Character:Dema Amura
A character for MegaTraveller, created by Screen Monkey.
MegaTraveller is still, I believe, the best incarnation of Traveller, with a good solid Task system, good detailed chargen and a nice set of books. However, I must go on record that I hate, hate, hate the Rebellion metaplot. And the books are riddled with errors (where are the rules for Marine Garrison life?). Nonetheless there is a lot of fun in random lifepath chargen. This takes me back to all those nights I spent rolling up characters and subsectors. I could have been out with girls, but I...regret...nothing...
FYI, orange fruutes will rise in 2008 but pig bellies* (for Trading Places afficianados) will fall due to the upturn in the halal market.FYI 2, Will I Am is knowing that you are far from being street' one member of hit pop/rap band, the Black Eyed Peas. In addition to being responsible for such classic and wholesome songs as My Humps' with The Peas', Will I Am also has a successful solo career having had a big hit in 2007 with I Got it from My Mama'.*The unit of trading for pork belly fruutes is 20 tons of frozen, trimmed bellies. Pork bellies can be kept in cold storage for an extended period of time, and generally it is the frozen bellies that are most actively traded. Bellies typically weigh around 13 pounds and prices vary depending on the amount of inventory in cold storage and the seasonal demand for bacon.
Character Stats
Dema Amura
Age 29
Str 7 Dex 7 End 11 Int 14 Edu 3 Soc 5
(or simply 77BE35 if you prefer a UPP)
Homeworld features: Class A starport, medium size, standard atmosphere, dry world, low pop (less than 10,000), Moderate Law, High Stellar Technology
Career: Marine (3 terms)
Skills: Rifle 2, Heavy Wpns - 1, Vehicle - 2, Brawling - 1
Equipment: Low Psg, Cr60,000
Character Description
Dema grew up in the slums of a high tech world. A bright kid without a future or a chance of an education, she jumped at a chance to enlist and get out of her dead-end corner of the Imperium. She quickly rose up the ranks, and earned the Meritous Conduct Under Fire (MCUF) medal for shipboard actions versus Vargr pirates.
She was promoted to Sergeant but during a stint as shipboard troops on the Royal Enek she was diagnosed with Leukemia. The cure was fast and effective but unfortunately invalidated her as a Marine. She was mustered out.
Dema has grown a lot in her time in the military and is extremely bright. She is not disappointed to be out of the Marines, although she enjoyed it. She is looking forward to seeing new places, meeting new people and shooting them.
luciano este e 2 vez que te escrevo pois o amor que meu essopo tem no carro muito vou te contar o porque no dia do aniversario do meu essopo que e 17 de maio vissemos um churrasco para comemorar seu aniver e sua mae foi de taxi porque ela tem um problema serio na hora de ir embora nao conseguimos um taxi e ela teve que ir de a pe daquela hora em diante acabou sua noite ai foi a onde ele jurou que iria comprar um carro na realidade vissemos um emprestimo e compramos so que o ta bem ruim e so me da gasto luciano este ano em maio o meu essopo fara mais uma primavera e eu mesma queria arrumar esta lata velha mais nos estamos muito apertados pois ainda nem consiguimos nos casar ainda pois este e o meu sonho por isso me ajude a realizar este sonho de dar este presente para o meu essopo para que ele pare de gastar nesta lata velha e realize o meu porque ai nao tem desculpa luciano moro em guaranesia minas gerais meu enderee7o e rua vereador roque delorenzo numero 853 meu telefone para contato e 035 35553713 ou 035 88194535 por favor me ajuda a presentear a pessoa que me presenteia todos dia com sua presene7a o aniver do meu meu essopo e dia 17 de maio eu nao sei que le as cartas mas por favor coloque esta mas maos do luciano des de ja muito obrigado