Ilga and Svetlana

Born in St Petersburg, Ilga Tarasov was the fifth child of a landed noble. She was picked early to train to be one of the Empress' elite guard, showing the physical prowess and beauty expected of the guard. She was a serious and dedicated student, excelling at all the physical and mental challenges of being a Hussar. Elevated to service of the Empress when she was 17, she served with honor for ten years before she was released and granted a minor title. Alexi's grandmother pulled her from retirement a few years later to be the mentor and guard for her young grandson. She considers Alexi the son of her heart and is devoted to him despite missing her husband and son.
Svetlana Zavrazhny was a street rat, bastard child of a courtier and a minor noble. Although her father acknowledged her and her mother and she never wanted for food and lodging, she grew up mainly on the street. Her father collected her when she was 14 and took her to be trained by the military. She was later presented for consideration for training for the Empress' elite guard. But she failed to make it past the second round of competition for the honor and was forced to be content to serve in the Army. Ilga selected her as her companion
before she was sent off to battle; she has served as guard to the Prince ever since.
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