Bwango the Boisterous

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-->Return to Main Site:ACKS Versus Caverns of Thracia

Bwagno the Boisterous

  • Class: Cleric
  • Level: 2nd
  • Level Title: Acolyte
  • Current XP: 1769
  • XP Needed for Next Level: 3000 to hit Level 3 (Priest)
  • Reserve XP: 1026


  • STR 8 (-1)
  • INT 9
  • WIS 16 (+2)
  • DEX 10
  • CON 16 (+2)
  • CHA 15 (+1)


  • HP: 10 (current) out of 10 (total)
  • AC: 6
  • Initiative:
  • Movement:
    • Base:
    • Combat:
    • Charge:
    • Climb:
    • Stealth:
    • Daily:
  • Saving Throws
    • Petrification & Paralysis
    • Poison & Death
    • Blast & Breath
    • Staffs & Wands
    • Spells
  • Weapons & Attacks
    • [Name] [Throw to Hit] [Damage]


  • Languages
  • Proficiencies:
    • [Class Proficiency]
    • [General Proficiency 1]
    • [General Proficiency 2]
    • etc.
  • Class Abilities
    • If any of them include a die roll, list the die roll too.
    • Class abilities
    • Class Abilities
  • Other Abilities
    • Open Door
    • Detect Secret Door
    • Hear Noise
    • Find Traps
    • etc.etc.


  • Weapons
    • Weapon Mace (1d6/1d8)
    • Weapon
    • Weapon
  • Armor
    • Armor:Banded Plate
    • Shield: Wooden
  • Gear: Sigil (takes the place of a holy symbol, looks like Solomonic or Hermetic seals), Priest's cassock, shoes
    • Backpack: 2 weeks

iron rations, , Book of the ravings of mad men and otherworldly lore

    • Gear
    • Gear
  • Coinage
    • CP
    • SP
    • EP
    • GP 51
    • PP
  • Treasure
    • Gems
    • Jewelry
    • Whatever
  • Magic Items
  • Total Stones of Encumbrance: 6.5


  • First Level Spells Per Day:
    • Repertoire
  • Second Level Spells Per Day:
    • Repertoire