, besides the fabulous ship and its crew, your assets amount to a nebulous web of favours, contacts, and precious little in the form of hard currency or profitable assets. SP 4 PF 2
Reward: The first Harlock's deeds have vanished into the mists of time, but all agree that he was granted his Warrant as a reward for some act of phenomenal, selfless courage. SP 16 PF 2
Age of Plunder: The Harlocks have always stood at the forefront of the Imperium's fight against its enemies, in times of peace taking the fight to those who spurned their glorious human birth to make war on their fellows. The Harlocks still have a dark reputation amongst pirate clans of the Expanse… SP 12 PF 2
Adeptus Mechanicus: It's whispered that the previous Harlock had ties with a heretek Magos named Toshiro… SP 10 PF 4
Famous: While as individuals your deeds do not yet resound amongst the stars, the name of the Harlocks is well-known… and as much reviled as exalted. SP 14 PF 4
SP 68 (-57 ship) PF 24
11 SP to play with
The Arcadia
Ambition-class Cruiser
5km long, 2km abeam; 25 megatonnes; 90,000 crew; 3 gravities max sustainable accerlation
Speed 5
Manoeuvrability +12
Detection +15
Hull Integrity 66
Armour 17
Turret Rating 2
Space 75
SP 57
Weapon Capacity Prow 1, Port 2, Starboard 2