Miro Bucketton
In Search of Adventure:Home Page
- Character Name: Miro Bucketton
- Class: Halfling
- Level: 1
- XP/XP Needed: 0/2000
Ability Scores
- Strength: 15
- Intelligence: 10
- Wisdom: 14
- Dexterity: 17
- Constitution: 10
- Charisma: 13
- AC: 5 (3 against creatures larger than human-sized)
- HP: 6
- Base Attack: +1
- Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage
- Hand Axe/B/1d6+1
- Short Bow/B/1d6
Saving Throws
- Death Ray/Poison: 8
- Magic Wands: 9
- Paralysis/Petrify: 10
- Breath Weapon: 13
- Rod/Staff/Spell: 12
Class Abilities
Small Nimble Unobtrusive
- Cooking
- Craft (fletching)
- First Aid
- Tracking
Weapon Feats
- Hand Axe (Basic)
- Short Bow (Basic)
Languages: Thyatian Halfling Gear/Enc/Number:
- Hand Axe/30
- Short Bow/20
- Quiver/5
- Arrows/10/20
- Clothes (peasant's)/20
- Waterskin/30
- Rations (1 week's, dried)/70
- Tinder Box/5
- Lantern/30
- Oil (flask)/50/5
- Boots (plain)/10
- Cloak (short)/10
- Backpack/20
- Belt/5
- Mirror (steel)/5
- Leather Armour/200
- Purse/2
- Money: 1gp, 3sp (purse)
- Total Encumbrance: 526cn
- Move: 30'
Miro Bucketton is a young halfling raised and trained as a woodsman by his mother. (His father was more of a stay-at-home kind of dad.) Having spent most of his youth patrolling the local woods and hills, hunting, fishing, trapping, running, jumping and climbing trees, he has been suddenly overcome with a strange wanderlust. Having kissed his parents and numerous siblings goodbye, this small-town half-pint has arrived in the big city in search of fame and fortune.