Midnight RPG Campaigns: Main Page
Welcome to Midnight!
Welcome to the Picturing Aryth wiki gazetteer for the role-playing game setting Midnight.
This wiki site is a resource for the fantasy role-playing game using the Midnight Setting for the Dungeons and Dragons system.
This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "Midnight Bible".
With the aid of many fans of the Midnight setting this will also serve as a visual guide across the wonderful but disheartened world of Aryth. Below game-masters, players and fans of Midnight are encouraged to find images/photos from our world that could represent the vision of specific areas within the world of Midnight.
- Fantabulous Ryan!!!They are up in that tree, but I can tell that you are way up in that tree! Pretty brave stuff, but it sure paid off. The thing I like best about it is the viewer has to wodenr where you are taking the shot from? Great session!August 25, 2009 4:16 pm
PICTURING ARYTH: Image Gazetteer
- The following is a visual gazetteer for the world of Aryth, a geographical directory, an important reference for the imagery of locations and things, used in conjunction with a the map and descriptions given in the Midnight supplements. Each area will begin with a short bio-information brief concerning the geographical makeup of a region, country, province, city, towns, villages, power nexus, etc... Across the continent of Eredane as well as any relevant/appropriate structures, buildings, wildlife, etc...
- For Example:
An image of Angkor Wat (in Cambodia) could be a perfect fit to Ibon-sul, a strange/creepy/gothic cathedral might represent an image for one of the many dark churches of Izrador, or one of the many European Castle ruins could represent the crumbling Fortress Wall across the northlands.
- For Example:
- Please feel free to add images to the collection... Please do your best to follow the formats/markup set within the wiki as you make additions.
I love reading these articles becsaue they're short but informative.
Geographical Directory of Aryth
Northern Marches
- Icewall Mountains
- Western Spur
- Cold Downs
- River Eb
- Withered Wood
- The Weal
- The Woe
- Vale of Tears
- The Black Road
- Ishensa Basin
- Ishensa River
- Gasterfang
- Horn of Death
- Horn of Ice
- Blight Marsh
- The Blight
- Frozen Barrens
- The Scar
- Kazak-Dur
- The Endless Ice
The Highhorn Mountains
The Kaladrun Mountains
Northern Kaladruns
- Icewall Mountains
Southern Kaladruns
- ???
Northern Erenland (Occupied Lands)
- Bastion District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Samael
- Chandering District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Gregon Chander
- Fallport District Shadow District; Controlled by: Dumuk
- Highwall District Shadow District; Controlled by: Greater Legate Teros Vilosa
- Lower Inshensa District Shadow District; Controlled by: Greater Legate Judela Marcosa
- Port Esben District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Vildar Esben
- Riismark District Shadow District; Controlled by: Nagruk
- Steel Hill District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Aushav Fallon
- Upper Inshensa District Shadow District; Controlled by: Helag
Central Erenland (Occupied Lands)
- Al Kadil District Shadow District; Controlled by: Hadah al-Mansur
- Baden’s Bluff District Shadow District; Controlled by: Count Halrion Baden
- Eastern Hills District Shadow District; Controlled by: Azogduk
- Erenhead District Shadow District; Controlled by: Murkul
- The Plains of Erenhead
- Lowrock District Shadow District; Controlled by: Gaalak
- Westlands District Shadow District; Controlled by: Grial the Fey Killer
- The Eren River
- The Ardune
The Sea of Pelluria
- Corbron Isles
- Dragon Island
Southern Erenland (Occupied Lands)
- Alvedara District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Ahvazi Abbas
- Horse Plains of Erenland
- Zorgetch District Shadow District; Controlled by: Vorbane and Vrin
- Sharuun District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Farah Shanduz
- Cambrial District Shadow District; Controlled by: Greater Legate Shantelus Ereach
- Southwest Coast District Shadow District; Controlled by: Aran Jasayi
- Southeast Coast District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Castor Mardiff
- Alvedara District Shadow District; Controlled by: Prince Ahvazi Abbas
The Erethor
The Caraheen
- River's Fangs
- Green March
- Darkening Wood
- Felthera River
- Dead Marshes
- Druid's Swamp
- Iathril River
- The Burning Line
The Veradeen
- Skyrfell Pike
The Miraleen
- The Aruun
- Arunath Mountains
Coastal Water Region
- Asmadar
- Kasmael Coast
- Stormhold
- White Desert
Open Seas
- The Pale Ocean
- The Kasmael Sea
- The Endless Ocean
Fan Created Campaigns & Materials
These wiki pages list various Midnight campaigns created by GMs and players for there entertainment.
- “Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!”: The words of hope strung together in the black tongue meaning “Out of darkness bind them!” These bainful words shall be spoken as a rally cry, a call, a voice in the darkness - asking for help... Asking for hope...
designed by Kevin Perrine, co-created by our player character group.
- “Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!”: The words of hope strung together in the black tongue meaning “Out of darkness bind them!” These bainful words shall be spoken as a rally cry, a call, a voice in the darkness - asking for help... Asking for hope...
- [1]: Wikipedia's article on Midnight.
- Intro to Midnight: DMs
- Intro to Midnight: Players
- Midnight: FAQ
- Wiki One-on-One!
- Wiki-up at Wikipedia!
- RPG defined by Wiki!
- Game Master defined by Wiki!
- Bluebooking: an explanation on RPG bluebooking, and how we can use it for Midnight.
ALL Characters, Settings and Company Copywrites and Trademarks mentioned on these wiki pages are the property of their respective creators. Their mention on this page is NOT intended as a challenge to existing copyrights. They are used here expressly for fan enjoyment. Midnight is published by Fantasy Flight Games.
This Midnight RPG Wiki was originally developed by Kevin Perrine.