Astropath Transcendent Cerise Boone

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Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Cerise Boone Axelius Astropath Astropath Rank 1 500
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Imperial World Savant Duty Dark Voyage Prestige Not Applicable
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
28 37 32 31 32 54 40 48 36 6+d5 3 d5 0


  • Awareness (40)
  • Common Lore
    • Imp Creed (28)
    • Imperium (28)
    • War (28)
    • Adeptus Astra Telepathica (54)
  • Literacy Untrained Basic (28)
  • Speak Language
    • High Gothic (54)
    • Low Gothic (54)
  • Forbidden Lore (Psykers) (49)
  • Invocation (58)
  • Psyniscience (40)
  • Scholastic Lore
    • Cryptology (54)


  • Peer (Academic)
  • Resistance (Fear)
  • Talented (Invocation)
  • Pistol Training (Universal)
  • Heightened Senses (Sound)
  • Psy Rating 2


  • Blessed Ignorance (-5 on Forbidden Lore)

Psychic Powers

Telepathy Discipline

  • Basic: Thought Sending
  • Special: Astral Telepathy
  • Delude
  • Compel

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
Laspistol 37 Pistol 30 1/-/- 1d10+2 0 30 Full Reliable, Best Qual 1.5 Common
Mono Sword 18 Melee Melee - 1d10+4 2 - - Mono 3 Common
Weaponname Accuracyname Classname Rangename ROFname Damagename Penname Clipname Reloadname Keywordname Weightname MAXIMUM
  • Initiative Bonus:
  • Movement: 3/6/12/18
  • Wounds: 6+d5
  • TB: 3
  • Armor: 4
  • Dodge: 16
  • Parry: 14



  • BQ Laspistol
  • BQ Monosword


  • Guard Flak

Other Equipment

  • Charm
  • Void Suit
  • Psy Focus
  • Micro-Bead


Experience Spent

  • +5 Int 100
  • +5 WP 100
  • Delude 100
  • Compel 200