Character: nuShrike
A character from A_Date_with_Destiny
- Veil-Winged Shrike
- Caste: Eclipse
- Concept: Queen of Death and Beauty
- Veil-Winged Shrike is one of the premier beauties of the Scavenger Lands, as brilliant and harsh as sunlight reflecting off the edge of a drawn blade. Her build is actually substantially more trim and athletic than her usually-languorous demeanor might suggest: slim-hipped, long-legged. She moves with an inhuman grace, the slightest movement suggestive of a sublime dance. She used to dress to make the most of her beauty, clad in the barest minimum necessary to preserve her modesty, accentuated by the addition of dozens of fluttering veils that shift with the breeze and her own movements. Lately, she has favoured a more conservative, magisterial mode of dress to match her high office. Her long, red-highlighted golden hair, in contrast with her bronzed skin, is usually left in a series of long, thin braids, each one tied with a ribbon and a tiny bell; Shrike jingles softly as she walks, the music of her hair answered by the matching bells on her bangles and anklets.
- Anima: Wings of golden light unfold from her back, and ethereal streamers flap and flow from her wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. Each pennant is a prayer-strip, inked in an exquisite gold calligraphy, each one a prayer extolling Shrike's beauty, majesty, and inevitable victory, although the wording changes depending on the situation.
- Liberate the oppressed
- destroying the Deathlords and Abyssal Exalted (fierce hatred)
- creating art (vanity)
- Mari (love)
- the people of Thorns
- her Circle (affection)
- freedom from oppression (idealism)
- Killing Frost (love)
- the duty of the Exalted to protect mortals (stoic)
As a Quicksilver Falcon, Shrike's anima power enables her to make oaths binding. For the cost of 10m 1wp, she may sanctify an oath she is witness or party to by touching the hands of those involved. Anyone who breaks the oath (including Shrike herself) will suffer 4 botches at critical actions. Heaven itself will act to ruin those who are forsworn. Shrike is also protected by ancient pacts, granting her and her companions diplomatic immunity when treating with the spirit world, demons, and the Fair Folk. Finally, Shrike may learn non-Solar Charms for twice their experience cost and +2m to their activation cost.
- Strength 2 +3
- Dexterity 3 +3
- Stamina 2 +3
- Charisma 3
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 5
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 3
- Bureaucracy
- Linguistics 5 (Rivertongue (native), Old Realm, High Realm, Low Realm, Claw Speak)
- Ride 2
- Sail
- Socialise 3 (+1 government)
- Martial Arts 5 (+1 unarmed)
- Occult 5
- Performance 5 (+1 oratory)
- Presence 5 (+1 commanding)
- Resistance 5
- Integrity 5
- Medicine 3
Artifact 5: The Crown of Thunders
10m attunement. +3 to all Physical Attributes. She may also hear the prayers directed at her (must meditate to hear everything; otherwise only the most urgent, fervent, or often-repeated ones come through), which increases her effective Cult rating by 1. She may also reply to prayers personally: the worshipper sees a vision of Shrike, her anima flaring at the iconic level, speaking to them in a voice charged with divine authority.
When Shrike unearthed the Crown of Thunders from an ancient ruin and placed the artifact on her brow, she inadvertently, but no less majestically, inaugurated the return of the Solars to true political power, by laying claim once again to the Creation-Ruling Mandate. The Crown would later assist her and her Circlemates in conquering Lookshy and the surrounding regions, founding the first Solar principality since the ending of the Age of Dreams. Since then, it has become part of her royal regalia: a symbol of her power and majesty. While she wears it constantly, she rarely activates its supplementary powers unless making proclamations in public.
Notes: Except for the physical enhancement, I've scrapped the usual effects of the Crown of Thunders and replaced them with the effects of the Vestments of Holy Vigilance. Balanced by much higher commitment costs than the Vestments.
Cult 4+1: the Bearers of the Golden Word
+6m/hr, 1WP/6 hrs respiration.
The ascent of the Veil-Winged Shrike to the position of both queen and tutelary goddess, symbolic bride of Thorns' newborn city father, was anticipated by sacred scripture. The Rule of the Golden Word foretold a coming age of Solar magnificence, the liberation of Thorns from the occupation of the Mask of Winters, and the ascension of 'the Last Daughter of Thorns'. Shrike is venerated not only by the citizens of Thorns -- and its Underworld equivalent -- but also by the oppressed and the aesthetically-inclined all across the Scavenger Lands. This level of metaphysical clout has not only brought her great power and influence, but also the enmity of many members of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Her priests and priestesses call themselves Wordbearers, in token of the amulets they wear: each one bears an inscription from Shrike's own hand. The carven glyph is usually the bearer's own name, or something else significant to them like 'Duty', but each one also carries a social attack (hidden by Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique) that enforces loyalty and powerful attraction to Shrike.
Influence 3: Mother of Thorns
While Shrike is technically the head of state of Thorns, she prefers to rule via proxy rather than as an autocrat. She is advised by a Privy Council and in turn sits on Thorns' ruling body, ruling much as Queen Merela did in the First Age. She sets agendas for its seasonal convocations and chairs meetings, but does not vote on everyday matters, retaining only a veto to block legislation for one season and the power to declare a state of emergency on the advice of her Privy Council. In theory, this demonstrates her commitment to working together with mortals rather than lording it over them. It makes for good PR when comparing Thorns to the Realm.
In practice, she wields so much direct power over the hearts and minds of her people with her Charms that the entire political structure is merely a convenient way for her to delegate the boring business of state administration to bureaucrats and politicians.
Influence 3: Doyenne of Arts
When you're a glamorous divine queen of supernal beauty and grace, you tend to set trends. Shrike's tastes and aesthetic philosophy is quickly coming to dominate the Scavenger Lands. Thorns attracts the best, brightest, and most beautiful artisans, poets and performers who vie constantly for the honour of her favour and honourable mention.
Manse 5: Stone of Loyalty
Anyone who accepts her authority or has sworn an oath of loyalty to Shrike needs to roll difficulty 5 Conviction to betray her; close friends and allies must roll 3; casual acquaintances and the general public roll 1. -1 if they can justify their actions as assisting her.
Extracted from the heart of Thorns' central Manse - Noon Shadow Temple. Surmounts the Crown of Thunders.
Noon Shadow Temple is a Wood-Aspected manse and the headquarters of Shrike's Cult, the Bearers of the Golden Word. It has the following characteristics: an Otherworld Gate to the Underworld; Ability Enlightenment in the areas of Bureaucracy, Investigation, Medicine, and Presence; the Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis that is usually used to keep its environs comfortable regardless of the season or weather, and an autonomous Provider that ensures its occupants never want for necessities. It requires simple maintenance which takes a full day and must be performed every month: this duty is assigned according to a roster to its resident clergy.
Lunar Bond 5: True Love
+10 dice when assisting Frost. +5 to MDV against attempts to turn her against him. -5 to MDV when acting against Frost.
While Shrike's initial encounter with her Lunar mate Killing_Frost was less than smooth, their relationship has since undergone a gradual blossoming, as she found in him a reliable partner and fierce protector.
Known Anathema: 7
"He mentioned the Lady of Thorns! Summon the magistrates!"
Frustratingly enough, fame has come with its own price, and try as she might, Shrike has found setting up intelligence networks and subversive cells all but impossible due to her notoriety. Indeed, while there are many willing to utter prayers to her effigies or donate to her temples, that's not the same thing as being a paid informant of hers. She has to pay double for Allies, Backing, Contacts, Followers, and Resources.
Code of Honour: 2
"I'm a fearsome opponent, satrap, but a true friend."
While Shrike acknowledges the importance of misdirection and misinformation in battle, she eschews its use on allies and those who have 'proven themselves'. She has a tendency to set great store by the loyalties that her charms and her powers forge and puts her confidence in those who have, one way or another, been persuaded to cast in their lot with her. She can't knowingly lie to those she has a positive Intimacy towards or to allies.
Nightmares: 1
"She sees me, Frost! She sees me!"
In public, Shrike basks in the acclaim of having been instrumental in the defeat of two Deathlords. Five years ago, her Circle humbled the combined forces and resource of the Mask of Winters and the Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears. But her brush with the latter Deathlord has instilled a permanent dread of the other woman in her, possibly due to their uncanny similarity. The Lover too appeared to recognise Shrike -- or rather, something about her. The possibility, no matter how remote, that they are more alike than is immediately apparent haunts Shrike in her dreams. She has a 1 in 10 chance of waking screaming from nightmares, forfeiting Willpower recovery that night.
- Second Excellency
- Integrity-Protecting Prana (5m 1wp, Reflexive, 1 day, Combo-OK: perfect defence against Shaping)
- Epic Zeal of Compassion (Infernals) (Permanent: Compassion dice are automatic successes)
- Phoenix Renewal Tactic (Permanent: when recovering a WP, can regain Virtue channel instead)
- Sidereal Compassionate Essence Replenishment (Permanent: regain 10m when channeling Compassion or 5m when using Performance in a manner compatible with Compassion)
- First Excellency
- Whirling Brush Method (4m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: write 50x faster)
- Flawless Brush Discipline (8m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Emotion: +5 to Linguistics 'Appearance' effect, spend 3WP or Intimacy love Shrike)
- Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique (6m, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK: conceal message within written work; concealed message can be NMI or UMI)
- Sagacious Reading of Intent (3m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Social: perfectly identifies intention behind any statement, negates any social attack hostile to Shrike or her Motivation)
Martial Arts
- First Excellency
- Infinite MA Mastery
- Fists of Iron Technique (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: Acc +1 Damage +2L; parry lethal attacks empty-handed without a stunt; Acc +3 Damage +2L Defence +1 Rate +1 while SHF active)
- Sledgehammer Fist Punch (1m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Enhanced, Obvious: doubles raw damage vs inanimate objects while ignoring soak)
- Dragon Coil Technique (3m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Enhanced: +5 dice to inflict/maintain/control clinch, Damage +5L)
- Solar Hero Form (6m, Simple, Scene, Form-Type, Combo-Basic, Enhanced, Obvious: 1m to double successes on attack for raw damage, +5L/+5B natural soak)
- Crashing Wave Throw (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: after clinching, throw enemy 35 yds up or 80 yds horizontally; take 1B or 1L damage per yd not travelled if striking hard object)
- One with the Wave (Ink Monkeys) (5m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Counterattack: when struck, launch clinch counterattack; if successful, 1. throw opponent within 25 yds to deal pre-soak damage of first attack, or 2. throw opponent at second opponent within range with equal base damage; can counterattack physical or energy ranged attacks)
- Striking Cobra Technique (3m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK: +5 successes to Join Battle)
- First Excellency
- Wound Mending Care Technique (10m, Supplemental, One day; Touch, Combo-OK: Int+Medicine lethal or bashing levels healed; +5 levels if target rests)
- Flawless Diagnosis (1m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: perfect diagnosis on Per+Med roll)
- Wholeness-Restoring Meditation (Permanent: 5 successes necessary to treat Crippling wounds)
- Second Excellency
- Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Permanent: allows Shape Sorcery actions)
- Spirit-Detecting Glance (3m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: detect dematerialised creatures)
- Spirit-Cutting Attack (1m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike dematerialised, aggravated damage to spirits)
- Magic-Shattering Strike (DotFA) (15m, Instant, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious: strike spell or Sorcerous Charm effect (Circle x3 or Min Ess +2 PDV), gain (Circle x4 or Min Ess +2)m if successful)
- All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (6m, Scene, Reflexive, Combo-OK: Essence Sight)
- Demon of the First Circle
- First Excellency
- Phantom-Conjuring Performance (Permanent: enhances Performance or Presence with supernatural audiovisual effects; control anima banner)
- Heart-Compelling Method (6m, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Emotion, Social: inspires desired emotion; 2WP to resist)
- Husband-Seducing Demon Dance (10m 1wp, Simple, Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Obvious: +5d10 to Performance roll; victims fall in love with Shrike; 2WP to resist)
- Immanent Solar Glory (Permanent: +10m Peripheral; gain motes equal to Magnitude from administering to rulership and governance)
- First Excellency
- Majestic Radiant Presence (7m, Reflexive, Scene, Obvious, Social: Valour (1) needed to attack Shrike; 3WP to resist)
- Abyssal Killing Words Technique (2m 1wp, Permanent, Combo-OK: instead of paying WP, target loses equivalent lethal HLs instead)
- Hypnotic Tongue Technique ((target's Essence)m, Simple, Month, Combo-OK, Social, Stackable, Touch: Man+Pre; instead of 1WP to resist, target pays 5WP immediately attempting defiance)
- Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement (2m, Supplemental, Instant, Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious, Social: make physical attack deal agg dam to CoDs; halve MDV of CoDs against enhanced social attack)
- Minds Yield to Glory (Permanent: affects Hypnotic Tongue Technique)
- Shining on Dark Realms (Permanent: prevents any ghost with an Intimacy of loyalty towards Shrike from being summoned and bound; such ghosts inflict a -1 external penalty on attempts to make her betray that Intimacy)
- Durability of Oak Meditation (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK: +10L/+10B soak)
- Spirit Strengthens the Skin (1m per die removed, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: reduce post-soak damage by 1 die per mote; cannot reduce damage below 1 die)
- Iron Skin Concentration (2m, Reflexive, Tick, Combo-OK, Obvious: all attacks have minimum damage reduced by 1)
- Iron Kettle Body (Permanent: +4m to Durability of Oak; +15L/+15B for the rest of the scene)
- Adamant Skin Technique (8m, Reflexive, Instant, Combo-OK, Obvious: perfect soak, Compassion flaw)
- First Excellency
- Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe (3m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Compulsion: Cha/Man+Socialise to make a society shun a particular behaviour)
- Mastery of Small Manners (1m, Reflexive, Action, Combo-OK, Social: treat social groups as -1 Magnitude; increase effective Appearance by 1; understand basic motivations of everyone present at threshold 3)
- Essence: 5
- Personal: 25/25
- Peripheral: 25/40 +10 (ISG)
- Committed to Charms: 5 (5: Integrity-Protecting Prana), (Durability of Oak: 8m, SHF: 6m, IMM: 20m)
- Committed to artifacts: 10 (10: Crown of Thunders)
- Willpower: 10/10
- Anima status: Quiescent
- Compassion: 5/5
- Conviction: 3
- Temperance: 1
- Valor: 1
Limit Break
- Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion. All the suffering the character has seen fills her with an unquenchable rage. She immediately attacks the most obvious cause, without consideration for herself or the situation. The character’s rage overcomes sense and reason. She is unlikely to perform even simple acts such as putting down objects in her hands or drawing a weapon. However, she does not suffer wound penalties while in this state. Characters without obvious targets enter a terrible rage, moving erratically from area to area, smashing objects without consideration for value and lashing out at anyone foolish enough to interfere.
- Partial Control: The character must immediately attack any source of suffering, but she can apply her rage effectively, using weapons, Charms and spells normally. Without a nearby target, the character seeks out oppressors she has seen before and does not calm down until she finds one. She will also attack anyone who attempts to stop her. She suffers normal wound penalties in this state.
- Condition: The character sees innocents suffering and is unable to effectively intervene.
- Duration: One scene in combat or hours equal to Compassion
- Join Battle: 3
- Dodge DV: 6
- Parry DV: 8
- Soak (L/B/A): 3/5/- (23/28/20 with SHF and IKB up)
- Move: 6
- Dash: 11
- Jump: 5 up, 10 across
- Join Debate: 8
- Dodge MDV: 10
- Parry MDV: 5
Health Levels
- -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
- (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or
Shrike's bare hands have dismayed Deathlords.
Fists of Iron Technique
Punch: Speed 3, Accuracy +4, Damage +2L, Defence +4, Rate 4
Kick: Speed 3, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Defence +2, Rate 3
Clinch: Speed 3, Accuracy +2, Damage +2L, Defence --, Rate 2, Clinch, Piercing
Each Member
Each Circlemate
- Starting: 18
- From Flaws: 10
- Spent: -28
- -13 Abilities
- -5 Willpower
- -1 speciality
- -3 Charm (Medicine Excellency)
- -3 Charm (Shining on Dark Realms)
- -3 Virtue (Conviction)
- Earned: # 260
- Spent: # 260 (-256 Charms, -4 Ride 2)
XP purchases wishlist!
1. Spells!
- Invulnerable Skin of Bronze
2. Golden Courtier Infallibility
3. Edict-Affirming Overseer Method
4. Sunrise Inkwell Spirit
5. Ecstatic Golden Muse Style
6. Socialise Charms for worshippers