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In TEARZ™, there are twenty-seven high-impact alignments that define your character like none other! Each alignment is made up of one of three subalignments that exist along the three alignment axii.

The alignments at the top of the axii tend to go together, and the alignments at the bottom of the axii go together, so sometimes, 'Liberal' will be used for Lawful Liberal Good and 'Conservative' will be used for Chaotic Conservative Evil, but this is not a given.

Lawful/Chaotic Axis

There are three subalignments along this axis.

  • Lawful means that people obey the law, and that a society is the highest moral authority.
  • Neutral people straddle the line, often breaking the law when it suits them, rarely having a moral authority.
  • Chaotic means that people disobey the law, and that a government is the highest moral authority.

Liberal/Convervative Axis

There are three subalignments along this axis.

  • Liberal means that the character believes people are generally moral and upright, and they deserve a break.
  • Moderate means that the character believes people are a mixed bag.
  • Conservative means that the characte believes that people are generally bastards, and why should they benefit from my money, dammit?

Good/Evil Axis

There are three subalignments along this axis.

  • Good means that characters do the right thing at any cost.
  • Selfish means that characters do any thing at the right cost.
  • Evil means that characters do their own thing no matter what the cost.

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