Necessary Evil Alien Stats

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The V’sori War Machine


Despite their different races, most drones have the exact same abilities. All Drone equipment is internal, so it cannot be stolen. Most humanoid drones look much the same, being completely encased in form-fitting body armor with visored helmets. Every drone bristles with the weaponry, cables, and piping necessary for it to complete its assigned duties. Drone

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8

Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d8, Swim d6

Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2) Special Abilities:

• Ambidextrous: Drones have no off-hand penalty.

• Aquatic: Pace 6. Cybernetic gills and marine adaptations allow drones to function underwater.

• Electro-Shock: Drones can generate an electrical current to incapacitate their targets. This is not a constant power and must be used in lieu of their normal attack. They only need to touch the target to affect them (+2 bonus to Fighting roll). If successful, the target must make a Vigor roll at -2 or be Shaken.

• Fearless: The capacity for fear has been removed... surgically. They are immune to Fear and Intimidation.

• Armor +2: Cybernetic implant armor.

• Heavy Blaster: Drones have an integrated blaster built into the forearm that runs off an internal capacitor. It recharges at the rate of three shots per round. Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, shots 20, AP 4, Double Tap, Blaster overcharge rules.

• Low Light Vision: Cybernetic eyes.

• Vibro-Claws: Str+2, AP 2, Heavy Weapon. Retractable vibro-blades in one appendage.


When it becomes apparent that the typical Drone soldier is no match for a superpowered Earthling, the V’sori unveil the Hyper-Drones. These poor souls have their cybernetics wired to overcharged internal power plants. It grants them extreme power at the cost of eating away at their bodies, not that the V’sori care. Hyper-Drones appear to be hairless, yellowing humans with bloodshot eyes and cables running in and out of their body at various intervals. With heavy clothing, they can still pass themselves off as humans, unless a close examination is made. Hyper-Drones have a blaster cannon hidden within their mouth, thus they do no speak.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10

Skills: Driving d10, Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Piloting d10, Shooting d12, Swim d8 Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 (2) Special Abilities:

• Ambidextrous: Implants allow them to be equally adept with all manipulators.

• Aquatic: Pace 12. Cybernetic gills and marine adaptations allow drones to function underwater.

• Blaster Cannon: This internal weapon is the equivalent of a blaster machine gun. Though the firing aperture is in the mouth, the majority of the weapon is actually located in the Hyper-Drone’s thoracic cavity. Like a Drone’s blaster, it recharges at the rate of three shots per round. Range 50/100/200, Damage 3d8, ROF 3, AP 4, shots 180, Blaster overcharge rules.

• Claws: Str+2, AP 2, Heavy Weapon. Two sets of retractable blades and improved combat software give Hyper-Drones the the Frenzy Edge as well.

• Fearless: The capacity for fear has been removed... surgically. They are immune to Fear and Intimidation.

• Armor +2: Cybernetic implant armor.

• Infravision: Cybernetic eyes.

• Low Light Vision: Cybernetic eyes.

• Quick Recovery: +2 to recover from being Shaken.

War Spheres

When there isn’t much of a rebels body left to turn it into a standard drone, V'sori scientists make the best of what’s left. War spheres are floating, metallic drones the size of beach-balls tasked either for attack or defense. The war sphere also possesses retractable manipulator arms to perform simple tasks. Located in the center of a War Spheres well-armored shell is the still-living brain of the rebel subject, wiped and cybernetically controlled in exactly the same way as standard drones.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6

Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8

Charisma: 0; Pace: -; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (4) Special Abilities:

• Construct: Constructs gain a +2 to recover from Shaken, and are immune to disease and poison.

• Fearless: The capacity for fear has been removed... surgically. They are immune to Fear and Intimidation.

• Flight: Pace 10.

• Heavy Armor +4: Metal shell.

• Heavy Blaster: An internal blaster identical to those mounted in Drones, also recharging three shots per round. Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, shots 20, AP 4, Double Tap, Blaster overcharge rules.

• Low Light Vision: Cybernetic sensors.

• Size -1: War spheres are about the size of a large beach ball.