Dawn of the Third Age/OOC Logs/Session 11

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Nov 07 10:45:49 2010 -0700
[10:45] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:45] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[10:45] *** Topic set by ChanServ (4 hours ago at 6:49 AM)
[10:45] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:45] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:45] *** Lost_Arts has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:46] <~Anshu> hello
[10:46] * dakkareth waves
[10:46] <~Anshu> we're short Myllinnia and Hattori today.
[10:46] <~Anshu> possibly also Inkwell, not that he usually does much even when he is here.
[10:47] <dakkareth> well, Myllinnia might show up ... according to that post it didn't seem like a certainty
[10:48] <Brazen_Sand> hi
[10:48] <Brazen_Sand> We can still play though.
[10:48] <~Anshu> hi
[10:49] <Brazen_Sand> right?
[10:50] * Lost_Arts manages to get his computer back under control and waves
[10:51] <~Anshu> yeah, assuming I can thwack my brain into awakeness enough to figure out what to do.
[10:51] <Brazen_Sand> What's wrong?
[10:51] <~Anshu> Oh, nothing's /wrong. It's just that MMOs are very perilous things.
[10:51] <Brazen_Sand> Noooooooo DX
[10:52] <Lost_Arts> That they are
[10:52] * dakkareth knows why he keeps the hell away from them
[10:52] <Lost_Arts> Exactly
[10:52] <Lost_Arts> I have done exactly the same
[10:53] <~Anshu> I have up till now as well
[10:53] <~Anshu> apart from a brief flirtation with DDO
[10:53] <Lost_Arts> Though I may break when Old Republic comes out
[10:53] <~Anshu> but EVE Online has sucked me in
[10:53] <Brazen_Sand> *slap*
[10:53] <Brazen_Sand> Don't abandon your friends for an MMO ;_;
[10:54] <Lost_Arts> Hey it could be worse. He could be on WoW
[10:54] <~Anshu> I'm not
[10:54] <Lost_Arts> Or EverCRACK
[10:54] <~Anshu> I'
[10:54] <~Anshu> I'm here, aren't I?
[10:54] <dakkareth> heh
[10:54] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe you're a robot ;_;
[10:54] <~Anshu> and at least Exalted and EVE are owned by the same people, so that's... something. :P
[10:54] <dakkareth> they are?
[10:54] <~Anshu> yeah
[10:55] <Brazen_Sand> CCP
[10:55] <~Anshu> CCP bought White Wolf
[10:55] <dakkareth> what's that stand for?
[10:55] <~Anshu> I dunno
[10:55] <Brazen_Sand> I dunno
[10:55] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway, do you have the results for Cerise's...intervention with Sidkuma?
[10:55] <~Anshu> yes, I do
[10:56] <~Anshu> I let Dakk decide what questions to ask, since he was the last to remind me
[10:56] <Brazen_Sand> yaaaay
[10:56] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, I reminded Dakk : P
[10:56] <~Anshu>
[18:28] DakkReborn: In particular anything he knows about the Empress, about the plans of the Reclamation or groups within it if such exist. Any other Akuma he knows of, or otherwise corrupted mortals, Exalted or gods in Creation or Yu-Shan.
[10:56] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: How he really came to become an Akuma, assuming he remembers.
[10:56] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: And what he thinks of that decision in hindsight.
[10:56] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: Whether the GSP-transformation can be reversed, the taint excised.
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> Grrr
[10:57] <~Anshu> Grrr?
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> I don't need no reversing
[10:57] <Brazen_Sand> : P
[10:57] <~Anshu> okay
[10:58] <~Anshu> so I'll give those answers
[10:58] <Lost_Arts> (lying)But you'd make a super Dawn Caste(/lying)
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> *eager*
[10:58] <dakkareth> but even Brazen could agree that it would be a neat solution to the problem of reincarnating enemies, couldn't he?
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> Yes.
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> That is true.
[10:58] <Brazen_Sand> Well, *I* would
[10:58] <~Anshu> on order, even
[10:58] <~Anshu> "The Ebon Dragon has some plan involving a marriage between himself and a woman from Creation, but I was never told who. The Empress would certainly be an advantageous match for him, or would have been when she disappeared."
[10:59] <Brazen_Sand> *nod* Well, that double-confirms the Empress stuff
[11:00] <~Anshu> "I don't know of any other Akuma. Those the Yozis had in the 5-score Fellowship were kept from knowing who the others of their kind were. There were a few gods I worked with who had been turned, but they may well be dead now.
[List of Yozi cults scattered around Creation, ranging from small to medium-sized]."
[11:00] <dakkareth> Not necessarily.
[11:00] <Brazen_Sand> *nod*
[11:00] <Brazen_Sand> It does combined with what we found of the Empress
[11:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, are we all being told this together?
[11:01] <Brazen_Sand> I mean in-game.
[11:02] <~Anshu> hmmm
[11:02] <dakkareth> I imagine we're getting the transcripts of Cerise's interrogation
[11:02] <~Anshu> yeah, that makes sense
[11:02] <Brazen_Sand> *nod*
[11:02] <~Anshu> "I honestly cannot recall. It doesn't seem to have worked out terribly well. Can I go to Lethe now?"
[11:02] <~Anshu> (that's the "why did you become an Akuma" question)
[11:03] <~Anshu> (=P )
[11:03] <dakkareth> What did we find of the Empress, CE?
[11:03] <Brazen_Sand> We found her accompanied by an entire coven of GSPs
[11:03] <dakkareth> That she's an Akuma? That doesn't mean she's the Bride.
[11:03] <Brazen_Sand> (And full-size covens are really really rare)
[11:03] <~Anshu> And regarding the question about the GSPs: "I wouldn't know anything about that."
[11:03] <Brazen_Sand> Can't blame him for not knowing anything about that
[11:03] <Brazen_Sand> We could consult Lytek
[11:04] <dakkareth> One could even argue that her being an Akuma makes it less likely - you don't marry something that's part of yourself.
[11:04] <Brazen_Sand> Technically, she wasn't an Akuma in RotSE
[11:04] <dakkareth> Not saying that would be too incestous for the Ebon Dragon, but it might lessen her metaphysical value.
[11:04] <Brazen_Sand> But the Scarlet Wedding Band did the job well enough.
[11:05] * dakkareth is only arguing from IC knowledge
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> I understand
[11:05] <~Anshu> It's left up to the ST whether she's an Akuma, or just the recipient of Demonic Endowments and the wearer of the Scarlet Wedding Band
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> Soooo...I say we let him go to Lethe
[11:05] <Brazen_Sand> That's true, sorry Taurus.
[11:05] <~Anshu> no need to apologize, I just wanted to clarify-without-clarifying :P
[11:06] <Brazen_Sand> Dude, I've been enough of a dick that I should be extra-careful about being polite.
[11:06] <dakkareth> Once he has answered all questions we or anyone else of the appropriate people have for him he can stay under lock and key to wait whether more questions turn up.
[11:06] <Brazen_Sand> I say let him go to Lethe
[11:07] <Brazen_Sand> (Damn compassion 4)
[11:07] <dakkareth> Let him go to Lethe once the binding is about to run out.
[11:07] <dakkareth> ie, after one year
[11:07] <Brazen_Sand> I suppose.
[11:07] <Brazen_Sand> Can ghosts just slumber or something for a year?
[11:07] <Brazen_Sand> to be woken up when needed?
[11:08] <dakkareth> or so would Nomoe argue. Just in case we want his input on something. And he should get some time to reflect on his choices before going to Lethe :p
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> Why? it wouldn't have any effect on his later behaviour
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> Wait. I have a question
[11:08] * dakkareth that's not for certain.
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> What happened to the rest of the Sidereals?
[11:08] <dakkareth> And why not give him the opportunty.
[11:08] <Brazen_Sand> (To the Akuma)
[11:08] <~Anshu> oh
[11:08] <dakkareth> Oooh, good question.
[11:09] <Lost_Arts> Yeah didn't the majority get munched by something nasty being released in Yu-Shan
[11:09] <dakkareth> yeah, but it's not clear what exactly it ws and who was responsible
[11:09] <~Anshu> Hmmm
[11:10] <~Anshu> Now let me decide if I want to go with what I remember the OMWF answer being, or make up my own
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> I still want to go to Yu-Shan, btw.
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> We should consult with large-scale stuff, cause we *need* to get organized
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, before, we finally got proactive, right?
[11:10] <Brazen_Sand> But we weren't really *ready*. We just thought we were.
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> (now understands why the Sids were necessary in the Primordial War)
[11:11] <Lost_Arts> I'm more ready now. Not entirely so
[11:11] <Lost_Arts> But more ready
[11:11] <Brazen_Sand> yes, but we need to be totally ready
[11:11] <dakkareth> What exactly do you think we should do in Yu-Shan?
[11:12] <dakkareth> If the existing Sids could locate our enemies and problems they probably would. And we can't exactly help them with that.
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> The enemies we're trying to find are Outside of Fate
[11:12] <~Anshu> ... Yeah, I'll go with the OMWF answer
[11:12] <Brazen_Sand> However, Heaven allows us to co-ordinate our efforts
[11:13] <Brazen_Sand> You know, you can check out the ENTIRETY of Creation using the Loom, for example
[11:13] <Brazen_Sand> Why not go talk to Hattori's Sid ally?
[11:13] <dakkareth> You can if Heaven does allow you, but that's worth precisely nothing to us.
[11:14] <dakkareth> I don't think non-Sidereals can read the Loom ... or was it one of those annoying specialty crafts that you need for that ...
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> It gives us more intelligence to work with.
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> Rather then relying on interrogating people who have no reason to tell us the truth or not dick us around
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> I'd trust a Sid reading the Loom of Fate over anything a Fiend says.
[11:14] <Brazen_Sand> Also, it would be interesting.
[11:15] <~Anshu> "Adorjan found a means to escape Malfeas, using a means similar to that which the Raksha use to enter creation, by collapsing herself into a single-souled being. But she found it not to her liking, and returned hoping for another way out to be found."
[11:15] <Brazen_Sand> ...why were we never told of this!?
[11:16] <Brazen_Sand> Er, I mean the Deliberative.
[11:16] <~Anshu> Because nobody before was sure exactly what had happened in Yu-Shan.
[11:16] <dakkareth> Ok, we'll mark that one firmly on the 'win' side of things.
[11:16] <dakkareth> And also in the category of 'fucking scary'
[11:17] <Brazen_Sand> yeah
[11:17] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen is freaked out by this news, but externally just acts as angry and blustery as ever.
[11:17] <Brazen_Sand> So anyway, what's the story for today, Anshu? : D
[11:17] <dakkareth> Mmh, come to think of it, meeting with the Convention on the Reclamation/Infernals/or whatever it's called could be useful
[11:17] <~Anshu> ... hm. Thinking back, I think Sunrunner really liked Adorjan.
[11:18] <dakkareth> plus, Nomoe wouldn't say no to a Sid ally of his own
[11:18] <Brazen_Sand> *remembers Mendicant's Lunar Mate*
[11:18] <dakkareth> unless Bright Snow would eat them
[11:18] <~Anshu> Yeah.
[11:18] <Brazen_Sand> Too bad we can't find Mendicant, maybe he/it would've had some advice...*hint hint*
[11:19] <Lost_Arts> Bright Snow would eat them
[11:20] <Brazen_Sand> I don't think Bright Snow could take Mendicant
[11:20] <~Anshu> No, he meant the Sidereals.
[11:20] <Lost_Arts> Yes I did
[11:20] <Lost_Arts> Mean the Siddies that is
[11:21] <dakkareth> Note to self: Put that plan on ice, or possibly do it covertly.
[11:21] <dakkareth> :p
[11:22] <dakkareth> mmh, I forget, can Eclipses learn Sid Astrology?
[11:22] <Brazen_Sand> Why would you want to?
[11:22] <~Anshu> I don't think so. It's not Charms
[11:23] <Brazen_Sand> Well, if Brazen and Nomoe can tolerate each other, I think that Snow cna resist chomping down on them
[11:23] <Brazen_Sand> ;P
[11:23] <dakkareth> Astrology is fairly useless on the personal scale, but if you're thinking in terms of societies and countries it becomes pretty damn cool.
[11:23] <~Anshu> that's up to Lost.
[11:24] <Lost_Arts> Exactly
[11:24] <Lost_Arts> I may well eat them and gain their power
[11:24] <dakkareth> Heh :D
[11:24] <Brazen_Sand> True, that's why we should go up to Yu-Shan.
[11:24] <dakkareth> Works for me :p
[11:24] <Brazen_Sand> But let's hear what Anshu has in store for us.
[11:24] <~Anshu> >.>
[11:24] <~Anshu> <.<
[11:25] <~Anshu> hmmm
[11:25] <Lost_Arts> I was hoping one of the others actually turned up
[11:25] <~Anshu> me too, a bit.
[11:25] <dakkareth> Though the idea of Nomoe calling a ten year old Sid 'sifu' is quite amusing.
[11:25] <dakkareth> yeah
[11:26] <Brazen_Sand> sorry
[11:26] <~Anshu> well, I dunno. What do you guys wanna do? You could go to Yu-Shan if you wanted. Or Malfeas.
[11:27] <Brazen_Sand> What's happened in the month of downtime, may I ask?
[11:28] <dakkareth> would Bright Snow come along to Yu-Shan to meet the Convention on the Reclamation? Because if not that might not be the best idea.
[11:28] <dakkareth> From an OOC perspective.
[11:29] <Lost_Arts> Imagines the bloodbath
[11:29] <Brazen_Sand> Can she manage to not murder everyone?
[11:29] <Lost_Arts> She can but does she wish to?
[11:30] <Brazen_Sand> What's more important to her, a grudge or Creation?
[11:30] <dakkareth> Oooh, that would be difficult. Nomoe would feel obliged to back her up, but it would run counter to his other goals.
[11:30] <Lost_Arts> The Sidereals have not served Creation in a long time IHPO
[11:31] <~Anshu> No more Empress sightings, for one, and the Purists seem to have quieted down greatly. That's a good thing, because Ma-Ha-Suchi has finally decided to make his move on the East and is moving steadily toward the Blessed Isle, using twisted Lunar fertility magics to swell his armies with monstrous beast-children with each new conquered village and town.
[11:31] <dakkareth> Where is he coming from, where is he marching through, and where is he now?
[11:31] <dakkareth> On the current map of Creation
[11:34] <dakkareth> mmh, according to stephenls' map he's too far south to be a problem for Sanken unless the Wyld has shifted things around a lot.
[11:34] <Brazen_Sand> Ah hell, better deal with that.
[11:34] <Brazen_Sand> He's going to try to stop the Deliberative?
[11:34] <~Anshu> The Deliberative is deploying legions to confront him, but Ma-Ha-Suchi's horde are masters of guerrilla war and difficult to pin down, and the Grand Circle is reluctant to use the Sword of Creation as a large-scale solution to the problem, mindful of the number of prisoners he's taken.
[11:34] <~Anshu> and *checks maps*
[11:35] <dakkareth> Going by that map, if he sets out from his Nameless Lair (which would now be somewhere in the Wyld), he should pass through Denandsor territory on the way.
[11:35] <~Anshu> Yeah.
[11:35] <~Anshu> He's making his way up toward Denandsor's general area.
[11:35] <dakkareth> Has there been any diplomatic contact between him and the Deliberative?
[11:36] <Lost_Arts> If he is foolish enough to go intot he city he is an idiot
[11:36] <dakkareth> And what about Silver Pact (public) reactions?
[11:36] <Brazen_Sand> The Silver Pact is barely unified at the best of times.
[11:37] <dakkareth> yeah, but some of its members might be on speaking terms with him
[11:37] <Lost_Arts> I'm interested in both public and private reaction
[11:38] <Lost_Arts> of the Silver Pact
[11:38] <Lost_Arts> That is
[11:38] <Brazen_Sand> Me too
[11:40] * dakkareth finds it hard to think of an angle for Nomoe to consider doing anything about it but voting for defensive measures in the Deliberative
[11:41] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen will help...depending on what it's worth to the Deliberative.
[11:42] <dakkareth> Funnily enough "what's in it for me" is precisely Nomoe's reaction as well ... especially since it's Denandsor that will likely shoulder the majority of the problem
[11:42] <Brazen_Sand> Actually, I want to contact the UCS and negotiate...
[11:42] <dakkareth> unless ... Starcc Antonee has a favor still to call in from Nomoe ...
[11:42] <~Anshu> There was some diplomatic contact prior to this, but it wasn't very productive. He stubbornly refused to join the Deliberative, as Raksi has been doing, and made threatening noises about destroying civilization, but nobody thought he'd actually be foolish enough to try and make good on it.
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> Personally *I* would like to battle and get in on stopping Ma-Ha-Suchi
[11:43] <Brazen_Sand> But Brazen really wouldn't see a reason to do so when they've got to stop the Empress and he has to look after Gem and that's literally happening on the other side of the world.
[11:44] <~Anshu> The Silver Pact's public reaction has been horrified as news of the rape camps and forced breeding programs has leaked out with the scant few refugees to escape the wave of conquest.
[11:45] <Brazen_Sand> Ah hell, maybe Brazen will do it anyway
[11:45] <~Anshu> In private, reactions range from shocked and horrified to horrified but not, on reflection, that surprised.
[11:45] <Brazen_Sand> He is, after all, a hero
[11:45] <Brazen_Sand> After hearing about the camps. (negative intimacy to cruelty)
[11:46] <~Anshu> well, you did say that Gem mostly ran itself.
[11:46] <Brazen_Sand> Yes, except for when a Wyld Behemoth shows up and smashes walls and stuff.
[11:46] <~Anshu> true.
[11:46] <Brazen_Sand> At that point, you need Brazen
[11:46] <~Anshu> perhaps he has some DBs in the city to help with that?
[11:47] <Brazen_Sand> *shrug* I never thought of it.
[11:47] <Brazen_Sand> Let's just say that Brazen is as impulsive as ever and figures "Okay, that shit won't stand!"
[11:47] <~Anshu> that works
[11:47] <dakkareth> Gem if not Brazen is rich enough to hire an outcaste or two in a pinch
[11:48] <Lost_Arts> Snow would be for dealing with Ma-Ha-Suchi but only if the Silver Pact (and most especially the Winding Path) are finding him a problem
[11:48] <~Anshu> Winding Path...
[11:48] <Brazen_Sand> The Sociologists
[11:49] <~Anshu> the ones behind TSR, right?
[11:50] <~Anshu> right
[11:50] <~Anshu> hmm
[11:50] <Lost_Arts> TSR?
[11:50] <dakkareth> For Nomoe, suppose Antonnee gave him a call "you know, I don't really want to take time off from my magitech research, if you take care of this I'll consider us square" ... sure ;)
[11:50] <~Anshu> Thousand Streams River
[11:51] <Lost_Arts> For a second their I thought you were going to say they made D&D
[11:51] <~Anshu> hehehe
[11:51] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[11:51] <~Anshu> hey
[11:52] <~Anshu> maybe this session can have our characters making D&D characters! *awesomeface*
[11:52] <Lost_Arts> No
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> No recursive gaming
[11:52] <~Anshu> awww
[11:52] <~Anshu> *was joking all along*
[11:53] <Brazen_Sand> I know
[11:53] <Brazen_Sand> Ma-Ha-Suchi-fighting, then?
[11:53] <dakkareth> Of if it's something Snow wants to do something about and asks Nomoe to join in (or let's it be known that she wouldn't mind if he did)
[11:53] <~Anshu> anyway, considering the stated goal of the TSR is to create societies of mortals that can operate and take care of themselves more or less independently of Exalted, I'm pretty sure that they would view his rape camps as a Bad Thing.
[11:54] * dakkareth wonders what sort of char Nomoe would build
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> Diplomancer
[11:54] <dakkareth> Perhaps more like barbarian, pointedly played to resemble Brazen ;)
[11:54] <~Anshu> hey, maybe that's what the GoD is
[11:55] <Brazen_Sand> No, because Brazen would be a barbarian
[11:55] *** Anshu is now known as Ignis_Divine
[11:55] <Brazen_Sand> Wow, we haven't done *anything* IC XD
[11:55] <dakkareth> Aiiii!
[11:55] * dakkareth bows down
[11:55] <Brazen_Sand> *vaporized*
[11:55] <dakkareth> well, but we do have established a likely side-quest and potential hooks for all characters
[11:56] <~Ignis_Divine> "Okay, so now my fighter attacks the orc with his... oh, hi, yes, Praise Me. anyway, I'm making an attack roll..."
[11:56] <~Ignis_Divine> :P
[11:56] <dakkareth> heh
[11:56] *** Ignis_Divine is now known as Anshu
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> XD, that was pretty funny
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> But yeah, this'll be a fun sidequest.
[11:56] *** dakkareth is now known as Mars
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> But where do we begin?
[11:56] <Mars> "You always roll 20s. That's not how this works."
[11:56] *** Mars is now known as dakkareth
[11:57] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:57] <~Anshu> ... maybe we should just goof around all session. This is kinda fun and refreshing =)
[11:57] *** Lost_Arts is now known as Bright_Snow
[11:57] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:57] <~Anshu> but you guys probably want to play
[11:57] <Bright_Snow> It is kinda refreshing
[11:57] <Bright_Snow> But possibly worth playing
[11:58] <Brazen_Sand> Today, they all go to an amusement park! : D
[11:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[11:58] <~Anshu> Nomoe and Snow take a ride in the Tunnel of Loooooove~
[11:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we *could* do that. Visit Yu-Shan, decide against visiting the Sids due to danger of someone getting eaten, and find some divine amusement park :p
[11:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> although even Nomoe would be hard pressed to pay for stuff in Yu-Shan
[11:59] *** Bright_Snow_ has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[12:00] *** Bright_Snow_ is now known as Virgil
[12:00] <~Anshu> the Cerulean Lute of Harmony's Most Excellent Park of Amusements?
[12:00] <Virgil> Wouldn't that just be a massive brothel
[12:00] <~Anshu> no, that's the Cerulean Lute of Harmony itself. :P
[12:00] *** Bright_Snow has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[12:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> One more reason not to go there then :p
[12:02] *** Virgil is now known as Bright_Snow
[12:03] <Brazen_Sand> It's not *all* a brothel, guys.
[12:03] <Brazen_Sand> It's everything that people like to do...including a brothel.
[12:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmh, would that mean that this is the game's Beach Episode?
[12:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Either way we should do something IC :)
[12:05] <~Anshu> I'm waiting for you guys to decide what to do, and making silly jokes in the meantime.
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> Right
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> Let's go kick Ma-Ha-Suchi's ass
[12:05] <Brazen_Sand> imo
[12:07] <Brazen_Sand> (Thats just me though)
[12:08] * Nomoe_Hideaki is good either way
[12:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So it comes down to Lost's vote
[12:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Unless Taurus votes as well ;9
[12:11] <~Anshu> I'd kinda prefer to have a Beach Episode, personally. Less work coming up with stats on the fly.
[12:12] <Brazen_Sand> But then we're not actually doing anything, and...well, if one can't make up stats on the fly, then that's kind of a problem :s
[12:13] <Brazen_Sand> That's part of STing, after all.
[12:13] <Bright_Snow> If your not ready I'm happy to sit this one out
[12:13] <Bright_Snow> Means I can go have supper now
[12:14] <Brazen_Sand> Hmm, I wonder what the story he had in mind was...was it Ma-Ha-Suchi?
[12:14] <~Anshu> I didn't say I couldn't do it, I just said I'd be happier not doing it. :P
[12:15] <Brazen_Sand> That makes me sad : (
[12:15] * Nomoe_Hideaki is for doing something. If that's the beach episode, I don't mind.
[12:16] <Brazen_Sand> Did you need the other players for the story?
[12:16] <Brazen_Sand> I was hoping to kick some ass, actually >_>
[12:16] <~Anshu> hmmm
[12:18] <Bright_Snow> I'm still up for doing something but I might vanish for a bit of it to eat something. I feel less guilty than normal doing that tonight
[12:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, decision time!
[12:20] <~Anshu> it looks to me like Dakk is fine with whatever, I want Beach Episode, Lost wants some food, and CE wants to beat something up.
[12:20] <~Anshu> is that an accurate summation?
[12:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it is for me
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> ...yeah, I suppose.
[12:21] <Brazen_Sand> I'm just curious about what he had planned for before the game started, tbh.
[12:21] <~Anshu> To be totally honest? I didn't have much of anything planned.
[12:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hey, suddenly giant robots attack (or whatever) can easily be part of a beach episode ;)
[12:22] <~Anshu> :o that's true
[12:22] <Brazen_Sand> Indeed.
[12:22] <Brazen_Sand> brb
[12:23] <~Anshu> I could give CE the mecha fight he wanted
[12:23] <~Anshu> and have a beach episode
[12:24] <~Anshu> but then what to give Nomoe and Snow to do once the fight starts?
[12:24] <~Anshu> *plot plot plot*
[12:25] <~Anshu> ... I could always go with Swarms of Blood Apes, I suppose.
[12:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[12:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Groups of anything with Principle of Motion are evil.
[12:27] <~Anshu> mhm.
[12:30] <~Anshu> huh. Either extinction events are more common in Creation than one would assume, or Blood Apes never get out of Malfeas without being summoned.
[12:30] <~Anshu> Or this sentence in the core was poorly worded.
[12:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it probably is
[12:31] <~Anshu> "Erymanthoi may find their way out of the demon realm by listening for the sound of the last drop of blood of a mortal species of creature falling to the earth."
[12:32] *** RandBrittain has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[12:32] <~Anshu> ohai.
[12:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Off the cuff I'd say the last drop of blood from just any creature might under certain circumstances allow one to slip through ... the last drop of blood of the last exemplar of a species might allow a whole group
[12:32] <RandBrittain> Darn that daylight savings time and its confusing ways!
[12:32] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[12:32] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[12:32] <Inkwell> I apologize for my lateness.
[12:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> We're having a Beach Episode
[12:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as a consequence you're not really late
[12:32] <Inkwell> ...but I didn't bring my muscles!
[12:32] <~Anshu> which hasn't started yet
[12:33] <Inkwell> Hold on a second while I pick up By Rage Recast.
[12:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> unless you vote to beat up Ma-Ha-Suchi instead?
[12:33] <Bright_Snow> Yeah we've been not up to much
[12:33] <~Anshu> Inkwell's already Appearance 5, though. He shouldn't need muscles.
[12:33] <~Anshu> He can just be bishonen and sparkly.
[12:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh
[12:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He doesn't have an artifact to be sparkly like Nomoe does, though
[12:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> or does he? :D
[12:34] <~Anshu> so let's see
[12:34] <Inkwell> I could use my magic to make sparkles...
[12:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Seriously though, we are like Creation's Most Beautiful Circle :D
[12:34] <Inkwell> Anyway, the point is that //Inkwell// thinks he needs muscles for a beach episode.
[12:34] <~Anshu> you need to be caught up, right?
[12:34] <Inkwell> I think it's established at this point that his social judgments are warped.
[12:34] <Inkwell> I am somewhat curious about how the necromancy went.
[12:35] <~Anshu> it went offscreen
[12:35] <Bright_Snow> Who is not App 5
[12:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with Brazen the odd man out with only App 3
[12:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Bright Snow's public form, what's the app of that form?
[12:35] <~Anshu> we got several answers, hang on, let me scroll up
[12:35] <Bright_Snow> 4
[12:36] <~Anshu> Dakk was in charge of asking questions
[12:36] <~Anshu>
[18:28] DakkReborn: In particular anything he knows about the Empress, about the plans of the Reclamation or groups within it if such exist. Any other Akuma he knows of, or otherwise corrupted mortals, Exalted or gods in Creation or Yu-Shan.
[12:36] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: How he really came to become an Akuma, assuming he remembers.
[12:37] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: And what he thinks of that decision in hindsight.
[12:37] <~Anshu>
[18:29] DakkReborn: Whether the GSP-transformation can be reversed, the taint excised.
[12:37] <~Anshu> so, in order:
[12:37] <~Anshu> "The Ebon Dragon has some plan involving a marriage between himself and a woman from Creation, but I was never told who. The Empress would certainly be an advantageous match for him, or would have been when she disappeared."
[12:38] <~Anshu> "I don't know of any other Akuma. Those the Yozis had in the 5-score Fellowship were kept from knowing who the others of their kind were. There were a few gods I worked with who had been turned, but they may well be dead now.
[List of Yozi cults scattered around Creation, ranging from small to medium-sized]."
[12:38] <~Anshu> "I honestly cannot recall. It doesn't seem to have worked out terribly well. Can I go to Lethe now?"
[12:38] <~Anshu> "I wouldn't know anything about that."
[12:38] <Inkwell> Hee, hee.
[12:38] <Inkwell> No breaking my totally sweet Exaltation! I won't allow it!
[12:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[19:08:43] <Brazen_Sand> What happened to the rest of the Sidereals?
[12:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[19:15:09] <~Anshu> "Adorjan found a means to escape Malfeas, using a means similar to that which the Raksha use to enter creation, by collapsing herself into a single-souled being. But she found it not to her liking, and returned hoping for another way out to be found."
[12:40] <~Anshu> *was just getting to that one*
[12:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> just trying to help
[12:40] <Inkwell> "Yeah, that sounds like Adorjan."
[12:41] <Brazen_Sand> hi?
[12:41] <~Anshu> I wasn't complaining, Dakk
[12:47] <~Anshu> I'll write up an opening post in a moment
[12:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :)
[12:47] <Brazen_Sand> yaaay
[12:49] <~Anshu> hmmm
[12:49] <~Anshu> well, where should it be?
[12:50] <Brazen_Sand> The beach in Gem.
[12:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Chiaroscuro?
[12:50] <~Anshu> Brazen Sand having invited everyone out for a visit?
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If Yu-Shan is out, due to narrative necessity of monster attacks ;)
[12:51] <Brazen_Sand> Sure
[12:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Chiaroscura is less ... politically charged ;)
[12:52] <Brazen_Sand> But Gem is better for monster stuff
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[12:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I guess it could work
[12:52] <Inkwell> Does Chiaroscuro even have a beach?
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it's on the shore of the inner sea, so ... perhaps?
[12:53] <Inkwell> Beaches have been seriously neglected in the existing Compass books.
[12:53] <Brazen_Sand> Eh, it's kinda close to a coast, but I don't think it's right on one.
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> why wouldn't it be right there, though?
[12:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sea trade and stuff needs direct access
[12:53] <~Anshu> it looks like it's right there to me
[12:53] <Bright_Snow> Costa De Sol
[12:53] <Brazen_Sand> I dunno
[12:53] <Brazen_Sand> I could be wrong
[12:53] <~Anshu> plus it has a Yu-Shan Gate, so if you guys decide you want to pop in...
[12:54] <~Anshu> ;)
[12:54] <Inkwell> Who's ruling Chiaroscuro, anyway? I'm a bit out of the loop as regards the exact borders of our Glorious Celestial Realm.
[12:55] <~Anshu> Chiaroscuro is the Delzahn, right?
[12:55] <~Anshu> with Tamuz, or however he's spelled?
[12:56] <Brazen_Sand> yes
[12:57] <~Anshu> he's still there, then.
[12:57] <Inkwell> So we've mostly got Celestials ruling locally, like with Prefectures in the First Age?
[12:58] <~Anshu> Basically.
[12:58] <Inkwell> I should be ruling a prefecture!
[12:58] <Inkwell> Libraries Goddamn Everywhere Prefecture.
[12:58] <Brazen_Sand> You're an Infernal working for the Yozis
[12:59] <~Anshu> I imagine Tamuz rules with a light hand
[12:59] <Inkwell> I'm still an excellent organizer.
[12:59] <~Anshu> since he's got the whole thing set up the way he wants it anyway
[12:59] <~Anshu> anyway
[12:59] <~Anshu> *gets self to IC channel*
[13:00] <Inkwell> Soon, so very soon, I'll be able to start my metamorphosis into a giant library Primordial.
[13:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[13:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> How giant are we talking?
[13:01] <Brazen_Sand> So why would we all be at the beach in Chiarascuro anyway?
[13:01] <Brazen_Sand> At least going to Gem would have a purpose behind it
[13:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Because there is a limit to what expensses can be justified for ambassadorial accommodations ... </Nomoe>
[13:02] <Inkwell> I'll be my own accomodations!
[13:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Gem is at the other end of the world though, at least from Nomoe's perspective. In Chiaroscuro we meet half-way
[13:02] <Inkwell> Deliberator Hideaki has insisted that Inkwell sit on the beach until he is less pale.
[13:03] <~Anshu> I think that would be more General Noldarr's thing
[13:03] <Inkwell> Gem is so far away its not even in the middle of nowhere. It's the other end of nowhere.
[13:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> That's Deliberator Nomoe to you, and it was more of an observation than an actual suggestion - I would never be so crass.
[13:04] <Inkwell> Not that I mind travelling over places of desolation particularly.
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> how can something be near or on the other side of nowhere?
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> That's deep, man.
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> @_@
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Look, it says here on the map "The Dominion of Nowhere"
[13:04] <Brazen_Sand> *lights it on fire*
[13:04] <Inkwell> Being an adept of Cecelyne makes phrases like "on the other side of nowhere" take on added meaning
[13:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heheh
[13:05] <Inkwell> I mean, everywhere in Cecelyne is in the exact middle of nowhere.
[13:05] <~Anshu> Gem is so far away, to get to it, you travel five days into Cecylene and then five days out again
[13:05] <Inkwell> Speaking of which, using Adorjan and Cecelyne to make a sniper would be boss.
[13:05] <~Anshu> other side of nowehere.
[13:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki figures this is a good time to shift this IC
[13:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since it's something we might well talk about IC
[13:05] <Inkwell> Speed in, kill, speed out, and use Cecelyne infinity Charms to stop people from chasing you.
[13:06] <~Anshu> *pokes people IC*
[13:06] <Brazen_Sand> I am IC GAWSH DX
[13:06] <~Anshu> heh
[13:07] <~Anshu> oh, I've figured out the name of the god of carnivals.
[13:07] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah?
[13:08] <~Anshu> Phintay Jaman Barbai
[13:08] <Brazen_Sand> Is he like a giant carny?
[13:08] <~Anshu> after the cofounders of the Barnum & Bailey circus
[13:08] <Brazen_Sand> clever ; )
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> : P
[13:10] <Brazen_Sand> I don't even know if the relationship is going to go anywhere.
[13:12] <~Anshu> well, I had to say something
[13:12] <Brazen_Sand> I know, I know ; )
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> Oh wait
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> ...Brazen could be Old Spice guy
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> too bad he doesn't have that Ebon Dragon charm
[13:14] <~Anshu> .. which one?
[13:14] <Brazen_Sand> The one that lets you turn things into other things?
[13:14] <~Anshu> oh
[13:14] <~Anshu> you can do that with Swillin
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> Well yeah, but you have to break it and actively shift it and stuff
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> with the ED charm it's just THE *BLANK* IS NOW *BLANK*
[13:15] <~Anshu> *ponders having an NPC show up*
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmhh, Lost is off eating supper?
[13:16] <~Anshu> yeah
[13:16] <~Anshu> it seems
[13:17] <~Anshu> ... the Yozi's can't just hit you with Torment whenever they feel like it, can they?
[13:17] * Inkwell is waiting for better Torment rules to come on Wednesday.
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> No
[13:17] <~Anshu> okay, that's what I thought
[13:17] <Inkwell> No. In theory Inkwell is actually pretty good at obeying his Urge.
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> But he's supposed to be working *faithfully* between the Yozis and Creation
[13:17] <Inkwell> I am working faithfully!
[13:17] <Inkwell> I'm so faithful neither side trusts me.
[13:17] <Inkwell> That shows I'm doing the job properly.
[13:17] <~Anshu> heh
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[13:18] <Brazen_Sand> *unamused*
[13:18] <Brazen_Sand> Torment is no laughing matter
[13:20] <Inkwell> It looks as though once you go Heretic, you can unlink your Caste Yozi, Urge Yozi, and your Torment, which is going to be helpful.
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> What does that mean?
[13:20] <Brazen_Sand> I mean unlinking them
[13:21] <Inkwell> As in, you can have whatever kind of Urge you want and still have whatever kind of Torment you want.
[13:22] <Inkwell> And probably have your choice of two Favored Yozis instead of a Caste Yozi.
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> I still think that attacking an Akuma of one of the Architects of the Reclamation would cause Limit
[13:22] <Brazen_Sand> That's not very...ambassadory
[13:23] <Inkwell> Nonsense! Sending akuma to attack things is an act of aggression.
[13:23] <Brazen_Sand> Dude, stop joking around. I'm being serious!
[13:23] <Inkwell> I've got no responsibility to treat such things peacefully.
[13:23] <Inkwell> So am I. I'm a diplomat. A diplomat doesn't have to say "Oh, it's cool," when his country's army shows up.
[13:23] <~Anshu> not necessarily. Akuma can be tricky, what with their Urges being so strong. GSPs could very well find an Akuma's efforts hindering the larger goal of the Reclamation.
[13:24] <Brazen_Sand> Actually, a diplomat kind of does.
[13:24] <Brazen_Sand> Since they're working *for* that country
[13:24] <Inkwell> Inkwell's Urge doesn't relate to the Reclamation, anyway. He's a diplomat from Malfeas, not from the Thing Infernal.
[13:24] <Inkwell> I work for both countries!
[13:24] <Brazen_Sand> You know what, forget it, it was stupid of me to get involved.
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> in that argument
[13:25] <Inkwell> Note that Inkwell is a //terrible// diplomat.
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> Yes, he kind of is, what with always trying to punch people they're talking to >_>
[13:25] <Inkwell> He was given that assignment because giving him basically anything else would have resulted in him saying "no" and then they would have had to admit that yet ANOTHER Exalt had walked on them.
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> Couldn't they have just killed him?
[13:26] <Inkwell> Them and what army? They're locked in Malfeas, which is not where I am.
[13:26] <Inkwell> That's why I said I wouldn't go back without Nomoe's diplomatic immunity, which is ironic for an ambassador.
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> I mean you end up in Malfeas when you're first Exalted Infernally
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> Then they go like "Okay, go do this stuff, this is your Urge."
[13:26] *** Anshu is now known as Swan_Dragon
[13:26] <Inkwell> Oh, yeah, we were pals then.
[13:26] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaaaay Swan Dragon
[13:27] <Inkwell> Then I started getting ideas.
[13:27] <Inkwell> Ideas like, "Hey, I bet I could build a better Yozi than this."
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> But the thing is that if you say "no" to an Urge, then they can just slap you around until you take it
[13:27] <Inkwell> I got sent out into Creation, met some other Exalts, things happened, and the next thing you know some job has gone terribly wrong and I need a new Urge because the old one is uncompleteable.
[13:27] <Brazen_Sand> That's why Brazen still has his original urge, flipped them off, and then ran like hell
[13:28] <Inkwell> If it becomes impossible to complete the Urge, the coadjutor selects a new one.
[13:28] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, Brazen's isn't impossible to complete
[13:29] <Brazen_Sand> It's just that, again, they left the Urge too open to interpretation
[13:29] <Inkwell> Yeah, so that's why he still has it. Inkwell got assigned to something smaller-scale and botched it by being uncooperative, possibly several times.
[13:29] <Brazen_Sand> I'd have just killed him, personally >_>
[13:29] <Brazen_Sand> But yeah, he hasn't really interacted with Malfeas, now that I think about it. Guess that's why.
[13:30] <Inkwell> Yeah, I'm staying out of the range of Green Sun Nimbus Flare.
[13:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> did he have his censor job back?
[13:32] <Inkwell> Inkwell is assuming.
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen is just going LOL I DUNNO :B
[13:34] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh hai dragon guy."
[13:34] <Bright_Snow> So what did I miss
[13:34] <~Swan_Dragon> we're on a beach, Nomoe is just wearing a towel, and Swan Dragon just showed up.
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> We're all on the Chiaroscuro beach
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> yup
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> previously discussed Malfean politics and Swan Dragon showed up right in time to prevent a boring discussion of our respective jobs
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Oh, and there is Bright Morning for everyone who wants it
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> What's Bright Morning?
[13:36] <Inkwell> It's a hallucinogen.
[13:36] <Inkwell> It makes you see dragons!
[13:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It's one of the more expensive drugs, which in addition to various other effects lets you see and interact with immaterial spirits when smoked
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> Ah
[13:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Bright Snow entrance? Or has she always been there?
[13:41] <Bright_Snow> I've always been there
[13:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> actually the reason we're all here, I've decided, is that Noldarr's Ally the Chosen of Serenity thought we could all do with a little r&r :D
[13:42] <Bright_Snow> Craft Air Roll
[13:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So, a little bit of manipulation here and there ...
[13:42] <Bright_Snow> .ex 13
[13:42] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [2, 6, 3, 6, 10, 8, 3, 7, 4, 1, 1, 7, 1]
[13:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> awesome sandcasle!
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> I uess
[13:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> in her Young and Maiden bright shape, I assume?
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> that explanation kind of works
[13:43] <Bright_Snow> Yep. The other one burns too easily in the southern sun
[13:43] <Inkwell> .ex 10
[13:43] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [1, 5, 9, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 3, 4]
[13:43] <Inkwell> My fortress needs work....
[13:44] <Brazen_Sand> Is Swan there?
[13:44] <~Swan_Dragon> just posted
[13:45] <~Swan_Dragon> sorry
[13:45] <~Swan_Dragon> went to make some lunch and the initial step took a bit longer than anticipated
[13:45] <Brazen_Sand> Heh, yeah. You must've heard my typing XP
[13:45] <~Swan_Dragon> since somebody cooked bacon in the microwave and forgot to clean off the turny thing
[13:46] <Brazen_Sand> Ewwww
[13:46] <~Swan_Dragon> yeah
[13:46] <Bright_Snow> Who cooks bacon in a microwave?!?
[13:46] <Brazen_Sand> Seriously!
[13:47] <~Swan_Dragon> *shrug*
[13:47] <~Swan_Dragon> They do
[13:48] <Brazen_Sand> Awww at the Least God thing
[13:49] <Bright_Snow> Several hours work have gone into that
[13:49] <Brazen_Sand> *sigh* I never did like going to teh beach
[13:50] <Brazen_Sand> irl
[13:53] <Brazen_Sand> Is there anything to do at this beach?
[13:54] <Inkwell> You could be snubbed by some dragon whose brain you saved from crazification.
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> You didn't say anything to him. You're literally a pile of sand right now
[13:54] <~Swan_Dragon> hang on, brb
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> Why do you always assume that you're being snubbed when you don't anything?
[13:54] <Brazen_Sand> *don't do anything
[13:55] <Inkwell> Well, I only saved his busted head. I should be getting a parade!
[13:55] <Inkwell> Also I'm kind of assuming because he was giving me dirty looks last time.
[13:55] <Inkwell> The world is full of anti-Primordial prejudice!
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> You did get one
[13:55] <Brazen_Sand> but you weren't there for it.
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> In Denandsor.
[13:57] <Brazen_Sand> brb
[13:57] <~Swan_Dragon> not to be confused with the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness :P
[14:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:04] <Inkwell> It seems I am to be King Canute tonight.
[14:04] <Inkwell> I have discovered the secret to gaining my colleague's trust! You have to make yourself completely ridiculous!
[14:04] <~Swan_Dragon> heh
[14:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh, perhaps
[14:05] <Brazen_Sand> X_X
[14:06] <Brazen_Sand> Fucking beaches, man.
[14:07] <~Swan_Dragon> sorry, Brazen
[14:07] <Brazen_Sand> We are playing an Exalted session about sandcastles
[14:07] <Brazen_Sand> Fucking sand castles
[14:07] <Brazen_Sand> *limit breaks*
[14:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hey, beach episode. Character bonding.
[14:07] <~Swan_Dragon> I'll start the action soon
[14:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought you'd like the latter ;)
[14:08] <Brazen_Sand> THIS IS SAND CASTLES
[14:08] <~Swan_Dragon> hey
[14:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I have no problem with that :D
[14:08] <~Swan_Dragon> if they make a sandcastle that can withstand the rising of the tide
[14:08] <~Swan_Dragon> I think that's pretty legendary
[14:08] <Brazen_Sand> Isidoros + Malfeas = AAAAAAAAARGH BOOOOORED DX *runs and smashes thing*
[14:09] <Brazen_Sand> Just have Inkwell turn the sand into stone
[14:10] <~Swan_Dragon> but that's cheating :P
[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> And I don't mind character bonding. It's just that realization kind of hit me like a ton of bricks when Nomoe was suggesting ways to strengthen the structure
[14:10] <Brazen_Sand> Ahhh, now I understand the significance
[14:11] <~Swan_Dragon> ?
[14:11] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow is making a sand castle of her former home
[14:12] <Brazen_Sand> an emotionally significant structure
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> I just imagine Brazen in the background doing crazy stuff while you guys calmly have this really beautiful character-building moment.
[14:13] <Bright_Snow> Yep. It is amusing OOC
[14:13] <Bright_Snow> Snow is annoyed by it IC
[14:13] <Brazen_Sand> I think it's pretty funny
[14:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 16
[14:13] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 11 successes against TN 7: [5, 1, 7, 5, 4, 1, 9, 10, 2, 8, 8, 6, 10, 8, 7, 9]
[14:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> praying to sandcastle gods
[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> Consider that for Brazen, laying on the sand is NOT relaxing
[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> In Gem, laying on sand is a good way to get killed
[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> in cecylene, laying on sand is...the exact same
[14:14] <Inkwell> You should take Transcendent Desert Creature!
[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> I did
[14:15] <Inkwell> Then you get a huge dice pool for not being seen, so you're golden.
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> But he grew up feeling this.
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> And Cecylene can probably still percieve you
[14:15] <~Swan_Dragon> Hopefully that all went through
[14:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh, friends in high places :D
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> got to prayers in h-
[14:15] <Brazen_Sand> *prayers reach h-
[14:16] <Brazen_Sand> *him?
[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> I wonder how much it would screw with Malfeas to be ignored
[14:18] <Brazen_Sand> bbs
[14:21] <Inkwell> It seems likely to me that one reasons Inkwell's memos to the Sun got ignored was the way he phrased them.
[14:22] <Inkwell> "It has come to my attention that your filing systems currently sorts me as a creature of darkness, clearly there has been some kind of mistake, please rectify ASAP, hope you are doing well."
[14:26] <~Swan_Dragon> that would not be the best way to go about it, no
[14:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:33] <Bright_Snow> .ex 5
[14:33] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [7, 4, 5, 2, 2]
[14:33] <Bright_Snow> Well they are not all that motivated on that prayer roll are they
[14:34] <~Swan_Dragon> no, no they aren't.
[14:34] <Bright_Snow> Then again I'm not running the character who can see this
[14:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> there's enough bright morning for everyone ;)
[14:35] <Inkwell> Essence-Dissecting Glance, you druggie!
[14:35] <~Swan_Dragon> cuts off at "*One day they will pay, one day they'll all burn i"
[14:38] <~Swan_Dragon> *pokes Brazen, wherever he is*
[14:38] <Bright_Snow> He said bbs
[14:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 6
[14:38] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [1, 5, 6, 7, 6, 2]
[14:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's waterworks skills are severely lacking ... but he tries!
[14:39] <Bright_Snow> .ex 15
[14:39] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [4, 6, 9, 2, 1, 3, 9, 3, 10, 8, 1, 4, 9, 4, 8]
[14:39] <Bright_Snow> Bright Snow's are not and she is spending a small amount of Essence
[14:41] <Inkwell> .ex 15
[14:41] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [6, 4, 2, 6, 6, 6, 4, 8, 1, 7, 7, 8, 4, 6, 6]
[14:42] <Inkwell> This dicebot is some kind of Yozi-hater.
[14:43] <~Swan_Dragon> Aww. =(
[14:46] <Bright_Snow> It amuses me that it has become quite clear that Nomoe really loathes Rakasha. Isn't he in for a surprise when he sees her True Form
[14:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought he had seen her already?
[14:46] <Bright_Snow> The snadcastle will beat the tide
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> Nope. DBT but not ture.
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> True
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> even
[14:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Not on.screen. But we can say he hasn't since it might make for an interesting scene.
[14:47] <Bright_Snow> Yep
[14:49] <Bright_Snow> Taurus can this be during/early in the downtime since this isn't a full session
[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> back
[14:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 18
[14:50] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [6, 7, 6, 10, 5, 6, 8, 9, 3, 10, 4, 5, 9, 3, 5, 6, 9, 4]
[14:51] <~Swan_Dragon> yeah, that makes sense
[14:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and App 13 calligraphy
[14:51] <~Swan_Dragon> I was thinking of doing that anyway
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> What's happening?
[14:51] <~Swan_Dragon> the lovebirds are working on their sandcastle
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> That's it. Brazen is even more bored
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> DEVIL
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> TYRANT
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> AVATAR
[14:51] <~Swan_Dragon> wait
[14:51] <Brazen_Sand> *SHINTAI!!!*
[14:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heheh
[14:52] <Brazen_Sand> You know what, from now on I'm just going to assume that he starts the session in that form
[14:52] <~Swan_Dragon> and Swan Dragon asked Brazen if he wanted SD to mention him to the Sun as well
[14:53] <Brazen_Sand> Basically that's his answer. He wants off the Roll as well, because he's fighting the Yozis
[14:53] <~Swan_Dragon>
[14:30] <~Swan_Dragon> "I will speak to the Sun of this matter regardless, to repay the debt I owe to you. But I urge you to consider the course of action I suggested."
[14:31] <~Swan_Dragon> He turns to looks at Brazen. "Should I take it you wish me to advocate for you as well?"
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> So basically, yes.
[14:54] <Brazen_Sand> Is his answer.
[14:54] <~Swan_Dragon> well, say it
[14:54] <Inkwell> It's going to be funny if Brazen gets off the CoD list before Inkwell does because he yells louder.
[14:55] <Brazen_Sand> Robot time?
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmmh, what sutra would anti-wyld charms fall under?
[14:57] <~Swan_Dragon> Sutra?
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Scripture, I mean
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as in Sidereal Charms
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen Sand is now the Ruler of Chiarascuro
[14:58] <Bright_Snow> I think the elder Lunar Exalted would take offence at that
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen Sand was Tammuz all along.
[14:59] <~Swan_Dragon> hmmm
[14:59] <~Swan_Dragon> good question.
[15:01] <Bright_Snow> It should be noted Tammuz is likely to be one of the Lunar Elders that Snow actually has some relations with
[15:01] <Bright_Snow> As he is the head of the Path
[15:01] <~Swan_Dragon> roll Per + Awareness
[15:01] <Bright_Snow> All of us?
[15:01] <Bright_Snow> .ex 8
[15:01] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 4, 5, 9]
[15:01] <~Swan_Dragon> yeah
[15:01] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 8 + Inevitable Colossus Ego
[15:02] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[15:02] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 8
[15:02] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 5, 8, 1]
[15:02] <Brazen_Sand> Inevitable Colossus Ego for 5 successes
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 5
[15:03] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [1, 2, 7, 4, 4]
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> (hopes someone else gets the reference)
[15:03] <Bright_Snow> Somehow I don't think the one handed maiden was necessarily the best choice
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> ?
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> So I got 5 successes on that roll, btw
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> For 1 mote
[15:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I meant it in reference to 'survival is fury', less in reference to the broken wall
[15:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 10
[15:04] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [1, 9, 5, 4, 8, 6, 10, 8, 3, 9]
[15:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and again App 13 calligraphy
[15:05] <~Swan_Dragon> right
[15:05] <Brazen_Sand> ...no one got the Castlevania reference?
[15:05] <Brazen_Sand> D:
[15:05] <Bright_Snow> Nope. Sorry
[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> "What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets!"
[15:06] <Bright_Snow> See your not the only person who can yell :p
[15:07] <~Swan_Dragon> pretty sure it is itself a reference to something else
[15:07] *** Swan_Dragon is now known as Anshu
[15:08] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow deserves a 3-die stunt
[15:08] <Brazen_Sand> for being able to yell down Brazen
[15:08] <Brazen_Sand> he was like "fine fine, okay" D:
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> Do any of us notice the thing rising?
[15:09] <Bright_Snow> What thing?
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> The thing in the water
[15:10] <~Anshu> hmmm not yet
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> k
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMTizJemHO8)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMTizJemHO8
[15:11] <Brazen_Sand> Here's the "what is a man?" reference thing
[15:13] <Bright_Snow> This is what I really really want to say next: "Then try and use an indoor voice. A more suitable indoor voice while we are enjoying ourselves at the beach. Then if your good maybe we can get an icecream after."
[15:14] <Bright_Snow> Should I?
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heheh
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> That IS HIS INDOOR VOICE
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> why not? :D
[15:14] <Brazen_Sand> And...yes he would like an ice cream
[15:14] <~Anshu> ... this is so entertaining I'm reluctant to interrupt
[15:15] <Bright_Snow> I quite like these lets see what the PC's do with their spare time sessions
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, it did get pretty funny
[15:15] <Bright_Snow> What is Inkwell up to atm anyway? Rand?
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> He always misses the best part
[15:15] <Inkwell> Poor geomancy rolls.
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> *parts
[15:16] <Inkwell> I'm having flashbacks to when Malfeas used to do the same thing.
[15:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[15:17] <Brazen_Sand> THEN ROBOT YAY I CAN YELL AGAIN!
[15:18] <Bright_Snow> Why do I get the distinct impression Snow just became the mother to this entire group...
[15:18] <Bright_Snow> Except maybe Nomoe who probably gets the father role
[15:19] <~Anshu> so we do still want the robot to show up?
[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And Brazen, due to Malfeas, has father issues apparently :p
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> YES WE WANT THE ROBOT!
[15:20] <Bright_Snow> I'm happy either way. Now would probably be the time for it to show up though.
[15:21] <Brazen_Sand> GREEN SUN NIMBUS sandcastle
[15:21] <Bright_Snow> Who notices the shape? All of us?
[15:21] <Inkwell> I have to admit, architecture via punching is definitely a Malfeas Charm.
[15:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> does Nomoe have a basic idea of Bright Snow's age?
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> There is a construction by punching charm in Hundredfold Facets
[15:22] <Bright_Snow> A lady doesn't reveal her age.
[15:22] <Bright_Snow> So it depends how much snooping around you've done on her.
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> XB
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> Investigation charms!
[15:22] <Inkwell> I'll find your age by examining your Essence pattern!
[15:22] <Inkwell> You just count rings.
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> No Inkwell that's trees. Easy mistake
[15:23] <Inkwell> ...the Ebon Dragon lied to me!
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> Crowned with Fury on every single beachgoer
[15:23] <Inkwell> You have to say it like you mean it!
[15:23] <Inkwell> "You should" isn't good enough!
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> Hold on, I'm not typed out yet
[15:24] <~Anshu> yeah, you all notice the robot rising from the water.
[15:24] <Inkwell> Once again, Inkwell is better at being homicidally angry than the Slayer. :)
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> It's my fight.
[15:24] <Inkwell> I should just go ahead and invest in green nuclear telekinesis.
[15:24] <~Anshu> Is there anyone who doesn't know what Evangelion Unit 01 looks like?
[15:24] <Brazen_Sand> This guy bugged me at Gem until I social-fu'd him into going away
[15:25] <Inkwell> TV series 01 or Rebuild 01
[15:25] <Inkwell> ?
[15:25] * Nomoe_Hideaki raises his hand
[15:25] <~Anshu> ... despite having seen both I cannot recall the difference
[15:25] <Brazen_Sand> me neither
[15:25] <Bright_Snow> I don't
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> I mean recall the difference
[15:27] <Bright_Snow> I haven't actually seen the Unit
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> hur hur...unit
[15:27] <~Anshu> (Link: http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/78640-1/Evangelion+Unit-01+_front+and+back+views_.jpg)http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/78640-1/Evangelion+Unit-01+_front+and+back+views_.jpg
[15:28] <~Anshu> (Link: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/061/3/6/Evangelion_Unit_01_by_cmark0.png)http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/061/3/6/Evangelion_Unit_01_by_cmark0.png
[15:28] <Brazen_Sand> shit, you broke my browser again with your links D:
[15:29] <~Anshu> D=
[15:29] <Brazen_Sand> There we go.
[15:29] <Inkwell> Of course, you have to see it in motion to really get it.
[15:29] <Brazen_Sand> I thikn Brazen's voice officially sounds like Nappa's from DBZ:Abridged
[15:30] <Inkwell> Does this mean it's a hellstrider?
[15:30] <Bright_Snow> I can see that
[15:30] <Bright_Snow> The Nappa thing
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> Indeed.
[15:30] <Inkwell> Hellstriders are pretty clearly the Eva equivalent of Exalted.
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> Right now is basically the part where Vegeta goes "Okay, go do something then!"
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> And Nappa's like "YAAAAAAAAAAAAY" and he smashes an armada apart
[15:30] <Inkwell> There's nothing about Alchemicals that really resembles an Evangelion at heart.
[15:30] <Brazen_Sand> Yes it's a Hellstrider
[15:31] <Bright_Snow> "This is the best day... ever."
[15:31] <~Anshu> Yes, it's a Hellstrider
[15:31] <Brazen_Sand> Exactly
[15:31] <Inkwell> Aw, man, I want to fight a Defiler!
[15:31] <Inkwell> Magic must defeat magic! </uncle>
[15:31] <Brazen_Sand> I reserved this fight 2 weeks in advance! Get your own >: (
[15:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Um, so, where are hellstrider, sandcastle, beach goers, and blood apes in relation to one another?
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> Besides, you have Blood Apes to fight.
[15:32] <Inkwell> Hm, what kind of person should serve as Inkwell's nemesis?
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> Perfect Defend Other!
[15:32] <Inkwell> Okay, blood apes managed.
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> The Fire Hungers to stop the GSNF
[15:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> You have to declare Defend Other in advance, you know
[15:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And I'm not sure you can do that with soak charms
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah you can
[15:33] <~Anshu> Blood Apes ==> ( sand castle .<== Hellstrider (not to scale)
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> You literally throw yourself in front adn take the hit
[15:33] <Inkwell> The Malfeas perfect is a parry/soak combination.
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> This is Brazen's custom PD
[15:33] <Inkwell> Presumably with a beach-based Imperfection?
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> He's the Greenfire King, so his perfect soak just eats the attack
[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> The beach was designed to be inhabited! D:
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> OR used
[15:34] <Inkwell> I call shenanigans!
[15:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmhh
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> He has teh Malfean Imperfection
[15:34] <Inkwell> By that logic all of Creation is designed for Primordial use!
[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> For human use
[15:34] <Bright_Snow> I'm Defending Other my sandcastle
[15:34] <Inkwell> Oh, wait.
[15:34] <Inkwell> The SANDCASTLE was developed for use!
[15:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, not really city around here
[15:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if he comes to close to that Nomoe will Blockade his movement, though
[15:35] <Inkwell> The whole area covered by Inkwell's geomantic patterns and the lovebird's ditches is perfect-OK!
[15:35] <Brazen_Sand> The beach was clearly developed for use by humans. *notes lifeguard tower*
[15:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> which you destroyed
[15:35] <Inkwell> You aren't standing on the lifeguard tower.
[15:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if you were standing on that thing, then perhaps
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> No no no, it's *evidence* that it was developed
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> That's just a feature of it
[15:36] <Inkwell> Well, it's not developed any more!
[15:36] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, so what do I have to roll to land on the Hellstrider so I can start punching it?
[15:36] <Inkwell> That's like saying that a wildlife reserve is all perfect-OK because it's developed for keeping animals in.
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> Also, Inkwell's nemesis should clearly be like that evil jock from Revenge of the Nerds
[15:37] <Inkwell> What you need to do is order Inkwell to start building more architecture.
[15:37] <Inkwell> Hm, Inkwell's issues are mostly all self-imposed, is his thing.d
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> So he gets swirlied and stuff
[15:38] <Bright_Snow> I am almost certain to have an Intimacy towards both Infernals by the end of this session.
[15:38] <Inkwell> He's awkward because it's hard to open up, and his big quest is something he decided to do on his own, and the fact that he holds onto that responsibility is why nobody trusts him.
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> Awww
[15:38] <Inkwell> So his nemesis is presumably someone who accepts no responsibility whatsoever.
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> ...I choose to imagine that it's the Revenge of the Nerds guy
[15:38] <Brazen_Sand> *ETERNAL DREAM DEFENSE*
[15:39] <~Anshu> ... like Adorjan?
[15:39] <Inkwell> See also how he hates akuma for giving up their responsibility forever.
[15:39] <Inkwell> Adorjan is mentally ill, so she might get off, but something like that.
[15:39] <~Anshu> Ophidian Scourge?
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> She does take responsibility
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> she's responsible for enlightening everyone :D
[15:39] <Inkwell> Mind, Adorjan has given herself the responsibility of sharing her enlightenment.
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> Bingo
[15:40] <Inkwell> That might work. Somebody with an Ophidian Torment they can infect Inkwell with.
[15:40] <Bright_Snow> Join BAttle I suppose?
[15:40] <Brazen_Sand> Then you can make him thwack into a wall too : D
[15:40] <Inkwell> Then I have to weigh making the world a better place against going out and getting some.
[15:40] <Inkwell> A horrible dilemma!
[15:41] <Inkwell> So, the blood apes are all good and banished, right?
[15:41] <~Anshu> oh
[15:41] <~Anshu> yeah
[15:41] <~Anshu> Pooh.
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> Yo, you guys can go help the people and stuff
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> this is my fight.
[15:41] <~Anshu> Mind-Hand Manipulation
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> If you don't mind ; )
[15:41] <~Anshu> clinching
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> (has a plan)
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> Roll?
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> Oh and LAWL SCORNING THE STARS
[15:42] <Inkwell> I already helped them. Now it's all you.
[15:42] <Inkwell> Let me know if you want some more architecture.
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> ...TAJ MAHAL ME!
[15:42] <~Anshu> I still say that charm is overpowered.
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> It was your modification
[15:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it takes willpower, doesn't it?
[15:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> scorning the stars
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Nope
[15:43] <Inkwell> Start a thread and take it up with TDO, get some commentary.
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, I kinda thoguht it was a little overpowered
[15:43] <Brazen_Sand> Although it can only be used for direct attacks against me
[15:44] <~Anshu> .ex 20
[15:44] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 11 successes against TN 7: [5, 1, 8, 6, 4, 3, 6, 8, 9, 5, 4, 10, 9, 7, 9, 9, 2, 8, 8, 5]
[15:45] <~Anshu> for MHM
[15:45] <Bright_Snow> So the Blood Apes are gone. What do the rest of us do?
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> back in a second, mom is upset and needs help
[15:46] <~Anshu> I dunno.
[15:46] <~Anshu> You were supposed to fight the blood apes, but they were dispelled.
[15:46] <~Anshu> brb
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Did you roll the opposing Ess+Wp checks?
[15:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Depending on how many blood apes there were it might not be trivial even for Inkwell
[15:50] * Inkwell would have to go and look up how the Magnitude works. How many were there?
[15:51] <~Anshu> ummm
[15:51] <~Anshu> let's say a dozen
[15:52] <~Anshu> cuts off after "it is only far to give them the same"
[15:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so that's the blood ape base +11 dice for the opposed roll on their side
[15:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if you want to banish them all in one casting
[15:54] <~Anshu> oh
[15:55] <~Anshu> so they have WP 7 and Ess 2, so 20 dice
[15:55] <~Anshu> .ex 20
[15:55] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 12 successes against TN 7: [10, 3, 3, 1, 7, 4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 6, 7, 5, 1, 2, 7, 6, 10, 8, 8]
[15:56] <Inkwell> Hm, maybe I should just target half of them at once.
[15:56] <Inkwell> Damn it, why didn't I bring my metasorcerous phylactery!
[15:56] <Inkwell> This is your fault, Nomoe!
[15:56] <Inkwell> You said I had to take all my clothes off and look what happened!
[15:57] <Inkwell> .ex 15 6
[15:57] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 10 successes against TN 6: [10, 8, 3, 1, 7, 2, 9, 8, 9, 2, 2, 9, 7, 8, 4]
[15:57] <Inkwell> I choose to interpret that as a victory against half of the blood apes. Next tick I shall do it again.
[15:58] <~Anshu> ok
[15:58] <Brazen_Sand> brb
[15:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> remember to roll the new JB
[15:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> for the cast sorcery action
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> Also, maybe I should make Scorning the Stars Supplemental
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> That way I can only cast it once an action
[15:59] <~Anshu> and on an attack
[15:59] <Bright_Snow> I don't think any of us have rolled JB
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah
[15:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ah, right
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> That's basically how it works
[15:59] <~Anshu> yeah, we're just sort of free-forming it
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, can I just land then
[15:59] <~Anshu> which we probably shouldn't be doing
[15:59] <~Anshu> um
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> It's okay
[15:59] <Brazen_Sand> We're supposed to *have fun*
[15:59] <~Anshu> did you not see the 11 success clinch roll?
[16:00] <~Anshu> you completely ignored it.
[16:00] <Brazen_Sand> ...oops
[16:00] <Inkwell> Never fear, sorcery man is here!
[16:00] <Inkwell> Once I get around to it, I'll just turn off his mind-hand.
[16:00] <Inkwell> Or does anybody else have Sapphire Countermagic?
[16:00] <Brazen_Sand> I didn't *post* until now
[16:00] <Brazen_Sand> My mom was crying, man : \
[16:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Ruby does
[16:00] <~Anshu> sorry
[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but she's not here since she might rust :p
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> MY MOM IS NOT GOING TO RUST DX
[16:01] <~Anshu> oh yeah
[16:01] <~Anshu> you missed that Ruby and Brazen are an item now.
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> Meh, it might've been a one-off thing
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> But one can hope.
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> Bright, you're next ;P
[16:01] <Brazen_Sand> (kidding)
[16:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, uh, should we roll join battle?
[16:01] <Inkwell> This is why you need to get into sorcery, Brazen. It's favored for all GSPs!
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> I'm still clinched!
[16:02] <~Anshu> yeah, okay, let's roll join battle
[16:02] <Inkwell> Oh, right, you're Inactive. I guess you die now.
[16:02] <Inkwell> .ex 4
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> Ah, but Disobey and Die might still work
[16:02] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [10, 5, 5, 5]
[16:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 7
[16:02] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [9, 2, 2, 3, 7, 10, 3]
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 10
[16:02] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [2, 10, 10, 1, 4, 10, 4, 4, 7, 8]
[16:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ok, 4 sux
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> YES! X D
[16:02] <Brazen_Sand> But he didn't cover my mouth...
[16:03] <~Anshu> .ex 13
[16:03] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [5, 9, 2, 10, 4, 8, 6, 6, 9, 7, 5, 3, 10]
[16:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (4 sux, -2 for the penalty of Bright Morning, doubled to 4 again due to Secrets of Future Strife)
[16:03] <Brazen_Sand> *VITRIOL BREATH*
[16:03] <Brazen_Sand> So yeah, I guess this is the part where Brazen learns a valuable lesson about teamwork
[16:04] <Brazen_Sand> Who goes first, Defiler or Brazen?
[16:04] <~Anshu> I'm gonna say Defiler on account of him having a higher pool
[16:04] <Bright_Snow> Ah JB
[16:04] <~Anshu> waiting for Snow to roll
[16:05] <Bright_Snow> Curses
[16:05] <Bright_Snow> .ex 8
[16:05] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [5, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 6, 9]
[16:05] <~Anshu> .ex 6
[16:05] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [5, 7, 8, 7, 5, 8]
[16:05] <Bright_Snow> Hold my stunt then until my actual action
[16:05] <~Anshu> right
[16:05] <~Anshu> Um... I'm just gonna say the clinch was the Defiler's action
[16:06] <~Anshu> Brazen's up
[16:06] <Brazen_Sand> hold on
[16:08] <Brazen_Sand> Elemental Suspire!
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> (should've covered my mouth) : D
[16:09] <~Anshu> ... Brazen knows an Elemental Charm?
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> It's a mutation
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> Basically lets you do Dragon Breath
[16:10] <~Anshu> ah
[16:10] <~Anshu> right, I think I know the one now
[16:10] <Brazen_Sand> I can still use reflexives after a Simple action, right?
[16:10] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise it's sort of suicidal
[16:11] <~Anshu> yes
[16:11] <Brazen_Sand> Oh good
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 20
[16:12] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 15 successes against TN 7: [1, 10, 7, 10, 10, 8, 6, 7, 1, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, 7, 7, 7]
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> Nice
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> That was for teh Vitriol blast
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen was charging HIS LASER XO
[16:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> btw, that's 13L undodgeable
[16:14] <~Anshu> Counter-Conceptual Interposition
[16:14] <Brazen_Sand> Thought so
[16:14] <Bright_Snow> I realise I haven't described what Snow was in
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> Too bad Brazen has some new charms...>: D
[16:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> nor have Inkwell and Brazen, IIRC, though for the latter it is now irrelevant in any case ;)
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> From now on, I'm just going to start the session in DTAS
[16:15] <Brazen_Sand> Seriously
[16:15] <Bright_Snow> White sun hat, One Piece, and loose fitting silk over dress which mostly covers her arms and legs to prevent sunburn.
[16:16] <Inkwell> Only bathing shorts and not very happy about it.
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> XD wow
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> Bright Snow went all turn of the century
[16:16] <Brazen_Sand> hold on once again.
[16:16] <Bright_Snow> Oh and Sunglasses
[16:17] <~Anshu> but of course.
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> back
[16:17] <~Anshu> okay
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> I'm sorry guys, I keep leaving and stuff
[16:17] <~Anshu> now snow's attack
[16:17] <Brazen_Sand> But it's been a very hectic day and my brother was just kicked out of the house in teh background
[16:18] <~Anshu> did you roll for the attack you described...
[16:18] <Bright_Snow> Should I stunt again or use the one form earlier?
[16:18] <Bright_Snow> I'll use the one from earlier if I can
[16:18] <~Anshu> maybe we should end the game here, if you have personal stuff you need to be dealing with?
[16:18] <Bright_Snow> Though I can think of a few more interesting stunts now
[16:18] <~Anshu> (and yes, use the one from earlier)
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> No no, it's over now
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> And I'm tired of the bad luck around getting this fight done : P
[16:19] <~Anshu> heh
[16:19] <Bright_Snow> 3 motes on Dex Excellency and Activating RLF
[16:19] <Bright_Snow> .ex 20
[16:19] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [6, 2, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 6, 4, 8, 2, 8, 7, 8, 3, 6, 5, 10, 5, 1]
[16:19] <Bright_Snow> Thats Seven Successes to Hit
[16:19] <~Anshu> and hits, since it's a blood ape
[16:20] <Bright_Snow> By how much because I need Damage
[16:20] <~Anshu> with a threshold of 2
[16:20] <Bright_Snow> Count as Charging for lance damage?
[16:20] <Bright_Snow> Actually I'm not travelling supernaturally fast so I'd guess not
[16:21] <Bright_Snow> So 14L damage before Soak
[16:21] <Bright_Snow> And what am I saying it was two blows
[16:21] <Bright_Snow> .ex 19
[16:21] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled 10 successes against TN 7: [7, 1, 10, 2, 1, 10, 4, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8]
[16:21] <Bright_Snow> On another Ape
[16:21] <Bright_Snow> So 6 past on the second
[16:22] <Bright_Snow> So 18L on the second presoak
[16:22] <Bright_Snow> Soak?
[16:22] <~Anshu> they both go down
[16:22] <Bright_Snow> Fair enough they are extras
[16:22] <~Anshu> speed?
[16:22] <~Anshu> of the weapon, I mean
[16:23] <Bright_Snow> 5
[16:24] <~Anshu> noted
[16:24] <~Anshu> Nomoe and the Blood Apes!
[16:24] <~Anshu> of which there are 4 left
[16:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'll let them go first
[16:24] <~Anshu> thank you :P
[16:24] <Bright_Snow> That would be an awesome name for a band
[16:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heheh
[16:25] <Brazen_Sand> XD it would
[16:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> What instruments would they play?=
[16:25] <Inkwell> Now I must go to dinner with the parents. Assume I'm counterspelling and banishing where applicable.
[16:25] *** Inkwell has quit IRC: Disintegrated: Leaving
[16:25] <~Anshu> Drums.
[16:25] <Brazen_Sand> Yup
[16:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe on strings for maximum contrast.
[16:25] <Brazen_Sand> Oh good, that asshole cna drop me
[16:26] <~Anshu> ?
[16:26] <Brazen_Sand> The Defiler who has me clinched
[16:26] <~Anshu> ah
[16:26] <Brazen_Sand> if Inkwell counterspells MHM
[16:26] <~Anshu> Inkwell doesn't come up until after you've both already gone
[16:27] <~Anshu> anyway
[16:27] <Brazen_Sand> Haven't we already done our actions though?
[16:27] <~Anshu> Nomoe and Snow each face 2 blood apes
[16:28] <~Anshu> each using Principle of Motion!
[16:28] <~Anshu> so, on Snow:
[16:28] <~Anshu> .exf 15 x10
[16:28] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled [6, 8, 9, 8, 7, 9, 6, 9, 7, 6] successes against TN7
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> : O
[16:28] <~Anshu> not likely any of those hit
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> 10 attacks!?
[16:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Principle of Motion
[16:28] <~Anshu> (two apes, 5 attacks each)
[16:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> learn to fear it :D
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Ahh
[16:28] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah I know, just didn't expect that much
[16:29] <~Anshu> although with onslaught penalties, maybe.
[16:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and I assume the same for Nomoe?
[16:31] <~Anshu> yeah.
[16:31] <~Anshu> I was waiting for Snow to respond if any of them hit
[16:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mention the attack in the IC as well?
[16:33] <Bright_Snow> Lets see my PPD is 9
[16:33] <~Anshu> >.< Durp
[16:33] <Bright_Snow> And I can stunt that up
[16:34] <Bright_Snow> And use Golden Tiger Stance if necessary
[16:35] <Bright_Snow> So PD of 11
[16:36] <Bright_Snow> 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6
[16:36] <Bright_Snow> Only one that would hit will be Dex boosted to miss
[16:36] <Bright_Snow> Costs me 2 motes
[16:36] <~Anshu> all righty then
[16:36] <~Anshu> and now on Nomoe
[16:36] <~Anshu> .exf 15 x10
[16:36] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled [5, 13, 3, 8, 10, 11, 5, 7, 7, 4] successes against TN7
[16:37] <Bright_Snow> Note Inkwell is protecting the Sand Castle of DOOM
[16:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Base DV of 11, 13 with stunt.
[16:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so that's two uses of the 3rd MA excellency
[16:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> all parried
[16:39] <~Anshu> got it
[16:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> My turn :D
[16:39] <~Anshu> mhm
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> activating OFoB and making one attack against each of them
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .exf 27 26
[16:40] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled [20, 16] successes against TN7
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with Sledgehammer Fist punch both
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I should have mentioned before
[16:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Damage is Holy, Piercing, and Enough :p
[16:41] <~Anshu> quite.
[16:41] <~Anshu> Speed 5?
[16:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> speed 5
[16:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> next
[16:41] <~Anshu> Brazen
[16:42] <Brazen_Sand> Wait, what about Defiler and Inkwell should be DISPELLING THIS EFFING CLINCH *ROAR*
[16:43] <~Anshu> he used a simple charm, speed 6
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> Inkwell?
[16:43] <~Anshu> I defaulted to Speed 5 for your action
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> Well, okay then.
[16:43] <~Anshu> Inkwell is next tick
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm, how close is he to me?
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> I'm gonna activate Blazing Avatar of Destruction.
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> So I can burn him
[16:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> aim for one tick, wait until it's dispelled, then attack?
[16:44] <Brazen_Sand> And since it's a new attack, it should get surcharged if he PDs
[16:44] <Brazen_Sand> Am I within 5 yards?
[16:45] <~Anshu> ... no.
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> Nuts
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, I'm gonna struggle to get this jerkoff to let me go XO
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> What's the roll for that?
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Str/Dex + MA
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> opposed
[16:47] <Brazen_Sand> ...Hrm
[16:47] <Brazen_Sand> Okay, well, here goes
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> don't you have abominably high strength in that form?
[16:47] <Brazen_Sand> I do
[16:47] <Brazen_Sand> But Brazen has no MA
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> while he only has his Essence as strength while using that Charm
[16:48] <Brazen_Sand> I'm still going to try
[16:49] <~Anshu> roll
[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> I am, I just need to make a stunt
[16:53] <Brazen_Sand> How's that?
[16:53] <Brazen_Sand> For a stunt
[16:53] <~Anshu> pretty good
[16:53] <~Anshu> damn good, in fact
[16:53] <Brazen_Sand> XD thanks.
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> I was wondering if the nuclear arms joke would be too much
[16:54] <Bright_Snow> What is that a Quote from?
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> It's kind of an anti-war slogan thing
[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> not if the next thing you do is the blazing avatar thing ;)
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> "You can't hug your children with nuclear arms"
[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, opposed roll?
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 15 (5 for Malfean Excellency. FUCK YOU NO ONE GRABS ME!)
[16:54] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[16:55] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 15
[16:55] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [2, 8, 1, 1, 2, 1, 10, 10, 4, 9, 5, 1, 10, 5, 5]
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If you fail I have the right comment prepared.
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, the defiler can go up to 30+ dice
[16:55] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yeah, I'll do that as an addition if he manages to get out
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> difficult
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> How? You can only increase it by (Trait+Ability)
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> At max
[16:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, but it's Willpower+Essence or something like that
[16:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> doubled that's a lot
[16:56] <~Anshu> well, he's using Essence + Occult
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> But this is an opposed roll, I thought he has to use the same type of roll
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> yeah
[16:57] <~Anshu> .ex 20
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Willpower+Occult
[16:57] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled 11 successes against TN 7: [9, 10, 4, 6, 3, 1, 2, 10, 6, 9, 3, 9, 7, 4, 4, 1, 8, 9, 8, 1]
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> ...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
[16:57] <~Anshu> Essence replaces Strength
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> Well, at least he had to use 10 motes
[16:57] <~Anshu> Willpower instead of Dex
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but you can clinch with dex
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it's your choice
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> ...Nomoe, why do you always do this to me right when I'm about to die?
[16:57] <~Anshu> I know, but I wanted to give him a little chance
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that's even how it's noted in the charm description
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> At-t-t-t-tu-tut-tut
[16:59] <~Anshu> ... that's just a misc action right?
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> I'm...not sure, actually
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what is?
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> it doesn't seem fair to be penalized even if you win the opposed roll
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> clinching is a normal attack action
[16:59] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, but preserving a clinch?
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> also
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise if a guy struggles, you could end up never damaging him
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since the one who succeeds can inflict damage
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Even if he was a weakling
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Ah, there we go.
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with threshold sux = attack sux past DV
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and normal damage, only piercing
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> k
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Do I still get to soak?
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> or use hardness?
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sure
[17:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> to both
[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, in that case he can't really hurt me >_>
[17:01] <Brazen_Sand> Maybe if he tried harder, he could give Brazen a massage XP
[17:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[17:02] <~Anshu> :P
[17:02] <~Anshu> okay
[17:02] <~Anshu> Defiler Snow, and Inkwell
[17:02] <~Anshu> Inkwell dispells the thing
[17:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> huh, I thought it was the Defiler's turn just now?
[17:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since he got to inflict damage in the clinch
[17:03] <~Anshu> no, that was Brazen struggling to break free
[17:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> he can only do that on the clincher's turn
[17:03] <Brazen_Sand> Then he gets to inflict damage, since it's the Defiler's turn now that he won the roll-off
[17:03] <~Anshu> ... really?
[17:03] <~Anshu> hm
[17:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if you're clinched you go Inactive and always go together with the other guy
[17:04] <~Anshu> my bad
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Well yeah, otherwise it would kind of be pointless to clinch stuff
[17:04] <~Anshu> we'll just go with it for right now
[17:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and can only do opposed rolls initiated by the in-control clincher
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Like you couldn't damage a baby ever
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> cause it's opposing your rolls, even if it doesn't have a chance of defeating you
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> And choking a baby to death shouldn't be that hard D:
[17:05] <~Anshu> okay, snow then
[17:05] <Brazen_Sand> I guess we assume that the clinch does no damage and brazen just taunts and curses at the Defiler?
[17:06] <~Anshu> yeah
[17:08] <Brazen_Sand> (Sorry, just had to use that IC as well)
[17:10] <Bright_Snow> There are still two Blood Apes left right?
[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[17:10] <Bright_Snow> Cool
[17:12] <Brazen_Sand> (assume that Brazen just keeps shouting this constant stream of filth in the background)
[17:14] <Bright_Snow> spending 2 motes on each blow
[17:14] <Bright_Snow> .ex 21 20
[17:15] <Pattern_Spider> target number must be between 4 and 9
[17:15] <Bright_Snow> .ex
[21, 20]
[17:15] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - number of dice has to be an actual number
[17:15] <~Anshu> use .exf
[17:15] <Bright_Snow> .exf 21 20
[17:15] <Pattern_Spider> Bright_Snow rolled [12, 8] successes against TN7
[17:15] <Bright_Snow> Both dead then
[17:15] <~Anshu> yeah
[17:16] <Brazen_Sand> hwahahaha
[17:17] <~Anshu> Brazen and Nomor
[17:17] <~Anshu> Nomoe*
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> But I already went
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> I didn't break out of the clinch. Isn't it Nomoe's turn, then?
[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but you were freed from the clinch by the countermagic
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> He did?
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, awesome
[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> though Taurus didn't mentioned that in the IC
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> Ahhh
[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no wait
[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> not if you're on the same tick as Nomoe
[17:18] <~Anshu> no, you'll go next tick
[17:18] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, I'm a bit confused. I think you should go first
[17:18] <~Anshu> nevermind
[17:18] <Brazen_Sand> Nomoe
[17:18] <~Anshu> and I'll post the dispel
[17:19] <Brazen_Sand> (that wasn't me taking an action, just describing him being released)
[17:20] <~Anshu> hey
[17:20] <~Anshu> if he wants to get stunts he can do stuff himself
[17:21] <~Anshu> so Nomoe
[17:21] <Brazen_Sand> fair enough
[17:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> basically, not doing anything :p
[17:25] <Brazen_Sand> Whoa, can Nomoe come to clean up my house?
[17:25] <~Anshu> Nothing remains to tell of their brief existence here on this peaceful bea
[17:25] <~Anshu> cuts off there
[17:26] <Brazen_Sand> this peaceful Bea Arthur
[17:26] <~Anshu> :P
[17:26] <Brazen_Sand> BEA BE PRAISED! : D
[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Guard
[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> in mechanical terms
[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> next
[17:27] <~Anshu> Brazen
[17:27] <Brazen_Sand> Blazing Avatar of Destruction
[17:27] <Brazen_Sand> 4m 1w
[17:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> just don't come too close to the sandcastle!
[17:27] <Brazen_Sand> I'm going the other way
[17:27] <Brazen_Sand> He's in the water, remember?
[17:27] <Bright_Snow> Defend Other the Sandcastle
[17:28] <Brazen_Sand> How much taller is the EVA then Brazen?
[17:28] <~Anshu> uhm
[17:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Good call, Lost :D
[17:28] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen is about 24 feet tall, personally
[17:28] <~Anshu> I think technically Hellstriders are about the same height
[17:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if they are Royal Warstriders
[17:28] <Brazen_Sand> I didn't think there was a real standardized size for them, but okay
[17:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Normal ones are a bit smaller
[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 15-20 feet
[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> IIRC
[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no idea how Hellstriders compare to normal Warstriders, though
[17:29] <~Anshu> it's as tall as it is cool for it to be.
[17:29] <Brazen_Sand> He could be as tall as you want
[17:29] <Brazen_Sand> Yeah, exactly
[17:29] <Brazen_Sand> Do you want them to just slug it out like this?
[17:30] <Brazen_Sand> Or do you want Brazen to Shadows of the Colossus this guy?
[17:30] <Brazen_Sand> Although by that point, he'd probably get noticed by the entire city. The EVA, I mean, seeing as that woudl mean he'd be taller then skyline of Chiarascuro
[17:31] <Brazen_Sand> I don't think you guys have seen this trick before, either >: D (in-character, I mean.)
[17:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we still haven't seen it ... oh now we have
[17:32] <Brazen_Sand> Jeaaaalous ; P
[17:32] <~Anshu> I'm thinking they're about the same size
[17:33] <Brazen_Sand> So yeah, since that's a new charm, I think he'd have to pay the surcharge to PD the effects of that.
[17:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Lost, is Bright Snow going to answer?
[17:35] <~Anshu> still you need to roll the attack
[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> I am, I am
[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> I'm not done describing my magnificence yet! D:
[17:35] <Bright_Snow> Sorry was distracted by something
[17:36] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 18 17
[17:36] <Pattern_Spider> target number must be between 4 and 9
[17:36] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 18 17 7
[17:36] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[17:36] <Brazen_Sand> Grargh, I'm trying to do a flurry here D:
[17:37] <~Anshu> .exf
[17:37] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - arguments must be separated by " "
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> ah
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> .exf 18 17
[17:37] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled [5, 6] successes against TN7
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> ...wah wah waaaaaah D:
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> Ah well, he still has to defend against an Unsoakable Environmental Hazard
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> (sucks back 4 motes)
[17:38] <Brazen_Sand> Graaaagh, stop being so cute you two DX
[17:38] <Brazen_Sand> I'm imagining Brazen yelling at everyone to watch
[17:39] <Bright_Snow> Technically Nomoe is watching
[17:39] <Bright_Snow> Snow is the one that isn't
[17:39] <Brazen_Sand> EVEN THE MORTALS!!
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> btw, Environmental Hazard is Trauma 5
[17:40] <~Anshu> ok
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> Unsoakable 5L damage
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> Although him getting knocked out from reducing it to bashing would be hilarious
[17:40] <~Anshu> hardness applies, does it not?
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> I don't think so
[17:41] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise GSNF would kinda suck
[17:41] <~Anshu> oh. right.
[17:41] <~Anshu> Durn.
[17:41] <~Anshu> *ponders*
[17:41] <~Anshu> all right, the Hellstrider takes the damage then.
[17:41] <Brazen_Sand> : O
[17:42] <Bright_Snow> Good good
[17:42] <Brazen_Sand> How much HP does it have anyway?
[17:42] <Bright_Snow> HL
[17:42] <Bright_Snow> HL
[17:42] <Brazen_Sand> HL
[17:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> GSNF is a late stage effect
[17:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it kicks in after damage has been rolled
[17:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> iirc
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> Actually, it's declared at the beginning
[17:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, but the damage effect comes at a later stage
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> and the point is that BAoD works *as* a GSNF for the purpose of damage and soakability
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> Except that it's an independant Environmental Hazard
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> So if you can resist Environmental Hazards, then you're safe
[17:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, armor soak doesn't work against environmental hazards, case closed ;)
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> Otherwise...well, you don't want to get into a melee with Brazen B)
[17:44] <~Anshu> it has 10 -1s and 10 -2s
[17:44] <Brazen_Sand> ...okay, we can deal with this.
[17:44] <~Anshu> or rather
[17:44] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmmm, maybe I should grabble him back >: D
[17:45] <Brazen_Sand> Grapple
[17:45] <Brazen_Sand> I guess that's what the grabburgler does
[17:45] <Brazen_Sand> Grabble grabble grabble
[17:46] <~Anshu> have you guys seen Ink Monkeys 40?
[17:46] <Brazen_Sand> Oh man, those shells should be Talismans
[17:46] <Brazen_Sand> There's a 40?! : O
[17:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> don't let yourself be distracted, though ;)
[17:47] <Brazen_Sand> I want to hear how this bad boy got hurt >: D
[17:48] <Bright_Snow> Ah it just went up a half hour ago
[17:48] <~Anshu> oh right
[17:48] <Bright_Snow> So no
[17:48] <Bright_Snow> Looking at it now
[17:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ditto
[17:48] <Brazen_Sand> ditto as well
[17:48] <Brazen_Sand> But please, carry on
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> XD can't wait til Brazen's back
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> "Brazen, why are you in your underwear?"
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> "I HAD A HELLUVA DAY VEGET-I MEAN NOMOE!" : D
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> Oh awesome, Cytherea was literally the Big Bang
[17:55] <Brazen_Sand> Anyoen there?
[17:55] <~Anshu> yeah
[17:55] <~Anshu> sorry
[17:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah ... so what's happening?
[17:55] <~Anshu> I was looking for a clip of Eva 01 screaming
[17:55] <~Anshu> but I couldn't find a good one so oh well
[17:55] <Bright_Snow> Holy Crap it gives the living name of He Who Holds In Thrall
[17:56] <Brazen_Sand> It did before
[17:56] <Brazen_Sand> Uh-oh, is it going to go berserk? D:
[17:58] <~Anshu> what was the speed of your action, Brazen?
[17:59] <Brazen_Sand> Hmmm...about 10 ticks altogether
[17:59] <Brazen_Sand> cause of the flurry
[17:59] <~Anshu> only the highest speed of a flurry counts
[17:59] <Brazen_Sand> Then 5
[17:59] <Brazen_Sand> Speed 5
[18:00] <~Anshu> Defiler and Snow this tick
[18:03] <Brazen_Sand> That article was awesome
[18:03] <~Anshu> it was
[18:05] <Brazen_Sand> (Link: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2606/mardukth.png)http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2606/mardukth.png
[18:05] <~Anshu> *is tempted to have it go berserk*
[18:05] <~Anshu> Nah, I'll wait a bit more
[18:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah. wow.
[18:06] <Bright_Snow> I'm guarding
[18:06] <Bright_Snow> Defend Other the Sandcastle in fact
[18:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I suppose I'll declare a blockade maneuvers against approaching the castle then
[18:07] <~Anshu> ... oooooh
[18:07] <Brazen_Sand> XD
[18:07] <~Anshu> maybe he will go berserk
[18:07] <~Anshu> Retribution Will Follow >=D
[18:08] <Bright_Snow> Setting up the Recorder of Everlasting Glory+ to video the fight while I play with the sandcastle
[18:08] <Brazen_Sand> That would be pretty awesome
[18:08] <Brazen_Sand> XD YES
[18:08] <~Anshu> okay berserker mode: ON
[18:08] <Brazen_Sand> We should send it throughout the Deliberative's territories as propaganda
[18:09] <Brazen_Sand> To show that, yes, we can kick ass against the Reclamation.
[18:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Deploying weapon of terror: Brazen Sand"
[18:09] <Brazen_Sand> Although with Brazen it's more lik watching an episode of Jackass
[18:09] <~Anshu> "In one corner, a hellforged monstrosity... in the other corner... another one! Whoever loses, we win!"
[18:09] <Brazen_Sand> Awwwww I'm the good monstrosity D:
[18:09] <Brazen_Sand> The kind you can have watch your kids
[18:10] <Brazen_Sand> Crowned with Fury is great for making them go to bed on time and brush their teeth
[18:11] <Brazen_Sand> So, I guess what the EVA is saying is that...brazen has huge guts?
[18:12] <~Anshu> Principle of Motion, GSNF on each attack
[18:13] <~Anshu> .exf 20 x9
[18:13] <Pattern_Spider> Anshu rolled [11, 10, 7, 7, 13, 7, 17, 6, 8] successes against TN7
[18:13] <Brazen_Sand> hmmmm, most miss
[18:13] <Brazen_Sand> I'll Sand-Slip Trick those above 11
[18:14] <Brazen_Sand> So 2 uses of Sand-slip trick
[18:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> you don#t know how many sux they have in step 2, though
[18:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> or is that a later stage charm?
[18:14] <Brazen_Sand> Okay then. Fire Hungers
[18:15] <Brazen_Sand> At E6, I should add another purchase that lets me nom motes when used against GSNF
[18:15] <Brazen_Sand> Actually, I can stunt up my defense to only need to use it once.
[18:15] <~Anshu> maybe.
[18:15] <Brazen_Sand> Against the 17 one
[18:18] <Brazen_Sand> So yeah, stunting Parry Defense up to 13
[18:18] <Brazen_Sand> Fire Hungers against the 17 one.
[18:19] <Brazen_Sand> Stunting back 4 motes
[18:19] <~Anshu> ok
[18:19] <Brazen_Sand> My turn?
[18:19] <~Anshu> yup
[18:19] <~Anshu> (I'm assuming the others are guarding repeatedly)
[18:20] <Brazen_Sand> Yaaaaaaaaaaay :B
[18:20] <Brazen_Sand> WATCH THIS VEGETA : D
[18:20] <Bright_Snow> Defend other the SandCastle repeatedly
[18:20] <Brazen_Sand> Can we take the sandcastle back home with us?
[18:20] <Brazen_Sand> It is part of history now
[18:21] <Bright_Snow> Home where?
[18:21] <Brazen_Sand> back home with you guys
[18:21] <Bright_Snow> Some of us have homes, so whose home? Also I kinda liked the idea of it just surviving on the beach for a long long time
[18:22] <Brazen_Sand> I dunno, you two can figure it out
[18:22] <Bright_Snow> Maybe
[18:22] <Bright_Snow> I'm falling asleep
[18:22] <~Anshu> I have to say I'm getting a little worn myself
[18:22] <Brazen_Sand> Don't worry, this'll all be over soon >: D
[18:22] <Brazen_Sand> Time for my Perfect Attack
[18:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh, one thing that's particularly awesome ... you can read the latest Ink Monkeys as another version of TTGL
[18:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with the Primordials as the Spiral King, who reached from the Shining Answer but gave up before he got there and instead built his kingdom (Creation)
[18:24] <Brazen_Sand> UNSTOPPABLE
[18:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So it's up to the PCs - Infernals would be the best choice probably - to go beyond the impossible, shatter the sky and try anew
[18:24] <Brazen_Sand> SEARING
[18:24] <Brazen_Sand> MIGHT!
[18:24] <Brazen_Sand> *Akuma pose*
[18:24] <Brazen_Sand> (like from Street Fighter)
[18:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *reached for the Shining Answer
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> .ex 14
[18:25] <Pattern_Spider> Brazen_Sand rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [8, 1, 8, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 8, 2, 3, 5]
[18:25] <Bright_Snow> A GSP that is also an Akuma
[18:25] <Bright_Snow> Damned Akuma
[18:25] <~Anshu> ... ouch
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> No no
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> Akuma
[18:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> It doesn't matter
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> Unstoppable Searing Might is a Perfect Attack with 2 purchases
[18:25] <Brazen_Sand> It's unblockable and undodgeable
[18:25] <~Anshu> okay.
[18:26] <Brazen_Sand> and row row fights the power
[18:26] <~Anshu> is this a newly-purchased charm?
[18:26] <Brazen_Sand> Nah, I've had it for awhile, but it's pretty deep
[18:26] <Brazen_Sand> I mean, Brazen knows this stuff cause he specializes in shit like this
[18:27] <Brazen_Sand> Oh, and BAoD is still active
[18:27] <~Anshu> okay
[18:27] <~Anshu> *debates whether this would be PDable.
[18:27] <~Anshu> Is it Obvious?
[18:27] <Brazen_Sand> Hell yeah
[18:27] <Brazen_Sand> It's a huge-ass supernova flare
[18:28] <~Anshu> okay.
[18:28] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen doesn't really do non-obvious...
[18:28] <Brazen_Sand> Cause if it's not obvious, how's anyone gonna know how awesome you are? D:
[18:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[18:29] <Brazen_Sand> Also, CCIP is PDable against anything. It's the Surcharge that's the question.
[18:29] <~Anshu> true
[18:30] <~Anshu> so yeah, CCIP
[18:30] <Brazen_Sand> Heh, the pattern-spiders in Yu-Shan must be freaking out by now
[18:30] <Brazen_Sand> surcharge or no?
[18:30] <~Anshu> I'm going with no surcharge, if it's something he's had for a while.
[18:30] <~Anshu> okay
[18:30] <Bright_Snow> Ok I'm really really going to need to go to bed now. So I'll leave the rest to you guys.
[18:30] <Brazen_Sand> okay
[18:30] <~Anshu> we need to stop for today.
[18:30] <Brazen_Sand> Night night
[18:30] <Brazen_Sand> Awwww phoooey
[18:31] <Bright_Snow> Any xp for today?
[18:31] <Brazen_Sand> I guess we'll do the stunning conclusion on Tuesday, Anshu?
[18:31] <Bright_Snow> Well yesterday mostly now
[18:31] <~Anshu> sorry. Yes, 8xp
[18:31] <Brazen_Sand> I would assume so, you did battle blood apes and stuff
[18:31] <Bright_Snow> 's ok
[18:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh, yeah. Probably will have to either skip the first lecture or consume lots of caffeine.
[18:31] <Brazen_Sand> Awwwww I'm sorry Dakk D:
[18:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> nah
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> my choice
[18:32] <Bright_Snow> Anyway, I'm about to fall asleep at the keyboard so I'll duck out now. Night
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> night
[18:32] *** Bright_Snow has left #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If you do the conclusion, don't forget to post the log
[18:32] <Brazen_Sand> Okay
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as well as that of the Defiler's visit to Gem, if that still happened
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Also, I have to say, this was one of the best sessions we've had so far.
[18:32] *** Brazen_Sand has left #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[18:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> We should do this more often ;)
[18:33] <~Anshu> beach episodes?
[18:33] <~Anshu> :P
[18:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Well, not beach episodes necessarily, but just IC stuff without doing plotty things
[18:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> slice of life, random discussions, etc
[18:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .die
[18:33] *** Pattern_Spider has quit IRC: Broken pipe
[18:33] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth
[18:34] <~Anshu> yeah, that is one thing that PBP is good for that PBIM isn't
[18:34] * dakkareth nods.
[18:34] <dakkareth> And it's one of things I enjoy the most, in the right doses
[18:35] <~Anshu> mhm
[18:36] <dakkareth> So, will we beat up Ma-Ha-Suchi next week?
[18:36] <~Anshu> we'll see
[18:37] <~Anshu> I... don't feel like thinking about it right now :P
[18:37] <dakkareth> Or was that just the emergency plot? ;)
[18:37] <~Anshu> no, I'd been meaning to introduce that development
[18:38] * dakkareth nods. It would be nice to have enemies one might actually come to a peaceful solution with (however unlikely)
[18:39] <dakkareth> Though his stated goals aren't really the sort one might perhaps sympathize with.
[18:39] <~Anshu> indeed